
Ecstasy of the Devil

Joaquin Salazar is born into a mafia family. His normal day involves killing and still going to school, as he is still a high school student. After being forced to repeat a class, he comes into contact with Kehlani Valencia. Kehlani Valencia joggles between school and a problematic household. She gets together with Joaquin, but an accident puts a great distance between them. Will the two be able to come back together? "Good evening sirs" The female server greeted. The men stared at her with wide eyes. The woman they had being searching for, for almost seven years is standing in front of them. "My name is Laura and I would be your server for the night" she conculded, her finger ring tapping lightly on the menu board. Shee felt so anxious and overwhelmeed by the men who were openly staring at her. Nothing. They still had said nothing to her. "Um, can I get your gentlemen something?" She asked breaking the silence. Nothing "Tempranillo" an ardent voice spoke, immediately catching her attention. She turned her head and that was when she met him.

AraneaeRuber · Urban
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68 Chs

27- Dinner with the Ramirez

Editing in Progress…

Chapter 27

Joaquin pressed lightly on the break as he finally pulled to a stop. Coming out from his, Quin sent a hard glare towards the Armani's clan house. He was so annoyed about yesterday's text message.

He had thought he was dreaming about it, but when he woke up to confirm it in the morning, he was shocked into annoyance.

The passenger's door opened and Carlos stepped out of the car. He had also gotten the same text message. Carlos had arrived at Joaquin's house late in the night, he was so drunk and wasted that he ended up passing out in between the dinner table and living room.

Yawning widely, Carlos lazily looked at his boss Quin, "You coming in out not?"

"I don't want to go to New York" Quin grumbled to his friend as they both walked up the short three steps to the front door. They arrived at the lobby and the lady there smiled at them seductively, completely forgetting that she was way older than them.

The two men got into the elevator, Carlos pressed the red button going to the penthouse on the roof.

"I personally just want to sleep, I didn't get enough sleep"

"Why? Went clubbing with Big Bill?" Quin asked as he watched Carlos lean toward the nearest wall to get more sleep.

"I was playing 'questions' with Bill"

"Questions? What is that?"

"To be honest, I was also fucking confused when I heard it, but he explained it was just a game where we ask each other questions"

"What are you two? Girls?" Quin spoke with a mocking tone, which Carlos readily ignored.

"So, I accepted, you know because there wasn't anything to do at that moment and, it won't hurt to get to know him more… right?"


"That's what I thought, but all his questions were all about you" Carlos informed widely.

This new information was a choker to Quin. Quin personally didn't live in the clan house, and he only came by for meetings or if his mother forced him to come by because she missed him.

Therefore, if it wasn't for these reasons, he would never step foot in there. Every important message was sent to his house. It was only the meeting he had with his father that brought him there.

Since he held the position of second in command, every meeting he organized personally for his men was arranged in his house.

The elevator bell dinged and opened as they arrived at the final floor. Floor 99.  

The Armani's Apartment building was a building from floor zero to floor ninety-nine. Excluding the lobby and the Don's penthouse.

The apartment building stood tall and sleek. Its facade is a blend of glass and steel. Approaching the building, a beautiful landscaped courtyard, complete with lush greenery and a bubbling fountain.

Upon entering, the lobby oozes an air of sophistication, with marble floors, and contemporary artwork adorning the walls, it also has an indoor plant, and a delusional steward and her desk.

The apartment building, a zero to ninety-nine apartment rooms. The Don had made sure to fulfill his men's lifestyle, ranging from cozy studio units to spacious multi-bedroom layouts.

But the interior design for each room was all similar, with contemporary, characterized by clean lines, neutral colors, and high-quality finishes.  Each apartment is equipped with smart home tech, allowing the Armani's man to control lighting temperature and even tighter security with ease.

The main reason why Quin hated coming to the penthouse was because it was always dirty. Most members decide to hold several parties inside and outside of it. It always gets on his nerves when it spots an empty can of beer, or plastic plates littered everywhere.

The Don didn't care much, as long as it wasn't around or in his penthouse. But it wasn't as though it wasn't going to be cleaned, he just hated the sight of trash and litter.

Stepping out of the elevator, the two men continued their conversation.

"That dude likes you"

"Uh, uh okay? I guess? He should just not be weird with me"

"He would probably kill me if he found out I told you about it," Carlos said thoughtfully as they continued their journey up the stairs to the penthouse. Quin, who wasn't paying attention, didn't respond to his comment.

"HEY! Are you even listening to me?"

"No, not really" Quinn's response was sharp and quick… They finally arrived at the top, where they were there was another lobby present but this time a male concierge, Greg.

Greg Bond was a middle-aged dude, who focused more on his job than the lady on the bottom floor.

Greg bowed in acknowledgment as he pulled out an in-and-out form for the two men to sign. Very minimum conversation was held between the men as they were finally given access to the private elevator to the penthouse at the top.

The penthouse spans the entire top floor, accessible via a private elevator. Once the elevator had opened, the men stepped into the expensive living area with floor-to-ceiling windows that framed the beautiful views of the city skyline.

The penthouse had an open-concept kitchen with top-of-the-line appliances, perfect for entertaining. The dining area is adjacent, and it leads to a spacious outdoor terrace where Quin and the family sip wine and make an open plan on which family to destroy next.

The bedrooms in the penthouse were spacious retreats, each with its suite bathroom. The master suite is particularly opulent, offering a walk-in closet and a spa-inspired bathroom with a soaking tub and a rain shower.

There was a clattering of dishes that could be heard from the entrance. Muffled sounds and then the sound of a female giggle could also be heard. The fellow bodyguards greeted Joaquin with a bow, acknowledging his presence.

Quin stepped into the kitchen and saw the Don and the queen. She wore a comfortable robe and bedroom slippers. Don was just in loose night sweatpants and a long robe, similar to what the queen was wearing. He had his trusted cane with him to help with his bad leg.

"Quin!! My dear" Alejandra greeted happily once she caught sight of Quin. Moving past her husband, she made a show to hug Quin, which he happily obliged.

"How are you, my dear?" She asked affectionately touching his cheeks, "Are you eating well, three square meal?" She fired her multiple questions.

Likewise, she turned her head towards Carlos, "Do you feed him well? Does he eat more?"

Shocked that he was being asked, Carlos replied nervously, "Yes? I guess?"

She turned back to Quin, who had pulled her hand from his face, but still held her hands in his as he stared into her bright brown eyes.

"I am fine, I eat when I eat, but I still eat healthy"

"Are you sure?"

"Of course" he replied, kissing her forehead.

"Alright then." she nodded her head. Her short brown hair bounced in motion. She returned her attention to the breakfast she was making.

"You are eating breakfast right?" she asked,

"Yes please,"


"Yes ma'am. Also, ma'am, do you have anything for hangover?" Carlos questioned, hoping they had something to soothe his hangover head pain.

He promised himself he would never drink with Big Bill again.

"Yes, check the fridge" she answered, not turning her attention to him as she stirred the pot.

The men made a move to greet their boss, and they soon began talking about work.

"Breakfast is ready!!!" Alejandra called out to the men.

They responded as they continued talking about work, with laptops and tablets in their hands. Once she had finished setting up the table, began snatching every paper, gadget, and any work-related things off the table.

"No working on my dinner table"

"Yes ma'am" the boys replied.

Salvador sat at the head table, his wife beside him on his left and Quin on his right, and Carlos sat down beside Quin.

"I heard you came by a couple of days ago, why didn't you come to see me?" Quinn's mother interrogated.

"It was late in the night and father called me out during school night" Once Quin responded, he received a hard kick from his father who was openly glaring at him while avoiding his wife's gaze.

"You invited him out here during the school night!!" she shrieked at her husband.

"There was something I had to inform them about"

"Them? Don't tell me you dragged poor Santiago and Xavier from their homes?!! Also during the school night?"

"It was important"

"Important my ass, their school is important, I can't have Quin repeat another year because of you, and don't let me start with Santi and Xavier"

"Mrs. A., aren't you concerned for me?" Carlos teased.

"You have started schooling?!" she beamed, surprising Carlos, as he was not expecting this reaction.

"Um no?" Carlos responded.

"Oh, don't worry I will convince you, homeschooling or online classes would be better so you don't get bullied about being too old for your class" She offered.

"Don't worry, I will look into it for you and see what I will do" she smiled at him. Carlos's face morphed into a horrifying expression

"O-Of course ma'am"

"Next time, don't tease people unnecessarily" Quin whispered to his friend.

"I look forward to helping you study, buddy" Quinn added loudly this time around.

"You see it would be fun and easy, especially when you get Santiago and Xavier on it"

"YY-yes ma'am"