
Ecstasy of the Devil

Joaquin Salazar is born into a mafia family. His normal day involves killing and still going to school, as he is still a high school student. After being forced to repeat a class, he comes into contact with Kehlani Valencia. Kehlani Valencia joggles between school and a problematic household. She gets together with Joaquin, but an accident puts a great distance between them. Will the two be able to come back together? "Good evening sirs" The female server greeted. The men stared at her with wide eyes. The woman they had being searching for, for almost seven years is standing in front of them. "My name is Laura and I would be your server for the night" she conculded, her finger ring tapping lightly on the menu board. Shee felt so anxious and overwhelmeed by the men who were openly staring at her. Nothing. They still had said nothing to her. "Um, can I get your gentlemen something?" She asked breaking the silence. Nothing "Tempranillo" an ardent voice spoke, immediately catching her attention. She turned her head and that was when she met him.

AraneaeRuber · Urban
Not enough ratings
68 Chs

17- Races

Editing in progress

Chapter 17

"I AM SORRY" Kehlani apologized sympathetically.

"For what? {pause} did you do something wrong?" Joaquin asked, his face incredibly close to her. She didn't fluster nor flutter, but she did think over his question again. Why was she apologizing? She really didn't do anything wrong but show her concern, so why was she apologizing.

But instead she replied. "Why did you have to say it like that?, I am apologizing because I felt like I actually did something wrong, but you didn't need to say it like that?" she spat at him with her very own anger.

An ick mark would definitely be on his forehead, "I didn't ask you to" he was annoyed.


Maybe because she was scared of him, or maybe she was concerned and actually worried about him, or was it because she wrapped her arms around Xavier to prevent her from falling off the Bike?

It was undoubtedly because she came in this morning with Xavier and was talking to him while she was still wearing his shirt.

Yes! These were all the valid reasons why he was mad at her. And besides, this was the first time someone would talk to him this way and did have a lead mixed with their brain.

It was like something snapped in her brain, like all her senses just came loose, "Are fucking with me right now? Now in fact screw you Joaquin, fucking screw you. Yes! You are fucking right. It is my fucking fault, I am the stupid one who felt it was the right thing to make peace with you because I wanted us to keep being friends. But screw it all. Stay mad" She howled her foul-mouthed tongue at him.

Members of the class that heard her looked stunned at her words, and worse off at the person she was yelling at. Meanwhile, Savannah looked like she was going to pass out already.

"Lani is going to be the death of me" she muttered with her head in her hands. Before Joaquin could get his word out, the teacher came in, leaving Kehlani with the final word.

Throwing him a mocking smirk. She was daring him to continue. Not like he couldn't say it back, but the fact that she is visibly pissed kept him silent.

Classes carried on per usual, but with the two, not talking nor poking fun at each other like they usually do. Kehlani tucked her phone underneath the table as she spoke with Savannah.

Savannah, being the typical Gossip girl that she was, was itching to know why she was cursing Joaquin out. But Lani just replied to her with a singular word. 

Not that she didn't want to talk or tell her anything, it is just that Kehlani was very expressive when she wanted to explain or describe her feelings and the phone would not express her annoyance as well as she wanted it to.

Shortly after, the bell for the break was rung. Kehlani sighed to herself as she heard Joaquin stand from his table. Looking up the ceiling and pinched the bridge of her nose. Their argument was stupid, very, very, ridiculously stupid.

Standing up, she was met with Savannah standing in front of her.

"What the hell happened between you two?" She asked. Not like she cared or anything. She just wanted the full gist of what happened whether it was her fault or not, she didn't care, and she was going to bad mouth Joaquin.

"He is acting stupid and childish! That's what happened" she said as they both left the class and made their way to the garden.

"Are you eating lunch with them? I was hoping you would sit with me, and we can talk about the race and stuff" she queried, noticing that they were heading towards the direction of the garden.

"No, I just wanted to hand them their food and we can sit somewhere else. I need a given distraction" She spoke, as she poked her into the garden door and saw the three boys sitting around just talking with each other.

She handed Savannah her lunch as she pulled out Santi and Xavier's own from the bag. It was just manners that she would cook for him. She did use the food in his own house to make it, so it would be weird if she didn't make something for him, Whether he asked or not.

"Hmm? Aren't you going to eat with us?" Santiago asked his sister when he saw her drop Xavier's food and his own on the table.

"Nah my friend is waiting for me, we have something to talk about" She responded. Well, it wasn't entirely a lie. Savannah did say she wanted to talk about their race during lunch.

"You made Lunch for me?!" Xavier asked, his eyes and voice laced with surprise.

Furrowing her brows, she crooked her head to the side looking at him like he had just asked a daft question, "Of course! I stayed over in your house, so it is common sense if I cook for you, and besides it's not hard. I was already making for Santi, What's another extra mouth?" she stated.

"Thank you" he greeted gratefully. He was genuinely happy. But clearly, there was another person who wasn't half as happy as the other two boys.

"AT THIS POINT, WE WOULD ONLY HAVE FIVE MINUTES FOR LUNCH!" Savannah shouted, gaining their attention.

"That's your friend?" Santi asked. He was judging her with his eyes, and he didn't fail to hide it. Moving his head forward, Kehlani glared at him.

"You need to be more socially friendly"

"I will add it to my list—right after never" Rolling her eyes at his snarky comment, waved them off and jogged the little distance between them and Savannah.

"So what did she do to you? Or do I rephrase it and ask, what did you do to my sister?" Santiago questioned as he dropped his phone and began opening up his meal. Xavier also did the same, but he just kept quiet and listened to the two men talk.

It wasn't his business. His current business however is Kehlani's Food. It's so good that he unintentionally gained the two men's attention.

"I am sorry. This is so good" He stated as he went back to his meal. Something flashed into his eyes and left as soon as it came. But it didn't pass Santiago, as while Xavier was talking, his eyes didn't waver from Joaquin's face.

Sighing to himself. Quin was going to murder Xavier at some point, and the latter will not have an idea why.

Pushing his meal towards Joaquin, Quin crooked his brows.

"I made a meal for myself" he shrugged and pulled out another meal. He was initially planning to eat his later and eat his sister's food at that moment because his sister's food was better than his.

Savannah sat with Kehlani as she showed her everything she found. It was more than what she found out that morning, as during classes instead of listening to the teachers' lesson, she was busy finding information.

"As I was saying, I was able to get more road mapping on AreasX54. It was still downloading in the morning, but it finished, and the information had loaded." She announced as she swirled the stick sweet in her mouth. Lani had placed her lunch box in the middle for them both to share.

"The car is really beautiful"

"You are still hung up on the Vehicle?" Savvy asked, looking up from her phone.

"Of course, look at it" She yelled excitedly shoving her phone screen to her friend's face, "It is gorgeous" Her love for the beautiful car could be seen radiating in her eyes.

"It is just a car and in the end, you will eventually destroy it," Savannah said, ruining the mood. The statement caused Kehlani to roll her eyes.


But she wasn't wrong also, every car that Kehlani drove ended up not living to see the end of the night.

"Oh! That reminds me we need to leave the school early today".

"Early? How early?" she questioned, placing her phone down to pay attention to her friend.

"Early as in after lunch early" she answered with a nod. Seconds later, the bell rang for lunch over.

"You mean now?"

"YEP!" Standing from the table as she tucked the lunch box into the still dazed Lani.

"What? Why?" She queried as Savvy brought out a small device from her bag. Savvy rushed to the toilet, with Kehlani following hot on her trail.

Pulling off her wing, she rearranged the wig into a messy style as he placed it back on her head and brought out her makeup. She soon gave herself sick-looking makeup, as Lani just stood watching her friend with utter disbelief.

"Let me guess, you are going to fake sick and call home?"

"Exactly!" she confirmed her question.

"Well, I have no excuse… so what are we going to do about that?"

"Don't you worry your cute brain, I have got it covered" She said, tearing out a piece of paper as she mechanically wrote the day's date on it. Taking the small booklet from her, Lani looked through it and realized that they were all written with fake sick letters. She looked at her friend like she had grown two heads and a third eye.

Letting her do her thing, she stood by and watched her struggle to make her eyes and her face all red and puffy. Soon Kehlani was standing by the teacher's office waiting to give her an excuse.

She wasn't worried or nervous. So far she acted normally, the plan would work. Knocking on the door, she waited for the response.