
Ecstasy of the Devil

Joaquin Salazar is born into a mafia family. His normal day involves killing and still going to school, as he is still a high school student. After being forced to repeat a class, he comes into contact with Kehlani Valencia. Kehlani Valencia joggles between school and a problematic household. She gets together with Joaquin, but an accident puts a great distance between them. Will the two be able to come back together? "Good evening sirs" The female server greeted. The men stared at her with wide eyes. The woman they had being searching for, for almost seven years is standing in front of them. "My name is Laura and I would be your server for the night" she conculded, her finger ring tapping lightly on the menu board. Shee felt so anxious and overwhelmeed by the men who were openly staring at her. Nothing. They still had said nothing to her. "Um, can I get your gentlemen something?" She asked breaking the silence. Nothing "Tempranillo" an ardent voice spoke, immediately catching her attention. She turned her head and that was when she met him.

AraneaeRuber · Urban
Not enough ratings
68 Chs

 18- Still Fighting

Editing in Progress

Chapter 18

"MA'AM, my father says there is an emergency at home," she said looking with panic on her face.

"Call him. We can't just let our student leave with no confirmation" the woman at the desk said. The woman had her suspicion but begged to differ.

"Not a problem" Kehlani called her father and his voice rang through the room.

"You better be on your way back" she cringed hard at the voice that spoke. She recognized the voice that spoke.

"You didn't write any letter or leave any word, it was just an impromptu thing. So I can't leave without prior notice or confirmation from you to them." She said, looking at the woman by the desk, who crooked her brows at their exchange.

"Give the phone to the person, that is stopping you from leaving?" He ordered the lady's eyes widen, and her face muffed into disgust. She waved her hands, signaling to her to turn down his offer of talking to her.

"Well? Put her on the line, I want to speak so sense into her" He snarled.

"Erm she isn't around at the moment, so maybe later?"

"Well you need to leave now, never mind I am coming myself" If the woman's eyes looked wide before, well they now looked like they were going to fall off their sockets at any given moment.

She quickly tore open a permit receipt slip for her, shoving it roughly into Kehlani's hands.

"Keep your barbarian father away from the school premises" she muttered as she waved her away. Kehlani toward around left. The lady at the desk looked distraught as she wondered what type of family the student lived in. Just from the voice alone, she could tell that the man did drugs or even alcohol.

"Should I be bothered?" she spoke to herself but was replied to by her colleague.

"Ignore it. The brother came in the other with her face all bruised and messed up. It is better not to get tangled with this like that".

"But she is our student" The colleague shrugged her shoulders in negligence and responded.

"But not her mother, mind your business in things like this. If the kid didn't ask for help, don't offer. Not every kid in a messed-up household needs help. Don't help when you are not asked" The lady looked at her colleague with an amused face, but said nothing as she turned back to face her work.

Turning sharply to the left, she met Savannah waiting by the wall.

"Works every time," she said, waving the recorder and her phone to her face. Lani just copied her smile as she took the bags from her.

"Wait here, let me drop my medical slip," Savannah said as she slapped her face to make it puffy and red. She looked deadly pale as she did so, and the only color on her face was her red cheeks.

It didn't take long before Savannah came out with a stamped slip.

"Come on let us get going, the earlier we leave, the earlier we can sort things out before the race" Savannah ordered as they both ran, through the school gate and out the streets.


Joaquin sat, looking at the empty seat in front of him. Where did she go? Was the question running through his brain? She couldn't be so mad at him that she decided to skip class. He looked around but didn't find the girl with the odd big glasses.

But she wasn't also present. So all he could assume was that they were together. He soon was glaring at his phone after the first period after the break was over. He was glaring at his phone because he realized that he didn't have her number to call her.

She was avoiding him.

And Xavier undoubtedly had her number.

Joaquin still felt frustrated anytime he thought of Xavier and Kehlani together. It irked him to no end, and he had to get it under control because now they were pissed at each other with no logical reasoning. Well, Kehlani had a valid reason to be upset at him, but he didn't have a valid reason to be for himself.

It was as if he was fighting a clear one-sided battle with the two other people, and he was losing, because they both didn't know he was mad at them both. He sighed as he put off his phone once the next teacher arrived.

"Hey, have you seen my sister?" Santiago questioned as soon as he saw Joaquin walking towards him. It wasn't weird that he was asking him about his sister's whereabouts, as they were both in the same class.

"Your sister wasn't in class after lunch break" Quin snitched his response immediately he was side by side with Santi.

"Huh? Where did she go to?" He asked, his brows creased with worry. Quin shrugged his shoulder. That was what he also wanted to know, but here they were in a state of confusion.

Fishing out his phone, he rang his sister, and while he waited for his sister to pick up, he saw Xavier walking towards them. He was talking with some girls, well talking to one, and the rest seemed to hover around him like some bees attracted to honey. Trying again after the first try, she picked it up after the 2 rings.

Hearing her laugh through the phone, his nerves calmed as he realized she was at least safe.

"Hello?" she called out when she finally settled her laughter.

"Where the hell are you? I heard that you weren't around after lunch" he queried sharply immediately after her 'hello'.

"What who told?" she asked but was met with silence.

"How about answering my question, before asking yours?"

"Okay, Okay, fine. I went out with a friend of mine" she responded. It wasn't a lie, she did go out with Savannah and Savannah IS her friend, so it wasn't a lie or anything thing.

'Who is that?' Santi heard a female voice from the background.

"Oh, just my brother" Lani responded to Savannah's question.

"TCH, just hang the call and lie it was a bad connection," she said, pitching in her idea. She slid out of beneath the car as she was doing the final checks from it.

It was the Toyota Gr Yaris.

"You do know he can hear you, right?" Lani said, rolling her eyes at her friend's idea.

"And you do know I am still here, right?" Santiago said, his voice laced with irritation.

"We don't care!!" Savannah suddenly shouted into the phone, this sudden increase in volume took Santi by surprise, and he immediately pulled the phone off his ear to maintain it at a good distance.

"I will fucking kill your friend once I find her" he threatened.

"You will end up in Jail" Savannah countered immediately.

"Let's not get carried away here," The sister said, pushing Savannah away from her phone as she walked a distance away from Savannah.

"How about I talk to you later, huh? What do you say about that?"

"You did better tell me the truth"

"I will cook up a lie and ensure it sounds truthful to your ears" she assured as she ended the phone call.

The only reason Santiago wasn't all that worried was that he believed she was probably having a girl's outing or whatever it is girls do, so all he wanted to know was why she left early. Was there an emergency or something?

"What did she say?" Quin asked, his brows furrowed in confusion.

"She is just hanging out with a friend"

"Oh, I don't think it is something we should be worried about," Xavier said, pushing himself off the hood of the car where he sat. "I believe we need to check on Big Bill and see his vehicle for the race"