
Ecstasy of the Devil

Joaquin Salazar is born into a mafia family. His normal day involves killing and still going to school, as he is still a high school student. After being forced to repeat a class, he comes into contact with Kehlani Valencia. Kehlani Valencia joggles between school and a problematic household. She gets together with Joaquin, but an accident puts a great distance between them. Will the two be able to come back together? "Good evening sirs" The female server greeted. The men stared at her with wide eyes. The woman they had being searching for, for almost seven years is standing in front of them. "My name is Laura and I would be your server for the night" she conculded, her finger ring tapping lightly on the menu board. Shee felt so anxious and overwhelmeed by the men who were openly staring at her. Nothing. They still had said nothing to her. "Um, can I get your gentlemen something?" She asked breaking the silence. Nothing "Tempranillo" an ardent voice spoke, immediately catching her attention. She turned her head and that was when she met him.

AraneaeRuber · Urban
Not enough ratings
68 Chs

25- Misunderstandings

Editing in Progress

Chapter 25

TURNING THE Turning the shower nub off, Kehlani stepped out of the bathtub with a towel around her body and one on her head.

She came out of the bathroom to see Savannah all dressed and ready for the night. They had finished cooking the tortillas not quite long ago. They took so long to make them because they were going back and forth as to what to add to it, getting distracted either by their conversation or the music that was playing in the kitchen with them.

Kehlani sat down on the bed as she began dressing for the night, "What plans do you have for Saturday, tomorrow?" Savannah asked.

"I was thinking you would go train with me for the race. Isn't that all there is to do?" Lani questioned, lifting her head from what she was doing.

"Hmm, I guess so" She hummed in reply. "You do need to train, tho."

She grabbed the tablet she used to collect insights for the race, "Multiple other racers are driving the race. Example—" she stated before beginning to swipe through.

"For example, we have Gearshift, Maverick, Speed Star, Nitro, Stromrider, Thunderbolt, Blaze, Steele and so on. But those are the main people we need to look out for"

"I have raced with Nitro and Speed Star before, haven't I?" She asked buttoning up her nightshirt.

"Yes and also Stromrider and Gearshift, the only people you have never raced with are Blaze, Steele, Gearshift, and Thunderbolt"

"Oh, I see, so how do we maneuver through this?"

"I already drew out some pre-recorded videos of their races and should be good if you watch them and also train hard together with it."

"Alright! I will leave it all to you manager" Lani said with a teasing smile.

"Hey, I forgot to ask, but did you tell your brother you were sleeping over tonight?" Savannah asked casually as she continued swiping through the screen of her tablet.

Hearing no response from her friend, she lifted her head to stare at her friend, whose eyes were widened as saucers.

"Dude, you did not!" Savannah shrieked out very loudly.

Lani's face morphed into a painted horror as she slowly nodded in confirmation, "Shit! I didn't!"

"What the hell are you waiting for, go call and tell him" she ordered. The room soon became hectic as the two girls began running around looking for her phone.

"I am pretty sure that your phone is flooded with calls and text messages from him by now" Savannah teased. It was a secret that Santiago was very protective of his younger sister. Though he wasn't always home, every time, he made sure to text her about his whereabouts and he also expected the same thing.

It was clear he was trying to tell her that they only had each other, and they had to keep each other active on the phone just in case there was a sudden emergency. Kehlani turned her bag inside out, just because she was searching for her phone.

"Where the hell is it?!" she yelled, throwing her things all around.

"What are you looking for?"

"My phone, I can't find it!!"  She proceeded to search Savannah's bag, maybe she slipped it there and forgot about it, as she wouldn't put it past something she would do.

But unfortunately for her, it wasn't there. She was in a very deep predicament. Now had a missing phone and an angry brother.

"Why don't we retrace our steps for today?" Savannah offered an idea. Lani solemnly nodded, and they began recounting the events of what they did today.

"School? Marco's gym and Jamie's workshop, we didn't go anywhere after Jamie's shop and just came back here, so where did it go to?"

"Could you call Jamie and ask him if maybe I felt it at his workshop?" She asked, Savannah snapped her fingers at the idea.

"Yeah! You may have left it in the car when you were inside it?" Kehlani's eyes widened at the reminder.

"Yes that's true I was inside the Audi, that was the first thing I touched once I entered his workshop. Please call him!!" She calmly demanded.

"Oh! And also, after calling Jamie, call my brother just in case. I don't think it would be a good idea to go no contact with him till morning"

"Yeah, we may find the police at the front of our door by the morning" Savannah teased at her.

She heard the phone ring before Jamie's loud voice rang out. He was laughing hard with someone. A girl. The female's voice slowly began to get distant and low as tho giving privacy to Jamie.

"Hello girl, what's up?" He called out.

"Hey Jamie, could you check if Lani's phone is in the Audi? Or anywhere around your garage?" she had placed the call on speaker so that Lani could hear in on the conversation.

"Yeah please?" Lani added her plea to it.

  "Alright," He answered.

"Thank you," The two girls said at the same time. There was a little silence, then shuffling sounds could be heard from the background and then a door unlocked and more shuffling before the door finally closed in.

"Sorry girls, I didn't find it" He reported.

"Are you sure? Like, did you check the space in between the driver's seat and passenger's seat?" Kehlani asked anxiously. Was she going to lose her phone in one day just because of her carelessness?

"I didn't find it," He said truthfully. "How about try calling it, if someone picks it, you could tell them to hold on to it?"

"That's if the person doesn't steal it," Savannah said forlornly. She looked up to see Lani looking so dejected.

"Chill, we would find it" she spoke calmly to her, but Lani only nodded in response.

"Hey, have you called your dad? You remember you came from there before you arrived at my shop" Jamie offered more ideas.

Savannah looked back to see the clock, "Marco would soon come back, so we would ask him about it. But we need to call her brother so he doesn't call the cops on us or something"

"Alright," He responded before cutting the call off and going back in. Savannah handed Lani her phone to dial her brother's number. While it rang, the girls heard footsteps and Marco's voice.

"Savannah!! Is Kehlani here with you, her brother called!!" Savannah?!" He called out multiple times.

"Maybe she went to her mother's house?" Miller asked.

"Nah, it is the weekend she stays with me" Marco answered, dropping his bags on the couch. He was about to call out again when he heard a series of footsteps.

"Marco!! Are you with Lani's phone?"

"Marco!! Are you with my phone?" they both said in chorus.

"You silly girl, you left your phone at the gym and your brother was blowing up your phone like you had gone missing for a week or something" He reprimanded, lightly tapping her forehead with the phone.

She smiled sheepishly, taking the phone from him, and told him thank you. She soon left the family and went to ease her brother's worries.

Once she unlocked her phone, a massive flood of messages and missed calls came in. She inwardly winced at the messages, each of them asking about her whereabouts and multiple messages. Savannah was right about the pile of messages.

"Told you, you would get so many messages," Savannah said from behind her. "Oh look there is even one about me" she pointed at a message

"Seems like he was also worried about you," Lani said.

However before Savannah could respond Santi's call came immediately.

"Dude 30 mins up!! WHERE THE HELL IS MY SISTER AND HER FRIEND?!?!" His voice howled through the phone. It was so shrilly and menacingly dark that she had to pull it off and away from her ears.

She looked up at her friend who also had a shocked look.

"Santi calm down" She heard Xavier say.


"We don't know that for sure, and we already called Carlos, he would get through the line and find her location"


The phone was suddenly yanked from Santi's hands while he was arguing with Xavier. Their argument was so loud that she wasn't even able to pitch in a word.

"Mate, Where are the girls? We gave you thirty minutes as you demanded, the girl's location right now!!" Joaquin's voice wasn't as loud as her brothers, but it also had the same dark and authoritative tone. It did not sound like the normal Joaquin that she knew.

"Quin, it's me, Lani" She finally said. There was a long pause, that it seemed like the line had gone off.

"Hello?" She called out.

"Lani are you alright?" Quin asked, he was really calm while asking, as though he is trying not to startle her in the dire situation.

"Yes I am"

"And Savannah?"


"You are not hurt, are you?"

"No, I am not and—"

"Dammit Kehlani where the hell did you go to? What about your friend? Is she safe with you?" Santi's voice rang through the phone. It sounded filled with worry.

"Yes, I am fine, or we are fine"

"They are not forcing you to say that, right?" Xavier's voice came into the phone soon after.

"No, they aren't, they aren't even here. I am with Savvy in her room"

"Send a picture" Quin demanded. And Santi agreed. She sighed at the unnecessary demand, but she did so anyway.