
Ecstasy Of Heart

MadWitchHh · Fantasy
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24 Chs

Dispute - Part 1

After the meal was served, everyone buried themselves into incessant chats and laughs, while drinking and eating together. It was a very lively atmosphere. Sir Vincent had excused himself and left earlier while Cabel didn't consider to join in such mere feasts, disappearing to god knew where. I didn't see him  the whole time we ate. People were too indulged to notice them anyway so I stopped thinking about him either. I wasn't even sure why I was even thinking about him.

We left the place as well. I, and Katherine went to walk around the place for a while. It was still early to go to bed, so to spend the leisure time, Katherine had me come along with her. Theodore had offered to come along, he looked ambiguous in allowing us to go alone but Katherine had persisted him into staying behind and finding out where Cabel was. Comes out, that even Theodore was unaware of Cabel's whereabouts.

We didn't go too far, staying close to the village where we could hear voices of the people who were still too invigorated to leave, it seemed they had planned to enjoy the whole night. After all, such extravagant feasts to the villagers were rare. So they tried to seize the opportunity to have their share of fill. After walking for a while, we decided to head back to where everyone else was present.

"I have to get up early tomorrow morning. I'll see you tomorrow, sweetie. Good night!". Katherine hugged me before walking away. "Good night", I muttered after her, though she didn't hear it. I figured I didn't have anything to do there anyway, therefore, I returned as well. There was no point in staying with every one else as I would only have to sit at a side while listening to other's stories. So I just went back.

With the next morning arriving, I was woken up by the voices outside. Cabel was not here, so I quickly washed my face before stepping outside. The sun was already up high in the clear blue sky. The place I was staying at was a little away from the village. Assuming Cabel abhorred crowds and loud noise, it was plausible.

I found Katherine who was, as always, talking to Theodore. But this time, her expressions were deprived of the usual calm and carefree expression, rather, it was replaced with an earnest look as she conversed about something with Theodore who was also looking serious. It seemed to me it was something important, and I didn't dare to interfere.

I had mostly seen Katherine speak only to Theodore. Knowing Cabel, who was temporarily staying in this village, and Katherine who also wasn't from this place, it was strange to see just how well they got along. Inspite of Theodore's cold looks all the time and no matter how indifferent he was, he had never turned her down. It made me question just how much time they had spent together to be at this much ease around each other.

When Katherine was done talking, I surmise as a new habit she had made because of staying with me, she turned her head to look in my direction, to be surprised seeing me standing here while watching them. She finished whatever she was talking about before making her way towards me.

"Hello and good morning. How much did you wait?", Katherine smiled at me. "I did not. I just woke up. What is all this noise about?", I asked while looking around. "Oh, this. The Knights will be returning  today. Probably in the next few hours", Katherine said. She hooked an arm with mines before dragging me along with her.

"You haven't eaten yet. Let us get you something nice to have for breakfast", When we came near Theodore, he bowed slightly and I had to push Katherine away so that I could return the greeting. I was aware of Katherine's auspicious nature but I didn't want to look rude. Not at least in front of someone who was taking care of me.

"Good morning, Miss Yuriel", He greeted.

"Good morning"

"I'll be taking her away for a while, Theo", Katherine said and she began walking again while clasping my hand again. Katherine had suddenly dropped the honorifics, making me sneak a glimpse at Theodore who was unresponsive to it.

"What do you want to eat? Anything in particular you'd like?", Katherine asked me, passing me a curious look as if wanting to know what I liked to eat. I didn't have anything in mind right now. I had not eaten many things in my life, so the names were in quite few.

"Anything. I don't have anything in my mind right now. So anything will do", Katherine stared at me. "Is that so? Let's see then. There's a small shop here. The food served here is not that good in quality but it's undoubtedly delicious. You'll like it".


Katherine brought me to a small shop as said which looked more like a small house. It was not that big from inside but was enough to accommodate more than ten people. Chairs and tables were laid beside the wall before filling the space in the middle. The owner was a middle-age man who was wearing round spectacles. He looked at us from the mirror of his round glasses when we entered before he smiled warmly at us.

"Katherine dear, welcome. Have you brought a friend with you this time?", The man smiled at me and I returned it with a bow. "Good morning, Mr. William. Yes, this is Yuriel, a close friend", Katherine pointed at me.

"And Yuriel, this is Mr. William. The owner of this shop". After the introduction was done, Mr. William welcomed us in. "Please come inside. What would you like to have?". Mr William looked at us while Katherine was thinking. I awkwardly placed my hand on her arm before speaking up," Anything will be fine. A normal breakfast that everyone else eats", Mr. William smiled, nodded and walked away from there

After he was gone, Katherine stared at me, as if I had committed an unforgivable sin and she could not bring herself to forgive me.

"What? It wasn't nice to keep him waiting", Katherine rolled her eyes at my words before going to pull a chair for herself and sitting down. I was still looking at her when she turned towards me, narrowed her eyes and raised her brows with a smile.

"You aren't expecting me to pull out a chair for you and have you sit down like a princess now, are you? Unless you want to be treated like one". After saying so, she looked away.

"You are being angry for nothing, Katherine. I said it was alright so why do you look so irritated? You have not had your breakfast yet, is it? So you wanted to eat something of your choice?", Katherine shook her head, once again looking at me.

"Nope. I've had my breakfast. I'm not hungry right now", I nodded.

After almost twenty minutes of waiting, Mr. William came back with an assistant who was carrying a tray in his hands. They walked towards our table and Mr. William gestured to the boy standing behind him to place the tray on the table.

"I hope you like our food", Mr. William's smile was kind, making me smile as well. He gave off the air of a fatherly figure to me. "Thank you so much for this. I hope it was not a trouble to you", I found Katherine looking at me with an amused look, as she grinned at me again.

"Not at all. It's been a long time since anyone came to our shop. I hope the food is made to your liking", Mr. William walked towards the counter again, as he took seat on a chair placed behind the counter before he started to read a newspaper.

"Why are you always staring at me like this? Is there something wrong?", I asked as I picked up a plate from the tray, placing it in front of me. Katherine smiled, shaking her head.

"It's just, you're too good with words. I am surprised someone with such a sweet tongue as yourself still has not caught anyone's attention. Or am I wrong?", Katherine was anticipating an answer from me, while I picked up the glass of fresh orange juice before taking a sip.

"Come on. I'm waiting for an answer here", Katherine impatiently tapped on the table, her eyes still on me and as I placed the glass back, Katherine moved ahead to hold it down, restricting me from picking it up again. It seemed she would not let me go until she had ascertained an answer from me.


"Actually, there is".

If it wasn't for her small and narrowed eyes, Katherine's eyeballs would have probably fallen out by now. She stared at me, wide-eyed, her mouth opened before closing. She was thinking of an appropriate reaction. "And you actually hid it from me", Her voice was filled with bewilderment, an expression of disbelief taking over her features.

"How unbelievable", She muttered.

Katherine leaned closer, her grasp on the glass loosening before she whispered to me," Who is it? I want to know, Yuriel. Please!", I looked around, almost all the chairs were empty with only us present in the shop. I didn't understand why there was a need to whisper things unless she was trying to hide it from Mr. William.

"It's my fiancé", It was once again time for Katherine to be appalled. She had an expression as if someone had betrayed her and broken her trust. She nearly yelled my name. I was alarmed by her sudden excited squeal while Mr. William raised his head to give us a confused look.

"Its... It's nothing. I'm sorry", I bowed my head while sitting. "Katie. Please, be a little mindful of our surrounding. It would not look good if someone else saw you like this", Katherine completely ignored my words.

"You have a fiancé. And you never bothered to tell me? How is he?", Katherine asked, her eyes filled with innocent curiosity and I was unable to play quiet anymore. "What do you mean?".

"Ay, I mean. How does he treat you? And most of all, is he good-looking?", I coughed on the freshly made orange juice which I was drinking upon hearing her question. "Yuriel, this isn't a time to cough. You have an entire day. If you desire, I'll fill you buckets of water for you myself. But right now, I need information".

"I... He treats me just like how a person should. Why are you asking about his looks?.... I mean he is good-looking and...", I was unsure how to answer her question. Right when I had tried to stop, she glared at me. I was never asked such a question before so it took me quite by surprise.

My fiance, He was a good looking man indeed. Furthermore, his smile was something I admired the most. It was the soft gesture that had moved my heart.

"Are you two in love? Or is it arranged?", Katherine looked at me keenly, observing my expressions. Her question was too straight forward and I couldn't help but blush, lowering my face to eat my breakfast. I didn't give her an immediate answer nor did she pester me to. Katherine waited until I had finished my breakfast. She stood up, picked the tray and took it to the back of the restaurant.

She was fast, not taking longer than two minutes to return. She came to sit beside me, she said," You haven't answered yet".

I tried to dodge her question," What did you say?"

Katherine smiled, not minding that I was trying to ignore her questions. Which was undoubtedly futile, since it was so obvious.

"I'll repeat it as many times as you need", Katherine smiled again.

"Do you love him? What about him?"

It was impossible now, for me to not answer, not when she was sitting right next to me. "We do. I... I-I was the one who confessed first", Katherine giggled, as she leaned back, without caring for anything else, she started laughing. I stared at her, stupefied as I went back to what I just said. I didn't say anything funny.

"Why are you laughing? You asked me yourself, Katherine", She held the back of the chair, supporting herself as she stood up. "You. Yuriel, you're so cute that I couldn't help it. I guess I might just fall in love with you. Say, your fiancé can fight for his love, right?", With her tone, I could easily guess she was trying to flirt, to lift my mood since I misunderstood the cause of her laughter.

Before I could say anything else, Katherine placed her index finger on her chin and stroked it. With a thoughtful look, she said," I really feel pity for Sir Vincent. He would be heartbroken to know this shocking truth".

"Katie... What are you talking about? Lower your voice when you speak of the Knights. It might sound disrespectful", Katherine didn't bother to correct herself. "It's alri—

Katherine's words were interrupted when the door to the entrance of the shop was pushed open and a young girl stepped inside, her eyes arrogantly looking around the place as if to judge before falling on us.

A clever smile spread on her lips," If it isn't Katherine Braun", The young girl raised her brows. And my eyes instinctively glanced at Katherine who's expressions remained unchanged.