
Ecstasy of the Devil

Joaquin Salazar is born into a mafia family. His normal day involves killing and still going to school, as he is still a high school student. After being forced to repeat a class, he comes into contact with Kehlani Valencia. Kehlani Valencia joggles between school and a problematic household. She gets together with Joaquin, but an accident puts a great distance between them. Will the two be able to come back together? "Good evening sirs" The female server greeted. The men stared at her with wide eyes. The woman they had being searching for, for almost seven years is standing in front of them. "My name is Laura and I would be your server for the night" she conculded, her finger ring tapping lightly on the menu board. Shee felt so anxious and overwhelmeed by the men who were openly staring at her. Nothing. They still had said nothing to her. "Um, can I get your gentlemen something?" She asked breaking the silence. Nothing "Tempranillo" an ardent voice spoke, immediately catching her attention. She turned her head and that was when she met him.

AraneaeRuber · Urban
Not enough ratings
68 Chs

37-Tension on the table

Editing in Progress…

Chapter 37

"Right, it completely slipped my mind. It is an investor"

"A investor?"

With a nod, he continued, "Yeah, he said something about wanting to expand our gym to more sites and places"

The table went silent. They all; more or less, had the same thoughts connecting to Marco's statement.

"Why?" Kehlani asked, voicing everyone's thoughts all together.

She blinked a little, before rephrasing her statement, "I'm sorry that came out wrong, but I mean, why would they suddenly want to expand a gym from the bad side of the city?"

"Yeah, that doesn't make much sense to me at all," Savannah stated, pushing her already eaten breakfast plate away from herself.

"That is what I want to find out as well. It seemed very fishy. So he scheduled it for Friday as he said his boss was away for a trip"

"But Friday night? Why night?" Miller inquired from his partner.

"He had explained that his boss is usually busy during the day."

"Hmm. I see"

"Yes, and also the night meeting is not fixed. We may be contacted before then to change the date or even time."

"But it still sounds very suspicious," Savannah warned, her voice crooked, and her brows furrowed as she looked at her father.

"I would be fine." He moved his hands to pat her head, which she accepted with no qualms.

"If it is not a sham, and it goes all smoothly, then it would increase our profit and even give me a better chance to take full custody of you away from your mother".

"I am already an adult. I don't necessarily need you both," Savannah answered nonchalantly as she slapped his hand away from her head.

Kehlani smiled to herself, seeing as they both seemed to get along with each other. Well, better than her and her accursed father.

"And it isn't like I can't make my money," Savannah stated, making Lani's smile drop as she had completely ruined the moment.

"You still plan on racing?"

Savannah crocked her brows at him, looking rather shocked at his statement. "When did I say I wasn't going to?"

"You say it like you are the person behind the wheels." Miller laid down the sarcasm for her.

They all looked at Kehlani for her own opinion, but she only gave a sheepish smile.

"I am sorry Marco, I really need the money to pay for my father's ever-piling debt," She stated.

They all knew about her family issue and sympathized with her, but it was the most they could do.

Marco even offered her to move in with them, since her brother was barely around. She could easily stay with them until she became an adult.

"The money, even after splitting it between Savvy and Jamie, it can cover his interest and part of the main debt"

"What about your meals?" Miller questioned, his face riddled with worry.

But she only snorted, "Hopefully my brother would be back before I pass out from starvation"

"I would prefer you came over for dinner and Savannah would bring lunch for you"

Kehlani only smiled and muttered her appreciation.

"But you do have a shitty family," Miller added casually.

"MILLER!!" Savannah's screeching voice rang out, startling the members on the table.

"What?! It is not like I am wrong?"

"Well—" Savannah began saying, but was cut off by her father.

"Well, your opinion wasn't needed. You could have hurt the little girl's feelings"

Their continuous bickering arose something from Kehlani, and she began laughing hard. So hard that tears trailed down her eyes.

They all soon stopped their conversation, and only stared at her.

"Ah, hmm, she has officially lost it"

"Shut it, MILLER!" Marco uttered.


New York City

The neon lights of the club flickered against the darkness of the night, casting a surreal glow on the bustling streets below. Inside, the pulsating music reverberated through the air, drowning out the cacophony of voices as patrons danced and laughed.

 Two black and blue Sedans and Audi vehicles pulled up in front of 'The Diamond Lounge'

"This is the place?" Quin asked, stepping down from the Audi he was given. Carlos and Cassius came out right after him.

"Why? It isn't up to your standards?" Cassius teased, coming around to his side.

"It was a random rhetorical statement, and I reassure you, didn't need your 2 cents input" Quinn's sharp response didn't skip a beat, as though he already knew Cassius was going to say something.

"Can you both, I don't know, go a full day without wanting to slice each other's head off?" Diesel commented. Vincenzo stood in his place behind Diesel. He rolled his eyes, having realized that Cassius was picking fights with the guest.

"Follow," Diesel stated, while he walked towards the bouncer at the entrance.

Diesel showed a crimson card. Though it was crimson, it still sort of sparkled when it was hit with the club lights.

The men stepped into the labyrinth of luxury and decadence. The music blasts, strippers dancing. Drunk teens rubbing sweaty bodies on each other.

Quin causally scanned his eyes through the entire floor, admiring and also taking note and detail of everything that was there.

His observation was soon cut short when he felt a tap against his shoulder blades. Turning, he notices Cassius, Vincenzo, and Carlos heading in another direction.

"We are not staying here. " Diesel's answer made him confused. His brow furrowed slightly as he looked at him questioningly, waiting for answers.

Walking in front of him, he signaled for him to follow, which he did.

They made their way through the throng of revelers. They entered the elevator before Diesel began explaining.

"The Diamond Lounge is divided into four floors, okay?" Quin nodded as his eyes trailed the elevator buttons. There were indeed four buttons on the wall.

"The First floor, which is the one we just left, is called 'Sapphire Haven'. It is mainly a playground for the young and reckless kids. It is also filled with self-proclaimed elites and wannabe socialites who flaunted their wealth and status".

"Some of them would most definitely be under-aged," Quinn's surprised statement was met with Diesel's nonchalant shoulder roll.

"Well, it is not as though Fake IDs weren't a common sight on that floor," Quin only hummed his response.

"Regardless, There is the second floor." Quin pressed on the number two of the elevator, and seconds later, the door opened, revealing another floor.

Stepping out, Diesel leaned against the nearest wall while Quin looked around. "The second floor is called 'Emerald Enclave' It is a sanctuary for the city's elite business executives and women. Here, the air was thick with the scent of money, as deals were brokered over glasses of expensive champagne and also the clinking of fine crystal. It is a world of power and privilege, where appearances matter above all else"

"Is it called an emerald enclave because the lights are only in shades of green? I also noticed it back at the Sapphire Heaven"

"Yes actually, and also with the cards," He answered, pulling out the card he had previously shown the bouncer.

"All the cards are of the same color. Sapphire Haven is blue. Emerald Enclave is green."

"Oh, I see. {pause} Shall we leave?" Diesel asked.


Stepping back into the elevator, "To the third floor?"

"I believe that's what comes after the second" He agreed, pressed the button, and they were immediately met with a red room.

It didn't take long before Quin, the people who stayed on this floor. And it only confirmed his thoughts once he saw Carlos and the other men.

"Ruby Rendezvous," Diesel answered behind him.

"And it is for—"


"Yep, and also high-ranking thugs, gangsters." Diesel paused, watching all and every of Quinn's movements before speaking again.