
Ecstasy Of Heart

MadWitchHh · Fantasy
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24 Chs

Hunting - Part 2

When it was almost the time to leave, everyone collected their weapons before they slowly started to leave on their horses. Katherine first helped me to sit on the horse, as she was considerably a few inches taller than me before getting on herself. I wasn't riding a horse for the first time but still, it felt like a foreign experience. The first time was when I had gone away from my village with my brother that he suddenly had asked me if I wanted to ride a horse and I was as a small girl, elated by his words, agreed, wanting to know how it felt to ride a horse.

"Finally! I can't wait for us to reach. I have been waiting for this for a whole year!", I glanced behind me at the excited Katherine who was too indulged in her self-joy to not notice my hard stare.

"How were you so sure that you would get a chance to go with them? After all, they are the Imperial Knights and it is unlikely to have other people go with them". Katherine finally seemed to have noticed that I was also riding with her. She looked at me with a confused look before grinning cheekily.

"Ahaha, now that's supposed to be a secret, sweet girl", I sighed. There was just so much I could think of. And adding another was not something I was looking forward to. Katherine was again looking ahead. From how Katherine behaved, I could easily guess that she wasn't an ordinary person to want to hide everything about herself, even to me.

We were moving slowly, and if seen, there were probably not many people behind us, meaning we were behind everyone else but Katherine remained indifferent about that. For a girl like Katherine, she did not look one bit petrified. It somewhat made me relieved. If talked about me, I was probably not scared of being left alone in this forest. I had my share of experiences, be it wild animals or people.

It was after a long time when Katherine pulled the reins of the horse to which the horse stopped with a neigh. The galloping sound around us also slowly dissipated. I looked up, where I wasn't able to find much expect the branches of trees. I turned to look at Katherine who did not look like she was planning to move ahead.

"We'll stop here", Katherine smiled at me and I was bewildered by her reply. And when I saw her get down, it turned into anxiouness. "Wait, Katie. You are sure we should not stay close to the others? I am afraid we might lose our way back...", When I looked at Katherine who was staring back at me with an unperturbed look, I swallowed anything I was about to say.

I didn't want to look weak in other people's eyes. And even if something were to happen, I could depend on Katherine for now. I didn't say anything else afterwards. Katherine helped me get down from the horse before she went to tie the straps with the bark of a tree.

"It's alright. I know the way back more than the others. You don't have to worry about anything. Say, wanna learn how to hunt? You're probably uneducated about this", Katherine asked. I looked at Katherine and she looked back at me. Katherine pulled out her bow and she turned to look at me, just as she opened her mouth to speak to me, her eyes moved past me for a second before settling back on me.

She smiled.

"Excuse me, I was told Ms. Braun was—".

The voice behind me halted abruptly, just when I turned around. It seemed that the reason Katherine had stopped from talking earlier was this.

"What a fortunate coincidence", Sir Vincent smiled at me and I heard Katherine clear her throat from behind before I heard her say," Yes. That would be me. I think I am needed? I will be right back", Katherine and I exchanged a look before she walked in the direction from where the Knight had come. With Ms. Braun, he meant Katherine, making me question how he knew her last name.

This was only adding to the obscure questions I had in my mind, even Katherine was becoming a mystery.

I was unsure of how to speak. I stared, watching as Sir Vincent approached me. It was only a few hours ago that we exchanged greetings and I had already started to feel awkward. Sir Vincent appeared to be a optimistic and amicable person, someone who would treat anyone kindly. He was yet again carrying a bright smile on his features.

"You aren't carrying any weapon with you? I thought it would be nice knowing you like it?", He started. I internally sighed. It didn't look like I was going to say anything to start a conversation and even if I did, it would only be a burst of embarrassment for myself. I was not clearly a very bright person, nor was I someone who could live in the dark without interacting with anyone else either; like Cabel.

"Unfortunately Yes. I am not educated enough about hunting, but I have great interest in hunting in it". I remembered the conversation from before which was a lot smilair to this one and I felt as if we were back in time. By now, Sir Vincent was standing right next to me with a bow in his hand and a quiver behind his back, carrying arrows. Sir Vincent smiled again, it was almost blinding me. I would be lying if I said I was not captivated by his looks and his charming smile.

"Then would you like to learn a little?", Sir Vincent titled his head softly to point at the bow in his hand, and for moment, my eyes widened. I hadn't thought he would ask something like this and I was not prepared. The time I took to perceive my answer, in the mean time, Sir Vincent stared at me. I wondered how he was capable of doing so. So much that I was starting to feel flustered under his unwavering gaze. Soft as a feather and bright as the soft rays of sun falling on the ground from the distance between the trees.

Maybe he was ready to say that I could decline, but I interrupted him before he could say anything.


My answer made his smile even more wide. I was still staring at him when he moved to stand behind me. I gave a start, at the same time, my ears perking on the sound from near us. It caught both mine as well as Sir Vincent's attention and we looked ahead to find a deer standing not too far from us.

"Please, allow me".

I finally understood what was going to happen. That deer which was peacefully walking around and eating, without its knowledge, was going to be killed by me. That thought alone gave me goosebumps. When I was small, I had a lot free time, so I some times used to stare at ants. It was something I found delight in. Looking as they collected food and stored in summer for winter so that they would have not to come out in the cold weather.

Before I knew, Sir Vincent's face was already next to my own, his breath hitting the shell of my ear. I felt my heart beat increase at an eccentric pace. I looked down at the bow which Sir Vincent had passed to me. He fixed my position, making me stand with my feet shoulder width apart. His hands went to hold my arms before he aimed at the deer in front of us. The arrow was going to be pierced into the flesh of the deer. My body trembled slightly. Sir Vincent placed his hand on my left hand, which was holding the bowstring.

"You need to relax your shoulders. Keep a relaxed grip on the bow handle". His words were directly whispered in my ear, and I was left abashed.

Sir Vincent's movements were slow and precise, as of a sophisticated and proficient archer. When his hand pulled the bowstring, my eyes closed themself, not wanting to look at what was going to happen to the deer.

I stopped breathing for a while when the arrow was released. I know. My hands had wavered before the arrow was released and I was more surprised that Sir Vincent did not say anything. I presumed that he would be a little disappointed since he gave me his time. He probably had other things to attend to than spend time with someone like me who was scared even when killing an animal.

But to my surprise, the words Sir Vincent spoke were," We missed it. I think you are not used to killing living creatures, am I right? It is not a big problem. After all, it was your first time. If time allows, we can come anytime you wish to hunt. It would be a pleasure of mine to give directions to you".

"I-I am extremely sorry for missing the target. Also for-

"Please do not apologize. As I said earlier, you weren't prepared. It is alright", Sir Vincent's smile convinced me to not think too much about it as well, and when he was himself saying it was fine, then it should be alright.

Sir Vincent took the bow from me and placed another arrow before handing it back to me.

I was about to smile back when I heard the leaves rustle behind me. I instantly turned around, pointing the bow in the direction from where the sound came from. Sir Vincent was  alarmed and before he could react, a growl came from behind the leaves, before something dark stepped out from the bushes, its savage fangs bared to scare the other person, it growled ferociously, as if threatened that it would be killed. My actions were out of pure instincts and mg hands were still slightly trembling.

"It- It is a wolf!", I half-yelled in panic. The bow in my hand was still aimed at the feral animal which looked as if it might pounce on me anytime. Moreover, I couldn't hear anything from Sir Vincent.

"S-Sir Vincent? I.. I am—

My words were left incomplete when the sound of its growls got near to me. My eyes went round and depending on my intuitions, I apprehensively released the arrow. But in a state of anxiouness, I failed to notice the quick movements of Sir Vincent who immediately came behind me before turning my position abruptly.

With the sudden actions of Sir Vincent which I had not apprehended, I lost my stance and fell backward, my back touching Sir Vincent's arm as I stared at the wolf. I was surprised myself when I released the bow and as expected, it was missed as well.

"What...", I was made to swallow back my words when the wolf who had turned his head to look at the arrow which had got stuck in the bark of a tree, turned to stare at us. I was again panic-stricken. About to move again, Sir Vincent placed his hand on my waist, helping me stand up. He looked at the wolf who did not approach us, nor did it stop growling at us.

"It is alright. You do not have to be worried".

I looked up at him with confusion.


He had only started only to be interrupted again by the sound of rustling along with the firm footsteps of a person. Someone was approaching. I let go of Sir Vincent, still maintaining a close distance because of the wolf which was still glaring at me, for trying an attempt to kill it.

As the footsteps got near, I felt the wolf quitened down, its growls reducing with the voice of the footsteps. I turned around, my eyes falling on the person who had come by.


For a second, I thought it was me who had mistakenly spoken his name out loud since I had been thinking about him for most of the day. But it was Sir Vincent.

With the usual aloof expression, which I was more than used to, he passed a glance at Vincent before fixating his blue eyes on me. The color of his eyes was very unique, and for an unexplainable reason, I felt revealed to see him.

I would never admit to it, however.

"What are you two doing here?", I was given another shock when I saw the wolf, who was so aggressively growling at us, walk towards Cabel before it started to circle around Cabel... even his tail was wagging. I was dumbfounded. I was given the fear of my entire life, thinking it would be the end. Who knew it wad a tamed one. I internally sighed, once again.

"I was teaching Miss Yuriel a little about hunting. I was wondering if you had returned. But it seems that you are still here", Cabel and Sir Vincent stared at each other for a while. One with a pleasant smile which could move anyone's heart and the other with such a distant and cold expression that even a grown-up adult would fear talking to him.

He gave off the air of 'I will kill you if you come close.'

And surprisingly, it was very effectual.

"Return to where everyone else is. They must be waiting for you", He said and turned around, and shortly after, the sound of his footsteps decreased as well. Even though the sun was perched high up in the sky at noon, and the day was warm, one could not help but shiver from Cabel's voice.

I was, right now, more concerned about the wolf which did not leave with Cabel, despite acting all spoiled just now. Vincent stepped forward, coming to stand next to me.

"This is Scar. It is currently in the possession of Cabel. A pet you could say", Sir Vincent said. I nodded my head, my eyes still staring at the wolf who was not growling anymore, instead, it was now cleaning its fur. So this was Cabel's wolf, and he had not even bothered to look at it, as if it was forced into his hands. How rude.

"He does not actually favour anyone other than Cabel. But he recognizes me, so it will be fine. We should head back to where everyone is. Shall we?", I nodded my head and as Sir Vincent started to walk, I quietly followed behind him, noticing how the wolf had also started to follow us.