
Ecstasy of the Devil

Joaquin Salazar is born into a mafia family. His normal day involves killing and still going to school, as he is still a high school student. After being forced to repeat a class, he comes into contact with Kehlani Valencia. Kehlani Valencia joggles between school and a problematic household. She gets together with Joaquin, but an accident puts a great distance between them. Will the two be able to come back together? "Good evening sirs" The female server greeted. The men stared at her with wide eyes. The woman they had being searching for, for almost seven years is standing in front of them. "My name is Laura and I would be your server for the night" she conculded, her finger ring tapping lightly on the menu board. Shee felt so anxious and overwhelmeed by the men who were openly staring at her. Nothing. They still had said nothing to her. "Um, can I get your gentlemen something?" She asked breaking the silence. Nothing "Tempranillo" an ardent voice spoke, immediately catching her attention. She turned her head and that was when she met him.

AraneaeRuber · Urban
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68 Chs

36- After Dinner Plans

Editing in Progress…

Chapter 36

"Vincenzo boldly spoke up about it but the guy, Kellan, that's his name, he drugged him with lidocaine, till he slowly began losing feelings in his tongue"

"Tell me he is dead?"

"Yes, Brutally murdered by Diesel, Vinny didn't want to leave since it was them that took him in, but he asked not to be part of the heads"

"But seeing the loyalty from him, Diesel didn't accept but rather gave him the 3rd in command, at least he wasn't directly under the Don."

" I genuinely thought he was deaf and dumb, so he is only dumb?"

"Yep. He can hear in on every single conversation, but he purposefully ensures that they know he is 'deaf and dumb'"

"But they told us immediately we arrived. Which means—"

"They truly wanted to ally with us without being deceitful"

Quin sighed, throwing himself onto a chair. The way he sat, the chair was placed in a reverse position while he sat, man-spread behind it, "I feel like you are trying to tell me something?"

Carlos scratched behind his head, "Was I too obvious?" But Quin cocked his brows at him, not wanting to get pissed at him.

"I am not joking, Carlos. {breathes} Be careful of your next words"

{He just threatened me, right, Santi!! Come, save me} Carlos prayed in his mind.

"Well, erm- what I am trying to say is, why don't we reduce our suspicion of them? Or better yet, why don't we put off the hostility for now?" Once Carlos had offered his own 'opinion, his back was pressed against the wall. He had placed a large amount of space behind them.

"Carlos, why are you moving back? If someone sees you, they would think I am trying to hurt you or something"

"Well, aren't you going to?" Carlos replied without wasting a heartbeat.

There was a subtle silence before Carlos finally realized what he had said.

"I didn't mean it like that"

Quin only sighed and looked at him, "Think about this with me, I am a bad guy, you need money, maybe um- for your mother's treatment or something and I give you the money"

"Does that equal to me being the good guy?"

"Well not really"

"Or let's say, you are thirsty, and I give you water, but I added a slow active poison inside it, and you die the following month. Am I a good guy or a bad guy"

"Well um- a bad guy clearly"

"Why? But I gave you water, if I didn't give you water at that moment, you would have died"

"But still I still died, but a month later"

"What if I lied to you? And told you that— let's see, I am a doctor, and I tell you to have a month to live?"


"Wait and listen" He commanded, he wasn't a hard threatening command, it was a soft, bone-thrilling command, it shook Carlos with so much fear that he kept his head low till he was done talking.

"As I was saying, I am a doctor, and I tell you have a month to live? Then you die exactly the time range, does that make me a good guy?"

"No, you already lied, and given your lie, the one-month warning was just so the slow active poison could take place"

"CORRECT!!" Quin shoots up from his chair, knocking it down. "Then when he dies, will I be a good guy to him or a bad guy?"

"You would still be a good guy in his eyes. But humanly, you would be a bad guy"

"Now mix your answer with the Blood Devil scenario"

The Blood Devils, to align it with what Quin was saying, simply means that they are just looking like good guys to us but rather, they are setting up something larger, or bigger, and also or even more dangerous than we think.

"I see what you are trying to say"

"Thank Goodness" Quin was silent for a moment, you looked at Carlos, and he soon began feeling bad for him.

Carlos was a very friendly dude and was always eager to make friends rather than enemies, He wasn't gullible, but he would rather not view everyone he sees or meets as an enemy.

Quin personally wouldn't be surprised to hear that Carlos knew and befriended every Armani member.

"But still could we keep the suspicion on the low? I mean, we will still be suspicious of them but not um— how do I put it"

"But not the way it is very visible like I do?"

"Your words not mine" Carlos was very quick to add on.

Quin chuckled on a low, "I understand. Now go get ready"

"For some hot chicks" Carlos answered brightly. Joaquin only just rolled his eyes with a light chuckle.

He soon began scrolling through his phone.

"Girlfriend, huh?" His thought alone brought a picture of one person


He scrolled through his contact list searching for her number, and he soon then realized that it was non-existent.

He had remembered previously wanting to get it.

"Does Carlos have it?" he asked himself, "Well knowing him, it would be a shocker if he didn't"

He realized even though he had it, she might not want to talk with him, after all, he had a one-sided beef with her.



It was his ego that prevented him from asking for her number or even wanting to know who had abused her that day.

"When I get back, I will make it right" he muttered.


The morning sun peeked through the curtains, casting a warm glow over the breakfast table where Savannah, Kehlani, Marco, and Miller sat.

Savannah poked at her scrambled eggs, her appetite had been dampened by the thick tension radiating from her father. Marco, with his weathered face and hardened eyes, it seemed distant as he sipped his coffee.

Kehlani and Miller felt as tho they were intruding, they had previously opted to head to the living room to have their meal. But had received a heavy glare and glance from Marco and Savannah respectively. So they decided to tough it out and not add any irrelevant input… But now.

"I am going, and there is nothing you or anybody will do to stop me," Savannah stated, not leaving room for any argument or external comment.

Marco let out an aggregated sigh while looking up at his daughter, "Savannah, you can't, That place is going to be filled, not Packed with Mafia men and gangsters. It is too dangerous for a young girl like you"

Regardless of the father's worrisome cry, she didn't back down.

"I am very much aware of that, but still, that is a large amount of money. And besides, Jamie is driving and is going to be our bodyguard. So it is not as though we planned on going ourselves"

'But we didn't though, it was Jamie that offered by himself.' Kehlani thought to herself as she sipped on her coffee.

But the thought was kept and locked up in her head.

"Jamie? That boozer and rascal? That's who you are putting your trust and safety in?"

"Well, Yes, he is my friend, and he also got me the car Lani is going to use for the race. Therefore, he has one hundred and one reasons to attend or even bodyguard"

Miller breathed out, showing placid signs that he wanted to add his 2 cents into the conversation, "If you are so worried about her, why don't you go instead?"

"You are supposed to help me or, better yet, be in support of me and not give her more options to oppose me"

"I am not '{opposing you}'" Savannah said, cutting sharply into their conversation.

Marco breathed a sigh, he didn't have the mental strength to argue with his daughter. All he wanted was only to knock some senses into her head.

Turning to answer his friend, "I would have done that without wasting a heartbeat, but I have a meeting that day"

"In the night?" Lani spoke up with sincere curiosity.

"Yes. For some crazy reason"

"And who are you having this meeting with, and how come I know nothing of their existence?" Miller asked.

He had every right to ask as they both shared split ownership of the Gym. He also had to give his one opinion on certain matters.

"Right, it completely slipped my mind, it is a businessman"

"A businessman?"

With a nod, he continued, "Yeah, he said something about wanting to expand our gym to more sites and places"