
Ecstasy Of Heart

MadWitchHh · Fantasy
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24 Chs

Hunting - Part 3

By the time we reached back at the village, most of the Knights were already present there, talking to each other about the hunt. Sir Vincent was the first one to walk ahead, he smiled at me before joining the others.

"Sir Ivor, it seems to us that you still have not hunted anything. Are you perhaps not planning to join us?", I heard one of the Knight speak. Sir Vincent smiled at them, a polite smile indicating that he did not mind their words. He did not look irritated in the least bit.

"I have. After all, I was the first one to reach. So it was probable for me to find one. It was taken back first".

Sir Vincent had come to us shortly after everyone had stopped. I was surprised that he had been able target one without any problem, and so quickly. Of course, he was after all Knight, I couldn't expect any less from a person like him.

"Wonderful. We'd like to see what you have captured this time. Last time it was a Bison, wasn't it", Sir Vincent offered another smile to the others, while they kept talking. It was obvious they were trying to gain his favour with sweet talks, trying to flatter him.

"Still, it could not be compared with the game that Mr. Carlisle captured last time", On the mention of Cabel, I looked around only to be disappointed. He had just appeared and without anyone's notice, had disappeared again. In search of Cabel, I found Katherine causally chatting with Theodore. Although, Theodore wasn't looking at Katherine, he still replied to her questions every now and then. 

Katherine sensed my hard gaze, turning to look at me with a wide grin, she waved at me. They were standing at the far end so no-one noticed to whom she was waving nor did anyone pay any attention to me. Taking advantage of this, I thus walked towards them.

"How was it? Did you catch something?", This question seemed to have caught Theodore's attention as he turned his head slightly to look at me. Now that I looked at him, he was in a more relaxed manner, leaning against the bark of tree, looking around casually. He looked more alive like this, without the expressionless look on his face, and I inadvertently smiled at him.

"No... I did not. I missed it. I think I am not fit for hunting. I was trembling a lot", Katherine swayed her hand in front of me before she nudged Theodore's arm to which his expressions remained unchanged. "Why don't you give her training, Mr. Chauncey", Katherine amplified on his name, as if to mock. Still, recieving no response from him expect a glance, Katie sighed, already expectant of such dull response from him.

"Well, I didn't actually expect you to answer. Anyway, it was the first time you held a bow, no? It will take time to hone your skills", Katherine offered me a reassuring smile, making me relax my tensed muscles.

"Everyone has already caught their game. We should be returning in a while", Katherine spoke, looking at the Knights who were standing with their games that they had killed.

We stayed there for a total of three hours since some Knights still hadn't returned, and when everyone was back, they decided to head back. On our way back, Katherine and Theodore talked about something I didn't get to notice what it was since I wasn't paying attention. When we returned, it was already past five in the evening.

Theodore helped me get down from the horse and followed me all the way back. Everyone was gathering near the back of the village where there weren't many trees. A man was standing on a rock which was squared down to lay flat on the ground, in order to raise the surface on which the speaker stood.

I looked around, watching as everyone settled at their places, where my eyes accidentally landed on Cabel. He was standing beside Sir Vincent with another man who was laughing incessantly without paying much attention to the other party that did not even look interested in the talk that was taking place. Sir Vincent noticed my dazed stare, turning his pointed eyes to look at me. I turned frantic for no certain reason, quickly bowing to hide my actions. He didn't mind it, rather smiled at me while Cabel remained indifferent as he didn't even glance in my direction.

I would run away.

I didn't want to act recklessly again.

And, Could I? Since he seemed indifferent towards me, so much to not even offer me a single look. I turned to my front, looking at the speaker who was now walking towards the squared rock. He didn't need to stay anything as everyone stopped talking immediately and turned their attention to him.

"We were honoured to have the Imperial Knights join us in this hunting competition. And grateful to them for offering their time in this activity. With the competition that has come to end in a considerable amount of time, I will now announce the winner of the Competition", The speaker spoke loudly, followed by a round of applause from the villagers. There were some excited Knights who clapped along with them while the others only smiled.

The villagers were all excited, looking at everyone's games before they murmured to each other. It took at least fifteen minutes to decide who was the winner and even I, who had been in a gloomy mood since I returned, was waiting for the winner to be announced.

Not to forget my curiosity to find out what Cabel had captured, while keeping a reticent composure from the outside. When the winner was decided, everyone fell silent, impatiently waiting for the person to be announced.

"Now, I will be announcing the winner of this hunting competition which will be Knight Vincent Ivor." And with this single line, everyone clapped again, congratulating the winner which was undoubtedly Sir Vincent. Everyone was still cheering when there was a commotion from the other side. Everyone turned around with curious eyes to see what was happening.

And from a distance, I saw a cart being brought from behind. I caught sight of Theodore who was walking in the lead before stopping beside Cabel. I was stunned for a good while. After coming back from my initial shock, I looked at the thing that was placed on the cart. A Bull elk. It was large, with antlers like a beautiulf tree. I stared at it for a good time before moving my eyes to look at Cabel who looked unconcerned, as if what was happening didn't concern him.

Sir Vincent, who was previously receiving all the cheers, even after the spotlight was stolen from him, his smile didn't leave his handsome features and he instead looked at Cabel.

"Today's winner seems to be Sir Carlisle. I thought I had it in the bag with the black bear", Cabel turned to look at Vincent.

He said something to him, which I couldn't hear but I didn't miss the sliver of a smile that came to settle on his lips, taking me with another surprise.

Everyone had heard Sir Vincent's words clearly, so the speaker didn't announce anything else and left the place. The hunting competition seemed to have ended. Without question, the winner would be Cabel Carlisle, who caught a bull elk.

"Congratulations, Sir Carlisle!"

"Honour to the glorious victor!"

The crowd erupted in praise.

The nobles dispersed to congratulate others, leaving Cabel with Sir Vincent and Theodore on the side. They exchanged a few words before Cabel turned and left the place. However, Theodore stayed behind. Sir Vincent also wasn't in a hurry to leave, as he started to chat with Theodore.