
Ecstasy of the Devil

Joaquin Salazar is born into a mafia family. His normal day involves killing and still going to school, as he is still a high school student. After being forced to repeat a class, he comes into contact with Kehlani Valencia. Kehlani Valencia joggles between school and a problematic household. She gets together with Joaquin, but an accident puts a great distance between them. Will the two be able to come back together? "Good evening sirs" The female server greeted. The men stared at her with wide eyes. The woman they had being searching for, for almost seven years is standing in front of them. "My name is Laura and I would be your server for the night" she conculded, her finger ring tapping lightly on the menu board. Shee felt so anxious and overwhelmeed by the men who were openly staring at her. Nothing. They still had said nothing to her. "Um, can I get your gentlemen something?" She asked breaking the silence. Nothing "Tempranillo" an ardent voice spoke, immediately catching her attention. She turned her head and that was when she met him.

AraneaeRuber · Urban
Not enough ratings
68 Chs

40- Uninvited guest

Editing in Progress…

Chapter 40

But before Diesel could caution him, Cassius was slug to the table, with Joaquin and Carlos immediately backing off from it.

"Man-handle my sister again and I will treat your fuck-up"

Joaquin and Carlos looked at Diesel. Meanwhile, Diesel's facial expression looked dead and unreadable.

No, Not unreadable.

His face did hold an expression.


It happened all too quickly, and before anyone could realize it, Wade who was taller than Diesel by two inches and also clearly bigger had been kicked very hard toward the other end of the room.

"WADE!!!" Maya gasped in both worry and fear.

Diesel mechanically walked past the sister and went to him, hands tucked in his pockets. He looked onwards to his prey.

At this point, Diesel was the predator while Wade was the prey.

Joaquin and Carlos both watched the entire event unfold, while Vincenzo pulled Cassius from the broken table.

Cassius looked at his DON with a smirk on his face.

Finally, Diesel had reached his Wade. He had taken his precious time in walking to him.

The sudden push had left Wade without the chance to protect himself.

Thus, he landed roughly and also hard on the table, breaking it with his weight. With the pain still heavy on his back, he struggled to stand on his feet.

Diesel had gotten to him just when he was barely standing. With his right leg, Diesel slammed it down to Wade's right shoulder, forcing him down to the floor.

Squatting to his pathetic size, Diesel searched his pocket, looking for one particular object.

He searched as though he expected whatever he was looking for to be there.

Seconds later his face played a sly creepy grin once he found the metallic object.

A pocket knife.

"I did tell you, not to fuck with me, else I would give you another scar. I guess idiots will still be idiots regardless of the age." Diesel stated.

Quin watched with knee eye. He wanted to see firsthand how the Don of the Blood Devils treated his people.

Flipping the pocket knife open. He teasingly dragged the knife across his face.

"Diesel, don't you dare hurt my brother AGAIN!!" Maya shouted. Though she verbally voiced her anger, her heart was filled with worry and fear.

Diesel leaned his head backward, only to acknowledge her words. But he paid no heed to it.

Realizing he wasn't going to do as she said, she made a move to her brother.

But Diesel only rolled his eyes and whistled at Vincenzo, who acted on demand.

Vincenzo yanked Maya's ponytail hard, which kept her in place as she struggled to loosen his grip on her hair.

"LET ME GO!!" She angrily cried.

Quinn stood up from where he sat. Carlos looked at him questioningly.


"I don't like the idea of sitting around while a fight is ongoing" Downing the entire Carajillo.

He smiled at him and added, "It is just not my thing" Shattering two wine bottles, he threw one toward Carlos, who caught it with ease.

The two men who stood guard with them made a move to help their Don but immediately froze on their feet.

Beneath their neck was a broken wine glass, pressed and ready to stab if needed.

"I wouldn't do that if I were you. I don't fight well with glass bottles" He stated with a mocking smile,

"Who knows what would happen if I suddenly pull back the sharp edges along your neck" Adding on, he watched as he gulped on his saliva.

"You wouldn't dare"

"I reassure you, I will"

"You will go to prison."

"I can give a list of reasons why that won't happen, but I will spare you the time and just list three important ones," Quin answered

"Firstly, I am not a citizen of America. Secondly, I will be out of your country by Sunday afternoon or night, it depends. Thirdly, the man standing over your Don, I am sure he would do something about your death. "

"Finally, from what I have concluded from this club, the mafia stays on the third floor and some on the fourth floor. I would like to believe that there have been fights if not deaths, so I doubt such a relevant person as yourself would amount to anything" he explained, as this moment blood was already dripping from his neck.

"Boss, that's four reasons" Carlos mentioned. And without looking at him, Quinn hurled the broken bottle in his hands at him. Carlos quickly dodged to prevent sudden death or deathly injury.

Diesel watched Quin and Carlos as he let out a dry chuckle. Turning his attention back on Wade whose visible expression was fear.

Silent grunts and struggles were heard from Maya as she still made frail attempts to free herself from Vincenzo's iron grip.



Diesel only rolled his eyes in annoyance and morbid irritation. Waving her hands at Vincenzo.

"You say it like I  want to"

Vinny nodded his head and placed his palm over her mouth, shutting her up.

All her continued screams turned into annoying muffles.

"Ah yes, where was I?" Finally stopping his tease with the pocket knife.

Diesel stared at him dead in Wade's eyes and with no hesitation, he slashed his face.

Previously the only scar on his face was the one along his left cheek, but this time Diesel had cut him from his right temple, through his eyes, past his nose and finally connecting it to his previous scar.

"Now you look like Ichi" He mocked, referring to an anime character. "But it's not quite right, should I make a replica?"

His question was met with screams of pain.  

"Stop screaming you are disturbing the other guests" He teased, rolling his shoulders he prepared to scar him again till he was interrupted.

"Boss, he will bleed to death if the ambulance isn't called and that would not look go with Don Griffith" Cassius informed.

Diesel sighed, rubbing his brows, "I guess that would be understandable"

Finally standing from his uncomfortable squatting position, he stretched his legs, eventually lifting his head.

Maya screamed once she saw Diesel's face. His face was covered with splashes of Wade's blood. Some drops also landed on his shirt.

Her eyes stung with tears and she aggressively pushed Vincenzo, who willingly let her go, and she ran to her brother.

"YOU DEVIL!!" Maya hurled her insults.

"Yes, I am. Next, don't slug my commander. This is just a warning." He said, throwing the pocket knife back to its owner.

"Get ready to marry this devil, sweetheart" Maya only glared at him whilst he mocked her.

Quin released their bodyguard, who quickly ran to their Boss's aid.

"So what happens now?" Joaquin asked since everyone had gone silent.

"What happens now? Well, we will be kicked out of Diamond Dominion" Cassius said with a smile.

"WHAT?!" Carlos and Quinn shouted simultaneously.

As though they were called upon, a bouncer and a waitress stood beside them.

They were escorted out of the fourth floor and back to the third floor.

Ruby Rendezvous.

But before they got in, Diesel placed his Diamond card in a tray the waitress held.

"You will receive this in two months"

"Two months?!!!" Cassius yelled in utter surprise.

"Yes, Don" The waitress replied. She wasn't rude and didn't act aggressive or overbearing.

"Then when am I going to get mine back? You guys promise one month." Cassius argued while Diesel rubbed his temple.

Quin looked at them with a confused look.

"Yes, you were supposed to receive it today but—" she trailed off, letting them complete her words themselves.

"That is not fair!! I didn't do anything!!" He cried onward, but it fell on deaf ears.

"C'mon darling, I am sure you can cut me some slack right" he flirted on.

"Flattery won't get you anywhere" she stated. But even tho she said that with a stern voice, her face was loose and very flustered.

Cassius let out a defeated sigh as he slouched his shoulders.

Vinny came forward, he waved at her to grab her attention.

"[He didn't actually fight]" he signed.

"We checked the body of Lady Maya, and she was bruised around her arm. That also counts as acts of violence"

"[At least, pity him and give him two weeks]" he bargained.

The waitress sighed, "Only because of you. Vinnie"

 Vinnie gave her a heartfelt smile.

The waitress turned to Cassius, "You will get your card in two weeks"