
Ecstasy of the Devil

Joaquin Salazar is born into a mafia family. His normal day involves killing and still going to school, as he is still a high school student. After being forced to repeat a class, he comes into contact with Kehlani Valencia. Kehlani Valencia joggles between school and a problematic household. She gets together with Joaquin, but an accident puts a great distance between them. Will the two be able to come back together? "Good evening sirs" The female server greeted. The men stared at her with wide eyes. The woman they had being searching for, for almost seven years is standing in front of them. "My name is Laura and I would be your server for the night" she conculded, her finger ring tapping lightly on the menu board. Shee felt so anxious and overwhelmeed by the men who were openly staring at her. Nothing. They still had said nothing to her. "Um, can I get your gentlemen something?" She asked breaking the silence. Nothing "Tempranillo" an ardent voice spoke, immediately catching her attention. She turned her head and that was when she met him.

AraneaeRuber · Urban
Not enough ratings
68 Chs

42- Chatting together.

Editing in Progress...

Chapter 42.

Quin was silent for a moment, but this only got Diesel more anxious about his response. Truthfully speaking, he had no idea what his response was going to be like. "Oh, it is not that much of a big deal. It was Carlos who found out who you were and where you were."

"But we had it under security lock," he stated, calmly sipping on his drink.

"Well, it would either mean your security is wack or Carlos is just that good. And not to pat on his feathers; Carlos really is good! I haven't seen anyone better than him."

"But he doesn't want to go to school?" Diesel asked in a hummed tone. 

Quin shrugged. "Yes, but its his business. He is good either way."

"And he is really friendly." Diesel added quietly, staring into his wine glass.

"What do you mean by that?" Quin questioned him, looking at him with wary eyes.

"I mean, it is clear that he would rather make friends than make enemies." He replied as his eyes tired slits, laced with a knowing look.

"And I am guessing you didn't notice." He grazed on again. He trailed his fingers around the surface of his drink.

"I don't know how someone works for you, but you don't know their gifts or usefulness? You really think someone who is that friendly won't be seen as a creep? Quin stayed quiet as he let him say his peace.

"Listen, just from the hours you have stayed here, Carlos has found out why and how Vincenzo got muted; he knows of my brother and is also clearly on more friendly terms with my commanders."

Quin was already alarmed at that. "How did you know?"

"About what?" Diesel asked, feigning ignorance

"About the fact that Carlos found out about Vinny?"

"Quin, its my mansion. Plus, it would be weird if there was something going on under my roof and I didn't know."

"So you spied on us?" Quin queried.

"Spied? That is a pretty harsh word. Quin, you were in my house. I don't need to spy on you; I have my workers, who would do it without being asked. And it just happens to be that when Carlos was talking to the gardener, another worker overheard their conversation, and you know the rest."

Quin went silent, "I see." His thoughts were not settled. But what did he expect to happen? He was inside the den of the lion, so it was really useless to fight in it.

"So, are you going to kill the gardener?" He asked.

"Well, he did spill inside information, but let me ask. What would you do in this scenario, hmm?" Diesel quizzed. He didn't plan on doing anything with his answer; after all, he wasn't going to do anything to the gardener, but still, he felt the need to push up his buttons a lot.

"I would only give off a perceived, aggressive warning. After all, it didn't seem like he did it out of ill intention." Quin expressed his own thoughts and opinions. While not giving two thoughts to it.

"I see," Diesel agreed. Then, with a sudden clap of his hands, he delightfully spoke again, "Well, then, I guess a man's life has been saved. And its all thanks to you," he beamed.

Joaquin did well to hide the shocked look on his face. Did Diesel really plan on killing the gardeners? Well, it is a forbidden rule to release information to people who aren't associated with or in the clan. 

But still.

"Were you really going to kill the gardener?" He pipped in.

"Well, it depends."

"Depends on what?"

But instead of a response, Diesel only smiled and brought the wine up to his lips.

"I guess we would never know," he said with a nonchalant tone.

Quin's eyes turned slits as he glared at him with crooked browns. "Not funny"

"I promise, I try to be."


"Piece of Shit"

"Where is this place?" He chipped in suddenly, gesturing to their surroundings. "Also, who the hell was that dude, Wade? What is the deal with him and his sister?"

Diesel looked around him, wanting to answer the questions the same way he asked them.

"This is just a simple spot for people who don't want or are tired of the loud noise and smoke in the air in the club. But they still want to drink and enjoy the fun of it."

"I am guessing its a big spot."

"Mhmm, It runs from here to the back and the other side. It doesn't reach the front, as that's the entrance."

"Hmm, I see."

"Anyway, for your second question, they are the Griffiths. And they are really a pain in the ass." Quin said nothing as he waited for him to continue.

"Like I said, I am looking for alliances with mostly people my age."

"And Wade Griffith is around our age?"

"Yeah, something like that... He is 24, by the way. And he is also the Don of The Jade Bulls."

"What about the previous Don?"

"Dead" Diesel was now staring deep at him.

"Who killed him? Wade"

"But the girl yelled something along the lines of 'I would tell my father'"

"It is a lot more complicated than that," Diesel explained.

Quin dramatically checked his watch and said, "I have time."

Diesel chuckled with a nod. "The girl, Maya, has her father; she was referring to him too."

"I don't understand; aren't they siblings?"

"Technically, they are cousins. But only a handful of people know that. Even inside their clan."


With a sigh, Diesel responded, "Because the previous Don and Maya's father are identical twins. Looking at them, he can hardly tell the difference."

Quin's brows deepened as his eyes soon began to widen in shock and realization: "Which means the members of the Jade Bulls clan have no idea that their real Don is dead?!"

Diesel nodded affirmatively. "Why go through with killing your father but still place your uncle on the seat?"

"Simply, he wanted the title of Don immediately, but his father didn't want or plan on giving it to him."

"So he killed him?"

"Yeah, they added his uncle, having him pretend like he was the real Don, and in two or three months, he retired. Fully handing the position to Wade"

"That is nuts."

Diesel shrugged it off: "Not my circus, not my monkey."

"Hm… I see."

"So, what was the marriage about?"

"Oh that? That came by when I wanted to form an alliance because, truth be told, the'real don' is more down to earth than the other one, who believes that you must be in your late forties or, at most, your late thirties to be able to be a don. Stupid mind set if you ask me."

"Of course it is a stupid mindset."

"But the 'fake Don' sold his own daughter; maybe he was paranoid. I didn't see reason to turn it down. After all, it was just marriage. I would barely notice her," he said with a dry shrug of his shoulders.

Quin nodded and asked some more, "So what is the deal with the card sh*t back there?" 

Diesel lifted his head up from picking the sugar pineapple to answer his question. "Oh that? Well, its because we fought in a no-fight zone."

"No fighting zone?"

"Yeah. Didn't you notice nobody came to stop us? Or join in? Because if they did, they would lose their card. Well, its not really a big deal, but the card is paid on subscription, so it wouldn't make sense to have it and not use it because you are picking fights."

"So they took your card."

"Yeah. I don't really mind it; I rarely go there, or else I want to swim in the pool or jacuzzi. And besides, Cassius probably has gotten his card taken more than the three of us. The piece of sh*t is a gambling addict who picks fights when the odds are against him."

"Sounds very much like him." Quin stated this in confirmation.

They laughed together as they finally decided to watch the strippers. It was as though they (the strippers) figured they were done with their conversation, as three women approached their table. They were dressed in skimpy, revealing outfits that left little to the imagination. The lead woman, a tall blonde with an ample chest and long legs, smiled seductively at Quin and Diesel. "Hi there, gentlemen," she purred. "My name's Candy, and these are my friends, Velvet and Lace. We thought you might want some entertainment tonight."

Diesel raised an eyebrow, looking intrigued. Quin nodded his assent, and the women took seats around the table. The trio exchanged glances, their eyes sparkling with mischief. Without warning, Candy slipped her hands under the table and placed them on Quin's thighs, rubbing them gently. He felt a jolt of electricity run through him, his breath catching in his throat.

Velvet, a petite brunette with an alluring smile, leaned in close to Diesel, her lips almost touching his ear. "You know," she whispered, tracing her fingers along his chest. "We specialize in making people feel really, really good."

Lace, a sultry redhead with wide hips and a curvaceous figure, slid her hand up Quin's leg, her fingers dancing dangerously close to the bulge in his pants. He couldn't help but let out a low moan as her touch sent shivers down his spine.

The women giggled, clearly pleased with the effect they were having on the men. As they continued to tease and titillate.