
Ecstasy of the Devil

Joaquin Salazar is born into a mafia family. His normal day involves killing and still going to school, as he is still a high school student. After being forced to repeat a class, he comes into contact with Kehlani Valencia. Kehlani Valencia joggles between school and a problematic household. She gets together with Joaquin, but an accident puts a great distance between them. Will the two be able to come back together? "Good evening sirs" The female server greeted. The men stared at her with wide eyes. The woman they had being searching for, for almost seven years is standing in front of them. "My name is Laura and I would be your server for the night" she conculded, her finger ring tapping lightly on the menu board. Shee felt so anxious and overwhelmeed by the men who were openly staring at her. Nothing. They still had said nothing to her. "Um, can I get your gentlemen something?" She asked breaking the silence. Nothing "Tempranillo" an ardent voice spoke, immediately catching her attention. She turned her head and that was when she met him.

AraneaeRuber · Urban
Not enough ratings
68 Chs

38- Breakfast With Savannah

Editing in Progress…

Chapter 38

"Ruby Rendezvous" Diesel answered behind him.

"And it is for—"


"Yep, and also high-ranking thugs, gangsters." Diesel paused, watching all and every of Quinn's movements before speaking again.

Looking back, Quinn noticed how there were more bouncers than on the other floors.


"Hm? Why what?"

"There are more guards here than on other floors. Why?"

Diesel let out a somewhat dry chuckle as they stepped closer, towards their colleagues. "Well a room filled with gangsters, leaders, and mafia isn't going to be the most peaceful room, now is it?"

Quinn nodded his head as he slid into the chair that was saved for him by Carlos.

"That makes sense," Quinn answered. His eyes surveyed his surroundings.

He noticed that their eyes were on him, commenting and even pointing. He clenched his jaw and maintained and strict posture making himself look more intimidating.

Diesel's lips played coyly smile, noticing the sudden change in his demeanor.

"I see you finally noticed the looks" Diesel stated, sliding a glass of alcohol to him.

Quin crooked his brow at him, his head motioning to his drink with a pointed look, "What's that?"

"Bacardi Daiquiri. Never had it?"

"Would prefer a Margarita or Carajillo. Do you have any of those?" He asked, ignoring the '{He never Had it}' question.

"I am sure they should have it" He replied, gesturing him towards the bar table. Tapping on the table, a lean, red-haired man. Quin crooked his brows when he noticed the shades the bar-tender wore.

Who wears shades inside a building, much less a dark nightclub?

"Good evening, Don. What can I get you this night?"

"My man, over here" he began, placing his hands on Quinn's shoulder. "Wants a Margarita or Carajillo. You got that for him?"

The shaded man trailed his eyes over to Quinn, giving him a curt nod, acknowledging his presence.

"Yeah, we got those. Which would you like?"


Nodding his head, he turned around to make his order.

"Why is he wearing shades inside?"

"Dumb kids fashion, better to ignore it" Diesel replied, he hung his head low, sniffling at his laughter. Quin only rolled his eyes in comment.

The conversation meekly rolled on, on random things, "Boss, are you enjoying your time here?" Carlos's voice trailed into the space.

Carlos placed a sugar-coated pineapple in between the mafia men.

"It's okay, weird fashion but okay"

Carlos hummed his response. But suddenly his eyes went wide, "Where the hell did you get a Carajillo?" Excitement could actively be heard in his voice.

Putting a sugar pineapple in his mouth, Quinn pushed his glass Carajillo towards him.

Carlos wasted no time sipping on the alcoholic cocktail wine.


"I know right"

Soon the five men sat around a table sipping alcohol and cocktails, whilst watching the strippers dance the pole.

Cassius placed some cash on a female server that came to serve them. He later on whispered something to her.

Her response was a nod and a flustered look on her face.

"So, Quin, do you need a woman to get laid with this night?"

Quin let out an exaggerated sigh, he turned his attention to Cassius "I do remember saying I have a woman back home"

"Liar!! I asked Carlos, and he told me there is no one like that, perhaps you are being delusional"

Quin threw a hard glare at Carlos, who suddenly looked at his wine, it seemed to take more of his attention than the ongoing conversation.

"What if Carlos doesn't know her?"

"At this point, you're deep into your delusion"

Diesel sighed, ready to dissolve the pre-fight that seemed to be brewing right in front of his eyes.

"Let's go to the fourth floor" He suddenly said, lifting himself from the chair as he grabbed his drink.

Soon there was a female serving standing behind him with the tray in hand. She gently placed the wines and desserts on the tray as she followed them.

"Fourth floor?"

"Yes, I mean, I did tell you there were four floors here."

"I see." Pause. "Alright, let's head out"

They ascended to the fourth and final floor. Quin thought in his head what this floor would be like. What other types of people would be allowed here?

The door slid open, and they were stopped by the bouncer, Diesel and Vincenzo pulled out a translucent colorless card.

Same with the Ruby Rendezvous this card glittered against the neon lights at the entrance.

Diesel stepped forward, signaling the bouncer to come closer and lean further down, as the bouncer was physically taller than him.

They exchanged hushed words, with the bouncer only nodding his head in acknowledgment.

Stepping away, Diesel straightened his suit jacket and turned to his guest. "Shall we?"

Stepping inside the floor, though it was nighttime, it looked very bright.

Diamond bright.

"Welcome to the Diamond Dominion" Diesel greeted. The server lady handed the tray of wines and desserts they had brought from the Ruby Rendezvous.

"Who is this place for?" Quin asked, standing beside Diesel with his hand tucked deeply into his pocket.

Lavish and Extravagant.

These were the thoughts that ran through his head about the nightclub.

"This place? This is the VIP enclave, accessible only to those who have the money for the card" He replied, pulling out the translucent, colorless card.

It glistens like a transparent Diamond.

The room was a symphony of decadence, with a bubbling hot tub taking center stage, surrounded by plush velvet couches. Close behind it was a medium-sized swimming pool.

A private stage is set for the members to entertain them. It was a whole world separate from the chaos of the lower floors, a sanctuary where the wealthy and powerful could let loose and revel in their excesses with restraint.

The men sat down and watched the strippers on stage shake their asses and boobs for enticement.

Cassius was very hooked on it, making Quin make a mental note to tease him about it later on.

It wasn't long before they all had a woman attached to them like a second limp.

Even Quin.

"So Quin—" Diesel began sipping on a different whiskey he had brought from the third floor.


"I have been meaning to ask" This alone made his ears perk up in alert as he looked at him.

This didn't go unnoticed by the latter man, but he ignored it and continued on with his words.

"But, I know in Mexico City English is not the main language of that country, but yet both of you, speak fluent English. Though it still has the Mexican accent." He queried, his eyes filled with curiosity.

"I grew up in Nova Scotia Province in Sydney from age zero to 14"

"In Canada?"


"I thought you were Mexican"

"I am, I speak Spanish, don't I?" He answered. Diesel looked at the man in front of him.

His face didn't give off any sigh of lying, he was duly calm and not stressed.

"Alright, then" He concluded, not wanting to drag it on any longer. "How about you?" He asked, turning his question to Carlos.

"Me? Oh! I learned it from the orphanage home I grew up in. One of the mothers there loved watching English movies and series, and she would always put it on for us to learn."

"And she would also take time out of her hands to speak and teach us English"

"That's Surprising"


"Well you don't look like the type who would actively want to go to school" Diesel answered with a shrug of his shoulders as he gulped the remainder of his wine.

This distinctive answer caught the ear of Quin as he looked at Diesel suspiciously. Noticing his eyes, Diesel let out a sigh.

"What did I do again?"

"How are you so sure he doesn't like school"

"I read people just by looking at them. And he—" He answered. "Looks like someone who would do everything in his power to avoid school or teaching. I must likely spend his entire day, playing games or actively going on missions"

Once Diesel was done with his analysis, the men went silent.

"Am I wrong?" He asked. But rather than a response he was greeted with a burst of bubbly laughter, from Carlos and Cassius, while Vincenzo and Quin looked like they would like to control their laughter.

But was impossible as their shoulders shook as they sniffled on.

"What? I don't think I said anything remotely funny"

Vinny stopped shaking as he stared in his boss's direction. His sudden silence caught their attention, and they also turned to look at what caught his eye.

And immediately Cassius and Diesel's mood flipped into a 360 degree. There was no need for any of them to tell Joaquin and Carlos that something was about to happen.

Diesel stood from his chair, and the stripper moved aside once she noticed her guest's mood change.