
Ecstasy of the Devil

Joaquin Salazar is born into a mafia family. His normal day involves killing and still going to school, as he is still a high school student. After being forced to repeat a class, he comes into contact with Kehlani Valencia. Kehlani Valencia joggles between school and a problematic household. She gets together with Joaquin, but an accident puts a great distance between them. Will the two be able to come back together? "Good evening sirs" The female server greeted. The men stared at her with wide eyes. The woman they had being searching for, for almost seven years is standing in front of them. "My name is Laura and I would be your server for the night" she conculded, her finger ring tapping lightly on the menu board. Shee felt so anxious and overwhelmeed by the men who were openly staring at her. Nothing. They still had said nothing to her. "Um, can I get your gentlemen something?" She asked breaking the silence. Nothing "Tempranillo" an ardent voice spoke, immediately catching her attention. She turned her head and that was when she met him.

AraneaeRuber · Urban
Not enough ratings
68 Chs

39- Night at the Club

Editing in Progress…

Chapter 39

"AM I WRONG?" He asked. But rather than a response he was greeted with a burst of bubbly laughter, from Carlos and Cassius, while Vincenzo and Quin looked like they would like to control their laughter.

But was impossible as their shoulders shook as they sniffled on.

"What? I don't think I said anything remotely funny"

Vinny stopped shaking as he stared in his boss's direction. His sudden silence caught their attention, and they also turned to look at what caught his eye.

And immediately Cassius and Diesel's mood flipped into a 360 degree. There was no need for any of them to tell Joaquin and Carlos that something was about to happen.

Diesel stood from his chair, and the stripper moved aside once she noticed her guest's mood change.

"Lovely Night you are having, Mr. Giordano" A man addressed.

His rudeness was impeccable. But his rude greeting was met with equal aggression from Cassius and Vincenzo. Diesel raised his hands to caution his men.

But their sudden retaliation was met with the same energy from the newly arrived guest.

"Let's be smart right now, but I will give you a pass since it would be hard for you, Don Griffith"

Veins immediately popped from Don Griffith's face once Diesel insulted him.

Joaquin stared at the 6 feet (ca. 183 centimeters) 2 inches (ca. 5 cm) man standing in front of Diesel. He exuded an intimidating air of presence. His dirty brown hair was meticulously styled and slicked to the back.

Which all in all gave him a sophisticated look. His piercing eyes were of the same shade as his hair.

Upon closer inspection, Quin noticed a few distinguishing features on his face. Firstly, there was a thin, barely visible scar mark that ran across his left cheek.

His strong jawline adds more to his already imposing size.

Just underneath the skin-tight shirt of his sleeve, Quin noticed a small, but intricate design peeking out from there. It seemed to be a black rose.

Quinn's attention was brought back to term when he heard Diesel speak, "Or do you want another scar?"

Diesel's question rang some more into the quiet night.

"I can give you more if you like?" The mocking smile had faded off his face and flipped to a glowering face.

The men stood around each other ready to go at it, just waiting for the other one to make the first move.

If they were in the Ruby Rendezvous, it would be a whole different scenario, as they could have just easily pulled out their guns.

But here in Diamond Dominion, it was a no-fight allowed. It was a free, no-fighting zone.

"Wade!! I thought I told you to wait for me at the entrance—" A female voice whined.

The sound of clicking high heels rang through their conversation. It didn't take Diesel long before he recognized the voice.

He soon let out a desperate sign.

No sooner than later, a petite woman stood beside Wade Griffith.

"Diesel!! How are you doing!" she shrieked, making the men cringe in their ears.

Diesel looked at her with clear impending anger as she swung on his arm, being very indifferent to his reaction.

"Hello, Maya, I see you are still—" He paused on his words as he searched for the right word that would not lead to a fight.

Wade watched Diesel closely as he waited to hear his next choice of words.

The level of protective instinct that Wade possessed towards his sister was truly remarkable, and Diesel knew that as a fact.

He would not think twice about physically Diesel from the fourth floor to the third if it meant being able to confront him and teach him a lesson for disrespecting his beloved little sister.

There were times that the 'sibling love' disgusted him, but he mentally pushed it far behind his head.

"I see you are still, like your usual self" he completed as he slowly removed her arm that seemed to be tightly linked to his.

Wade squinted his eyes at him, which Diesel barely even acknowledged.  

"I missed you, Diesel" Maya said, pulling away from Diesel's wrist and going for his waist.

"Oh?! And who do we have here?" She asked Once she caught sight of Joaquin and Carlos.

"I am Joaquin Salazar and this is Carlos Lector. He is part of my command"

"Part of your command?" Wade asked.

"Yes. Don Salazar is the Don of the Armani family"

"Armani family? You mean the one in Mexico?!" Wade asked.

"Ah! No wonder the accent." Maya responded with a glint in her eye.

"So you are here to ally with The Blood Devils?"

"Well, you can say it is something like that" Quin answered with his legs lazily crossed.

Carlos stood behind him. Every sigh of playfulness was wiped from his face. He took in a very stern demeanor that anyone who didn't know him would think he was a stern person.

"Hmm, I see, {clap} do well to get on his good side, though it won't benefit us, It would be more profitable for you. Don't you think?"


Quin raised brows at her and turned to Diesel, who only shook his head negatively.

Having had enough of her ridiculousness, he turned to glare at the brother, "Get your sister off me, before I do it myself. And I tell you, I won't be so nice"

Wade looked at him, he knew it wasn't a warning. "C'mon Maya, you know we don't know touch filth" But that did very little for Maya.

Cassius and Vincenzo rolled their eyes, "Oh how original" Cassius spoke up.

He came closer to Diesel and Maya. Throwing his arm over Diesel's shoulder, he gave him a loop-side grin.

Diesel sighed, knowing fully well what Cassius was about to do. Getting no response from his Don, Cassius stretched his arm out and gripped Maya's own.

He aggressively pulled it out and away from Diesel's waist. But when he pulled her off him, her weak body made it like a shove and was pushed back into her brother's arms.

"My boss said let him go," Cassius said, looking at her dead in her eyes. "Don't push it"

Wade's eyes darkened, and his jaw went hard. He wrapped his arms around his sister, all the while keeping his eyes on him.

Cassius knew what he had done and what would happen next. With that, he stood right in front of his boss.

Diesel rubbed on his brows as he slid back to his seat.

"Aren't you going to help him?" Carlos whispered, nodding his head towards Cassius.

"Not really. He can handle himself" he answered.

"How dare you!" They heard Wade yell

"How dare I? You need to teach your sister to read the room and know when and where she is not needed"

"Where I am not needed?" Maya spoke softly to herself. It was just to herself, so the men didn't hear what she had said.

Wade circumvented his sister, fully prepared to thrash Cassius.

Rather, Maya moved faster and easier toward him, she raised her hand and slapped Cassius across the face.

The slap was so hard, that his face maintained the position for some seconds.

"Do you have any idea who I am?" She asked tauntingly.

Diesel's eyes trailed from Cassius to Maya to Wade, who was in all smiles and smirks. His ears twitched in annoyance at the brother's attitude.

"I would be your Don wife and woman once he officially takes over the family, and you say where I am not needed?"

"Dare insult me and I will riddle your pathetic body with leads" She concluded her threat.

Just as she was about to turn her attention away from him, Cassius gave her arm a tight and hard squeeze. She was sure his palm would leave prints on it.

His eyes blazed with anger, and hers with the same intensity.

"Do you think because you are a girl, I can not hit you back?" He threatened.

"Get it through your thick head, you ain't marrying nobody with this nasty attitude of yours"

"You are hurting me. Let me go. RIGHT NOW!!" She screamed at him.

But rather than listen to her cries, he released one of her shoulders, cracked his fingers animatedly, and pulled it back ready to punch her.

Diesel realized the stunt he was about to pull. He immediately jumped from his seat and held the lifted arm.

But before Diesel could caution him, Cassius was slug to the table, with Joaquin and Carlos immediately backing off from it.

"Man-handle my sister again and I will treat your fuck-up"

Joaquin and Carlos looked at Diesel. Meanwhile, Diesel's facial expression looked dead and unreadable.

No, Not unreadable.

His face did hold an expression.
