
Ecstasy of the Devil

Joaquin Salazar is born into a mafia family. His normal day involves killing and still going to school, as he is still a high school student. After being forced to repeat a class, he comes into contact with Kehlani Valencia. Kehlani Valencia joggles between school and a problematic household. She gets together with Joaquin, but an accident puts a great distance between them. Will the two be able to come back together? "Good evening sirs" The female server greeted. The men stared at her with wide eyes. The woman they had being searching for, for almost seven years is standing in front of them. "My name is Laura and I would be your server for the night" she conculded, her finger ring tapping lightly on the menu board. Shee felt so anxious and overwhelmeed by the men who were openly staring at her. Nothing. They still had said nothing to her. "Um, can I get your gentlemen something?" She asked breaking the silence. Nothing "Tempranillo" an ardent voice spoke, immediately catching her attention. She turned her head and that was when she met him.

AraneaeRuber · Urban
Not enough ratings
68 Chs

15- First Fight

Editing in Progress

Chapter 15

"IS EVERYONE PRESENT?" A voice asked. A shadow was shaped behind the Curtain.

Looking around, giving his friend a curt nod, Joaquin answered "Yes". Steps could be heard coming around the curtain. A man in his mid-fifties limped in. He was tall and well-built. He had a small goatee under his chin, his hair was black but had a few gray strands of hair on it. His sharp green eyes mixed with his presence and aura demanded respect, very similar to Quinn's.

He limped with a walking stick to a seat as he sat down cross-legged. Still, in silence, he tapped the cane twice on the ground, and the three men raised their heads. Quin, whose head was never bowed, crossed his legs and stared at the man in front of him.

"I see you are still alive," The elder man said. It was meant to come off as an insult, but Quin wasn't fazed by it.

Tilting his head as he glanced at his injured leg. "And I see you still have one and a half legs?" He insulted back.

Suddenly, the two men pulled out a gun and pointed it at each other. The room became quiet, his friends just stood watching the whole thing. Throughout this interaction, no one breathed a word.


Then Laughter.

The men began laughing. They laughed their hearts out.

"How are you doing J-boy"

"Alive as you said Old man" he responded as he drowned down the wine. Santi, Xavier, and Carlos breathed out in relief. "What about mother?"

"She is somewhere in the house" he responded

"She would put a bullet in your chest if she finds out you said that" Quin teased and the old man chuckled at his response.

"Now" Joaquin started saying, looking serious, "Why did you call us here"


Kehlani slowly arranged things around the house, It was clear the young lady was not paying attention to what she was currently doing, but who could blame her? This was the first time she wanted to know what her brother was doing. She felt bad when she realized she was not bothered because of her brother but another person.

Sighing to herself, she leaned her head on the table, looking utterly tired and defeated.

"Quin" she whispered to herself.

"Hmm?" lifting her head, she noticed her phone was buzzing.



"Savannah, it's—" she paused, leaning back to look at the clock. "It is thirteen minutes past twelve in the middle of the night. I visibly do not have the energy to match your energy… so spill it" she said dryly.

Standing up, began to undress, as she hadn't bathed for the night. Setting her phone down and putting Savannah on the loudspeaker.

"So what did you find?"

"Your Car!!! It is an Audi R8 performance" she squealed in delight. She probably didn't get the memo or just chose to ignore it. Her hands trailed over the clothes Xavier had brought out for her.

"It is a black car, Audi. I will send you a picture right now".

"Hmm? I thought we were going to use a normal Toyota GR Yaris car or something along our usual tropes," Lani asked, turning the shower on as the warm water ran down her skin.

She could have taken a bath and just soaked herself in it, but she was exhausted and very sleepy to do it. She was more worried about the possibility of her passing out in the bath and Xavier finding her naked.

"I have sent it to check it out after your bath" Savvy said. She could hear the shower water running. "And to answer your question, we can not use the usual racing car, girl! You are racing against Big Bill, all hell be damned I left you to race with a bland car" she answered Lani's previous comment.

Savvy in her room leaned her head back to her chair head as she chewed on a stick sweet. The car was likely stolen, so there was no big deal about it. It is not like the Yaris would not also be stolen.

"Well, if you want a Yaris, we can use it for your training, but the Audi is for your race. It is really fast".

"So, have you figured out the people I am racing with?" Lani asked as she began washing her hair. Rolling her shoulders even though Lani couldn't see her. She responded.

"Big Bill is the only important person there" sighing at her response.

"Don't go underestimating other racers" she warns.

"Anyway," Savvy said as she shifted from the topic. "I hacked into the area's server, so hurry up with your bath, so we can talk about it"

Soon, Lani turned off the shower, and wrapped a towel around herself, taking her phone with her as she left the bathroom.

"We are racing in Areas X54 and—" She began giving the information she had but was interrupted in between.

"Hah?! I know that Areas" Lani spoke up as she stopped what she was doing mid-way.

"Of course, it is like our turf. Anyway, back to what I was saying" Savvy interjected swiping across o n her tablet.

"We are racing in Areas X54, and I have no information on Big Bill" she stated as she sighed in utter defeat.

"What do you mean no information on Big Bill?" Lani asked, looking away from what she was doing. She had already slipped into Xavier's shirt that happened to be big for her, and at the moment she was struggling to tighten the band around her waist.

"Exactly what I mean. No information except one, I don't know what to make of it though" She yawned. She was starting to get exhausted.

"Let's continue at school tomorrow, I am also tired" Lani advised and Savannah yawned in agreement. Ending the call, Lani looked at her makeshift bed. She had bent the couch backward till it was shaped like a wide bed.

She laid on it as she went through her phone, looking at the thing Savannah had sent to her while she was in the bath. The Audi was really beautiful. It was a real pitch-black car like midnight, she could even feel the sleekness of the car just by looking at it. Her tummy rumbled and bubbled with sheer excitement at the idea of driving it.

"Big Bill or Not, I am excited about the race" she spoke out. She soon fell asleep with her arm laid across her forehead in peace.


"We need to win a race," Salvador said with authority evident in his voice. The men in front of him said nothing as they waited for him to continue.

"This is a very important race, as the end price is important as well. Though to the public it is half a million pesos in actuality it is an Areas ownership, bragging rights, and weapons from overseas." He informed. Stretching his hands to the back, the bodyguard behind him gave him a tablet as he began strolling the screen.

"Who owns the Areas?" Santiago questioned.

"Not the government" Carlos chipped in.

"It is not known, but rumors are saying it belongs to a mafia family overseas" he answered. Salvador had also thought about who would have the money and rights to do this.

"And may I add that these weapons are free for two years with a granted guarantee" he added. Their eyes widen like saucers.

"Free Weapons for two years and a granted guarantee?!!" Xavier yelled upon hearing the news. His surprise was very valid.

"For just an illegal car racing!!" Joaquin didn't fail to hide his surprise, but he collected himself after a while. "It sounds sketchy" he added as he thought through with it.

"It sounds too good to be true," Santi thought quietly.

"Well, there is nothing to think it over with… We are doing the race" Salvador confirmed.

"Wait a minute! Why are you rushing into it… this looks sketchy and suspicious!" Joaquin pushed out his thoughts and feelings.

"It sounds suspicious… yes I won't deny it but if you think it through it has more pros that cons" The old man debated.

"That's true" Santi acknowledge in agreement. "All we need to do is race, we don't need to kill or gang up against a clan"

"Exactly" Salvador agreed with Santiago's understanding.

"But still it is suspicious. At least let's do a background check on them and see—"

"I have already done that" Salvador interrupted Quinn's argument. Quin kept quiet, looking at the old man in front of him. Carlos took the Tablet from Salvador's hands and looked through it. He did this for fifteen minutes, all the while Quin tried to reason with the old man.

"There are sixteen contestants" Carlos informed as they ceased their argument at the sound of his voice. "There are no rules, only to reach the finish line by all means and five hundred thousand pesos would be given to you" he continued reading.

"By any means, huh?" Santi muttered, but it could be heard by the people present in the room.

"Which means the racers could kill each other or outside forces could kill their opposition team"

"No, Outsiders are not permitted to do anything to help their racers. IF caught, the racer would be disqualified." Carlos read so much more.

"So who are we sending?" Quin asked, looking at his father.

"Big Bill"