
Ecstasy of the Devil

Joaquin Salazar is born into a mafia family. His normal day involves killing and still going to school, as he is still a high school student. After being forced to repeat a class, he comes into contact with Kehlani Valencia. Kehlani Valencia joggles between school and a problematic household. She gets together with Joaquin, but an accident puts a great distance between them. Will the two be able to come back together? "Good evening sirs" The female server greeted. The men stared at her with wide eyes. The woman they had being searching for, for almost seven years is standing in front of them. "My name is Laura and I would be your server for the night" she conculded, her finger ring tapping lightly on the menu board. Shee felt so anxious and overwhelmeed by the men who were openly staring at her. Nothing. They still had said nothing to her. "Um, can I get your gentlemen something?" She asked breaking the silence. Nothing "Tempranillo" an ardent voice spoke, immediately catching her attention. She turned her head and that was when she met him.

AraneaeRuber · Urban
Not enough ratings
68 Chs

16- Babysitting II

Editing in Progress

Chapter 16

The men had left the meeting office and had gathered around to plan their next move.

"Big Bill isn't here now" Santi informed.

"It is as expected. He is probably checking his car and engine stuff" Carlos said, plopping himself on the couch. Glancing at the time, Xavier shot up.

"I need to get home now, I am taking my brothers to school tomorrow morning and Kehlani is still at my house," He said, shuffling around to gather his things.

Once Kehlani's name rolled off Xavier's tongue, Quinn's body flinched and reacted. His eyes twitched at the idea of Kehlani staying over at a guy's house.

"Hey make sure my sister gets breakfast and parks her lunch" Santi stated. "And don't overwork her" he glared hard at him when he said that statement.

"Yes, Yes, I will tell her to even pack yours," he said, purposely leaving out his last comment, which didn't go unnoticed by the brother.

"I will bring your bike back tomorrow" he shouted as he immediately ran out of the room to avoid Santiago's wrath.

As usual, once Santi got home, he didn't pass the front door like someone who owned the house. He landed softly on his mat as he began changing into more free night-type clothes. Once he was done dressing, he went downstairs but stopped mid-way when he heard a soft snore coming from there.

"Don't tell me she is sleeping on the couch today" rushed feet sounded echoed through the sleeping house. Stopping short when he noticed she had opened up the couch seat.

His eyes trailed on her sleeping form. Her bi-colored hair fell and littered on her cleavage, some hair ends got stuck in between her breasts. With the way she slept, the shorts had to fold up some more, exposing her white creamy thighs.

"AAH! What am I doing?" he groaned to himself as he looked at the effect of his actions. "And I was not planning on showering this night," he said as he picked up the blanket that was kicked to the ground and used it to cover her again.


Xavier turned as the sun reflected across his face. Groaning, knowing he couldn't fall back to sleep as he could already hear plates clanking and clashing around.

"Lani must be up and cooking" he sighed to himself. He could barely catch a sleep from the previous night. From running around to get his little brother to rushing to get to the meeting on time, to Lani's unconscious temptation.

Yes, it was a very stressful night. With a final groan, the male stood up and went to do his morning routine. Pulling out casual clothing for Lani, he set them aside for her and went downstairs.

"Big Brother Good Morning" The twins greeted from their high table. He looked over to his brother to see them spoon-sword fighting as they were clashing their baby spoons around like they were on some sort of battlefield.

"Hey, quit playing with your spoon and eat" he cautioned them, as the twins immediately did stop.

"Good morning" A voice greeted, turning to the direction of the voice he saw Kehlani. She was by the coffee maker with two cups in her hands, and just behind her were two plates, filled with fried scrambled eggs and toasted bread.

"Did you sleep well?" she asked, turning her head just slightly to look at him before turning her attention to continue what she was doing. Xavier took in her back form. His shirt had drowned down the shorts he had seen on her the previous night. The smell of coffee and seasoned eggs filled the air in the kitchen, giving his dry, depressed, and lonely house a new feature of homely and warm feeling.

She turned around as the messy bun on top of her head came loose and left off a few strands of hair framing her face much better.

"Why are you still standing there?" She questioned as she motioned him away. "I will bring your breakfast to you on the dining table". She said as she stirred the coffee. Xavier did what he was told to do, not wanting to overstress his entire body.

Sitting beside Ricardo, who was playing around with his leftover cereal milk. Xavier pulled it away, not wanting to give Lani another stressful job. Minutes later, Kehlani brought out their breakfast. Setting his meal in front of him, the mixed seasoned scent filled his nose as he began wolfing them down.

"What time did you get back?" she asked as she began consuming her meal. Looking up from his food, he shrugged his shoulders.

"I don't know, didn't check the time but should be around past two" he answered as he went back to his meal.

She wanted to brush on their leftover conversation from yesterday, "So how was Quin? Is he okay now?" she questioned, focusing on her food like she didn't care for the conversation she brought up.

Looking up, Xavier knew what she was playing at, and he wasn't playing it with her.

Not even for a given moment.

"Mhmm, he seems better though" he acknowledged her question.

"So whatever it was, it wasn't that important" she queried some more, trying to push her luck again and hoping for the best.

"You could say it wasn't that significant" he answered drinking his coffee and he looked at her. Why was she so bothered by this? Was Joaquin giving ideas to her? Did he slip up for some reason? Dragging him from his debating thoughts.

"So if it is of no importance, tell me" she asked, this time dropping the entire charades as she looked up at Xavier with expectant and hopeful eyes. But it dimmed once she saw he wasn't going to budge on her request.

"Sorry girlie… I can not tell you" he answered with a mocking smile as he knew what he had just done to her.

Sighing to herself, this time, she had given up on satisfying her curiosity. It wasn't like she had anyone to tell her. Xavier was her last option. Her brother would most definitely not tell her anything,

Joaquin seemed to be mad at her for some reason and Carlos didn't attend their school, so she had no idea where to meet him. Sure, she could meet him at the skate park, but at this point, she didn't like the fact she was pressuring herself for something that didn't concern her from the beginning.

Xavier could see the utter defeat and the fact that she had completely given up on pushing the subject. Which he was genuinely grateful for.

"I need to shower and change the twin's clothes then we can leave," she said, collecting the twins' plates and hers except Xavier's plates as he was still eating his meal.

"Alright… leave the dishes, I will wash them," he said as she nodded in her reply. Coming back and going around the twins, she picked them up and went to the room, as she heard Xavier call out.

"I left clothes on the bed for you if you want a change of clothes"

"Thanks" she yelled her response back. Changing the twin's clothes and packing their bags, she sent them downstairs to their brother as she had her bath and did her morning routine.

Taking hold of the clothes that were laid out for her, she pulled the turtle-neck sweater over her head, it was not as big as she expected, or maybe it was because her chest size took up the space. She didn't know, but it was better than expected. Taking out the pants, that was where the problem was, the legs were awkwardly big and insanely long. She came out of the room to wear her boots and figure out what to do about the pants.

"The pants didn't work out?" he asked, looking up from the phone.

"Yep!" she responded, knotting her shoelace. Pulling out the suspender jumpsuit, she went back inside and changed from the pants to the suspender.

"I guess I would only need the shirt," she said as Xavier stared at her. Her still slightly damp hair, lay loosely around her shoulders.

"Yes," he gave a singular comment to her statement.

"Let's go" she announced, grabbing the bags while Xavier took his brother's hands. Soon they were parked in the parking lot of their school. Kehlani had left Xavier in the car to her class just as Quin and Santiago came in. Quin didn't miss seeing Lani leave Xavier's car, while the latter sat on the hood of his car with his phone in his hands. He didn't want to think too deeply, as he knew why she was with him.

But still.

"Did you bring my bike?" Santi asked once Joaquin had parked the vehicle.

"Well good morning to you too, I had a wonderful night and you?" Xavier said instead in his response. He threw his bike key at him as he opened the boot of his car and pulled out his bike.

"You all are late… let's go"

Meanwhile, the two girls resumed their meeting in the girl's toilet—sticking the out of bound sticker on the door like the previous time. Savannah sat on the closed toilet seat as they spoke about Lani's impending race that night.

"Did you see the car?" she asked.

"Yes!" She vocalized her excitement. She remembered the buttery feeling she felt when she imagined herself driving the car.

"I am genuinely excited about this," she said with all truth laced in her voice.

"Only you would get turned on by a car and illegal racing"

Ignoring her statement, she asked her question, "Have you finished the important things?"

"If by important things you mean hack their system? I am getting there" she revealed, pulling out her tablet to show her a percentage counting.

"This took me a long while to do… it's not the usual thing and also don't think this is a normal race competition." She reported her suspicion.

"What do you mean?"

"Like, think about it? Why would twelve mafia clans want to compete for Five hundred thousand pesos? Are they going bankrupt? They can probably make that in a day or worse a week, so why would they want to do this and not just 4 or 6 they had 12. Just why?" she, hypnotized.

Flicking her forehead, Kehlani stared at her. "That is not our business, all we need is win and get this over it" she declared nonchalantly.

"I guess you are right"

"I am always right" Lani confirmed her words.

Leaving the restroom, they got to their class and Kehlani went to her seat. Meanwhile, Quin sat staring at her.

"I am sorry"