
Ecstasy Of Heart

MadWitchHh · Fantasy
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24 Chs

Dispute - Part 2

"Miss Yuriel"

I heard someone call my name, waking me up from my thoughts and I raised my head to find Sir Vincent standing before me. I stopped a few steps away from him. "Sir Vincent", I greeted for him to smile at me.

"My apologies if I disturbed you, but I thought it would be impolite to depart without saying my goodbye to you", I watched as he approached me, taking two long steps to cover the distance between us, yet it was still enough to fit two person.

"No, you did not. Katherine took me to have breakfast and I had finished by the time I was informed about you wanting to meet me", Sir Vincent nodded. We stayed quiet for a few minutes, not knowing what else to say, we could only stand in silence.

"It is a pity that we could not spend more time together, when I had taken a liking to you", My head lowered at his words and I felt my ears getting warm. I wondered if he noticed my reaction at his straight forward words.

"In the future if we meet, I would like to know more about you. Knowing you are staying in the care of Mr. Carlisle, I think it wouldn't be that difficult to meet you again, right?", I nodded frantically.

"Ah.. Y-yes, I think", it was uncertain how he got to know that I was staying with Cabel. "Yuriel", I was yet again surprised by the way he took my name. It felt soft coming from his lips.

"I recently got to know that you do not belong to this village and that you were found in the middle of the forest, injured. I don't know how you got this far but be careful. It is extremely dangerous out here if you do not have anyone to protect you. Being cautious will keep you safe, and you shouldn't trust people who try to be nice to you. You don't know who's planning behind your back and who's sincere. Appearances are deceptive".

I was stunned after hearing him, he was giving me advice of being careful with what I did. And the last part, I kind of understood what he was hinting at.

But why?

"It's almost time. I hope you make your decisions carefully, hmm?", He hummed to himself at the end and when he turned to me, I saw his ever so bright smile. I wouldn't lie, I was moved by his words. It had been so long since someone cared for me genuinely and his words were sincere. I felt it. Even the radiant smile of his was a proof.

Before leaving, Sir Vincent took my hand and kissed the back with a graceful smile while his eyes remained on me. "Take care of yourself. I would like it if you do. Thank you for your time, Yuriel", He wasn't being formal anymore and as he straightened up, I felt my own heart drop. I really felt that these few minutes we had spent were special.

"Sir Vincent"

He had just turned around and upon hearing his name, he turned around. "Yes?", I bit my lower lip, taking a step forward, I finally smiled back at him. I didn't know why I had to be so quiet and pessimistic right now, when people were being nice to me, trying to unintentionally brighten my life with their warm words, just like him.

"Thank you for your kind words, I will remember them.... And, take care", He smiled at me for the last time before walking away.

Even after a long time, I didn't move from the spot I was standing in. It was funny, how just like that, people came and went away in my life without looking back, I, being unable to stop any of them, could only silently cry in a silent agony, all alone. It would be selfish of me to stop someone for my own happiness, wouldn't it?

Sir Vincent's words had pierced a part of my soul, reminding me of the unbearable pain, and just how lonely I was in this world. I just wanted to go back home, and stay in my brother's embrace for as long as I could. But that seemed so impossible.

Was it so selfish of me to ask for just this much?

I stayed there, until I felt myself getting cold, the chilly breeze making me shiver from the bone-piercing cold wind. I felt the drizzling of rain, as it poured down heavily on the ground, turning it wet, and yet, I did not move. The rain only got heavier by the passing seconds, and unable to bear it anymore, I turned around, ready to get back so that I would not catch a cold, which looked quite impossible since I was sensitive to cold weather and in my subconscious mind, I had let myself get drenched.

I hadn't taken a single step when I noticed someone standing in front of me. I halted even though I had not started to walk yet. Cabel stared at me without a word. His expressions gave away the irritation that he tried to conceal. For I did not know what got him irritated. It was rare. Rare for him to unravel any sliver of an emotion on his face and today could be called an exception.

I didn't make an attempt to move either, staring blankly at him. I wondered if he had heard the conversation between me and Sir Vincent. For how long had he been standing there?

"Yuriel? Yuriel!"

I heard Katherine's desperate voice trying to search for me. Her voice dimmed down when she noticed Cabel standing in the rain as well. "What.. what are you doing standing there in the rain? You'll catch a cold! Hurry up and come here", Katherine did not speak with Cabel, only walking up to me to cover me up with a coat.

"Go on. Go back", Katherine said. She then looked at Cabel who glanced at us before walking away. Katherine held my arm before she started to walk as well, not minding the treatment Cabel was giving to us. She helped me walk as if I wasn't able to walk on my own, I still did not stop her, letting her walk me back.