
Ecstasy of the Devil

Joaquin Salazar is born into a mafia family. His normal day involves killing and still going to school, as he is still a high school student. After being forced to repeat a class, he comes into contact with Kehlani Valencia. Kehlani Valencia joggles between school and a problematic household. She gets together with Joaquin, but an accident puts a great distance between them. Will the two be able to come back together? "Good evening sirs" The female server greeted. The men stared at her with wide eyes. The woman they had being searching for, for almost seven years is standing in front of them. "My name is Laura and I would be your server for the night" she conculded, her finger ring tapping lightly on the menu board. Shee felt so anxious and overwhelmeed by the men who were openly staring at her. Nothing. They still had said nothing to her. "Um, can I get your gentlemen something?" She asked breaking the silence. Nothing "Tempranillo" an ardent voice spoke, immediately catching her attention. She turned her head and that was when she met him.

AraneaeRuber · Urban
Not enough ratings
68 Chs

26- Found

Editing in Progress…

Chapter 26

SHE SENT THE PICTURE together with Savannah and called her brother back. "See, we are perfectly fine"

"How did your phone get to the man?"

"The man is Savannah's father, she said she wanted to get something from his gym and that was why we went there. I left my phone there and didn't remember it till this evening"

There was another silence, and a pacifying sigh escaped the three men's lips.

"Don't do this again" He kindly added.

"Yes, I am sorry. It wasn't intentional. I swear" She said quietly.

Santi took the phone away from Quin so he could drive more comfortably. "That is alright". She hummed her response to him.

"Are you staying over there tonight?"


Santi went quiet again before Lani spoke again, "Is something wrong?"

"Just make sure to lock the room door"

"Hey!!! My dad is not a creep!!!" Savannah yelled through the phone.

An irk mark appeared on his temple as he seemed mad at the young girl's words. "You should be glad that I am letting my sister be friends with you"

Savannah rolled her eyes, even tho she knew they couldn't see her, "It's not like she will listen to you and stop"

"Listen here you little piece of—"

"Okay!! Now that is enough insults and yelling for the night!" Kehlani interjected immediately, as she suspected an upcoming fight between her best friend and her brother.

She removed from the loudspeaker that it was previously on, "We need to go eat our dinner"

"It is probably cold by now" Savannah stated, but Lani only shrugged in response.

"What did you make?" Her brother asked, his tone was now back to normal as he spoke more comfortably with her.


"And is getting cold!! Come on!!" Savannah's voice sang in anticipation as she wanted to eat now that the phone had been found, and the brother had been called. Everything was smooth and alright. The only thing that was left was the fact that they hadn't eaten.

"Good night Santi"

"Alright, Good night" He ended the call and dropped his phone in the space between the driver's seat and the passenger's seat.

Santi let out a relief sigh from his lips, he finally was both mentally and physically relaxed.

"Are you good now?" Xavier teased. Santi turned his head and his eyes turned slits, but Xavier had a funny grin playing across his lips.

"I mean, you looked like you were about to slaughter anything on sight" He pestered some more.

"Boss I am being bullied by my co-worker, please do something" Santi snitched on.

"That's enough Xavier" Joaquin ordered, but you could see the sly and playful smile on his lips.

"No, No, No it's not enough… till I have had my fill," He told Quin before turning back to Santi "You know you have a sister complex," he asked.

But instead of replying Santiago just kept mute, he suddenly found interest in the night sky.

"You know, huh?!" Xavier yelled at him again.

"Oh, would you shut it already!!!" Santi yelled back. The car was silent for a while before Quinn's shoulders began to shake and sounds of chuckle escaped his lips. It soon then became contagious, and the two other men also began laughing.

But unknowingly to the two men, Quin was laughing at their dumb antics, but instead, he was laughing at the fact that Lani was found.

He was relieved.

He didn't know what he would do if they didn't find her, or if that man really did something vile to her. Truthfully he didn't care too much about the other girl that was with her -Savannah- Kehlani to him was his priority and he had his priority straight and simple.

He slowly unclenched his hands from the steering wheel. There were visible prints of his fingers pressed in, so deep, into the soft form of the wheel.

"We are going to your house, right?" Santi asked.

"Yes" He replied, "Are you coming also? Or do I drop you off" He asked Xavier.

"Yeah, and besides my car is at your house, remember?  We left it after school" He reminded, Quin only hummed in response.

Finally, they arrived at their destination, after their little roundabout journey.

Quin collapsed on his bed once he came in. He didn't even bother to pull off his clothes. He just laid on his bed thinking of nothing, or so he hoped.

His thoughts trailed to Kehlani and the argument today or, more correctly, his one-sided argument he seemed to be having with her.

'Maybe when Monday rolls around, I would just talk to her and act normal.' He arranged his thoughts.

It was clear that he was bothered by the fact that they were not conversing, but his pride and ego are so unreasonably colossal, and all hell be damned if he apologizes about anything.

Surfing through his chats for any missing messages to read or reply to, 'Ah! Right, I don't have her phone number, but Xavier does' And that was very upsetting to him. Just the idea of Xavier having her number, but he didn't?!

He was going to find a way to get it. But either way, he was going to end up getting it.   

[Boss?] Carlos texted.

[?] Carlos rubbed his forehead at Joaquin's response. He needed to learn how to have a conversation with someone.

[I still have the location of Lani and Savannah. Do you still need it?]

[No not really. She is safe, so there isn't any point to it]

[Yes Boss!]


"You Know, your brother is very Scary" Marco stated as they sat down for dinner. The dinner had to be microwaved again as they were all too busy to eat immediately.

"Huh?" Lani asked, her head bent to the left in confusion, as she ate her tortilla. "I did not notice that"

"Of course you didn't. I am telling your brother hates everything that moves, that isn't you or his friends that he hangs out with"

"Oh c'mon, don't exaggerate it that much"

"Oh, you do know it's true?!" Miller spoke up, also joining in on the conversation.  

"Well, he doesn't hide his disdain towards other people very well so, I guess it is safe to assume that he is not a very social person"

"Exactly!!" Savannah quickly interjected. But Kehlani stomped on her legs before she could continue her statement.

"But that doesn't mean he hates everything that walks"

"He does actually" This was going to start an argument if Lani were to respond, so she decided to be the mature one and just stop it before it escalated.

"Did you see the flier?" Miller asked.

"You mean the one for the recent car race?" Lani replied, and Miller nodded in confirmation.

"Of course. We are entering the race"

"And I am against it" Marco stated, clearly affirming his discontent with the girl's participation in this race. Savannah looked at her father, clearly not liking his opinion.

"It's good money, and it's not like we are killing anyone" She taunted. Kehlani and Miller inwardly winced, clearly knowing where all this was heading to.

"All I am saying is little girls like you should not be in things like that"

"Little girls? In case you forgot, when you went to prison, but I am already eighteen years old"  

"Well, Kehlani here is still seventeen and a fucking minor."

"Well, she isn't your daughter so, what's it to you?!" She yelled.

Kehlani was confused as to why she was mad at her father. Why are they even arguing in the first place?

She moved her sights to Miller, who didn't seem to care about what was happening. Her eyes gave movements for him to do something about the family's arguments.

She sighed as she opened her mouth to put an end to their argument, before Savannah turned to her, "Don't you agree?"

"Huh?" She looked visibly confused at the question. Her perplexed reaction caused Miller to snicker, which made her glare at her.

She sighed and looked at her friend, "Of course"

"You see!!"

Marco rolled his eyes at his daughter, "She wasn't even listening"

"Anyway, we are doing it."

"I never said you shouldn't" Savannah's lips folded shut. "I just said I didn't like the idea" He looked tired and stressed, maybe from arguing with her.

"Just take care of yourselves," he said with a soft voice. A faint blush spread across Savannah's cheeks to her ears and down her neck.

"Hmm," She hummed her own words. Kehlani's only smiled at her silly friend as they continued dinner.


[You will be leaving for New York next week]