
Eclipsed Destiny: The Saga of Diaz

Hello Guys,Volume 1 is neear finished, and will go to second volume Plot Summary: In a world where heroes and villains are defined by deeds and desires, Diaz awakens in the body of a seemingly ordinary young man, believed to be the vanished son of the celebrated hero. Unbeknownst to the world, Diaz is not the missing heir, but a reincarnated former underworld boss who once wielded power with ruthless cunning. Diaz seizes the opportunity to assume the identity of the hero's son, embracing the role of an heir while secretly orchestrating his own agenda. With his underworld experience, he employs a web of deceit and manipulation that rivals the very foes he inherited along with the hero's legacy. He manipulates the political landscape and pits his enemies against each other, all while maintaining the guise of a grieving son. As Diaz navigates the world of heroes, magic, and treachery, he discovers that the his past dissappearance was no accident. A shadowy organization with its own nefarious goals had orchestrated the original heir's vanishing act, plunging the realm into chaos. Diaz uncovers the truth behind his predecessor's fate, learning of the hero's flaws and unshared secrets. Harnessing his underworld connections and strategic brilliance, Diaz wages a shadow war against the organization, drawing on the resources he had once commanded. Along the way, he assembles an unlikely group of allies, individuals who thrive in the shades of morality and share his desire to dismantle the organization that manipulated them all. But as Diaz digs deeper, he grapples with his own transformation. He must confront the morality of his past actions and the consequences of his present manipulations. As lines blur between redemption and revenge, Diaz must decide whether to embrace his role as a savior or succumb to the darkness he once ruled. The story is slow but i assure you is just a rain before the storm. There are a harem in the story. But i guaranted you they are not just vase girl. Well but being manipulated by our MC ofcourse. Our MC is not that good but he also not so much evil. MC always puts himself first and not a naive MC

MyLawDude · Fantasy
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37 Chs

Shadows and Schemes in Veridora

In the heart of the chamber, where the secrets of Veridora Kingdom lay hidden, anticipation hung in the air like a charged current. The kingdom's description painted a vivid tapestry—a realm of unparalleled beauty and thriving natural splendor. Veridora existed as a testament to the seamless integration of nature's elements into every facet of life. Emerald-hued meadows danced with the wind, cascading waterfalls serenaded the land, and ancient trees stood as guardians of untold stories, all telling of a realm deeply attuned to the heartbeat of the earth.

As the King of Veridora, Zidan's radiated an aura of authority and regal bearing. He often wore a ceremonial robe crafted from deep green silk, interwoven with threads of gold that shimmered as he moved. The robe flowed elegantly, cascading from his broad shoulders to the ground, its intricate patterns reflecting the kingdom's reverence for nature.

Underneath the robe, he adorned himself in a tailored tunic of similar hue, adorned with a discreet emblem of Veridora—a symbolic representation of its intertwining elements. His pants were of a muted earthy tone, designed for both comfort and practicality. A sash of royal blue encircled his waist, a sign of his noble lineage and position.

His regal presence was accentuated by a crown—wrought with delicate gold filigree and adorned with precious gemstones—symbolizing his status as the kingdom's sovereign ruler. In formal occasions, he donned a royal cloak, its inner lining embroidered with a tapestry depicting Veridora's vibrant landscapes.

Within the chamber, Zidan The Hero, revered both as a king and as a legendary figure, convened an urgent council. The atmosphere held a sense of urgency, echoed by the arrival of a minister, bearing a weighty report.

"Your Highness, the report is here," the minister began, a touch of gravity in his tone. "Tual Kingdom seeks an explanation. They harbor suspicions that we may be involved in an incident targeting James's Daughter within Polimec's territories."

Zidan's expression shifted from composed to startled, his mind racing to process the implications of the report. "What you're suggesting is serious," he replied, his voice carrying a mixture of concern and disbelief. "Lysandra, the revered saint of our realm, caught up in an attack? How did this happen?"

"It's as you've heard, Your Majesty," the minister continued. "Lysandra's name has been implicated in the incident. There is growing speculation and suspicion, both from Tual Kingdom and beyond."

Zidan's brow furrowed in thought, his mind a maelstrom of questions and concerns. "Summon Lysandra immediately," he instructed the minister. "I need to hear her side of the story directly."

As the minister departed to relay the urgent summons, a young man, the very image of vitality and intelligence, approached Zidan. His presence commanded attention—handsome features, a mane of raven-black hair, and eyes that radiated an uncommon wisdom for his age.

"Father," the young man addressed Zidan, a hint of earnestness in his voice. "There's no way Lysandra could be responsible for such an act. She's devoted her life to the kingdom's well-being."

Elian's attire reflected a fusion of practicality and elegance, mirroring his status as a distinguished young noble and prodigious genius. He often donned a fitted jacket made of forest green fabric, adorned with intricate gold embroidery along the lapels and cuffs. The jacket exuded an air of sophistication while allowing him a wide range of movement, a necessity for someone with his inherent talents.

Beneath the jacket, he wore a crisp white shirt, its collar held in place by an emerald-studded brooch—a symbol of his noble heritage. His pants, crafted from durable yet comfortable material, were a deep shade of charcoal gray, tailored to perfection. Around his waist, a finely tooled leather belt secured a small pouch for his personal effects.

"I understand your sentiment, Elian," Zidan replied, his gaze softening as he regarded his son. "But you must realize that in the realm of politics, appearances and realities can differ drastically."

Elian's expression betrayed his frustration, his determination unwavering. "I know it's a complex situation, but we must stand by Lysandra until the truth is uncovered. Accusations alone should not define her legacy."

Zidan's eyes held a mix of pride and contemplation. "You speak with the wisdom of one beyond your years, my son. Let us hope that the truth emerges swiftly and unburdens Lysandra from this cloud of suspicion."

As the chamber's intricate tapestries and carved columns bore witness to the unfolding events, Veridora Kingdom stood at a crossroads. In a world where political intricacies intermingled with the ideals of honor and loyalty, the destiny of a revered saint, the unity of a royal family, and the reputation of a kingdom hung in delicate balance. Time would reveal the threads that connected these elements and the impact they would have on the realm's future.

Soon after, another minister hastened into the chamber, his urgency palpable.

"Your Majesty, urgent news!" the minister exclaimed, his voice filled with a mixture of concern and haste.

Zidan's brows furrowed in exasperation, his patience tested by the continuous onslaught of crises. "What is it now?" he demanded, his tone a mixture of weariness and anticipation.

"There is a monstrous creature wreaking havoc within our boundaries, a level 4 beast," the minister reported, the gravity of his words underscoring the severity of the situation. "It is unleashing unparalleled disaster in its wake."

Zidan's eyes widened in disbelief. "A level 4 beast? How is this even possible?" His words held a note of incredulity; after all, level 3 creatures were becoming rare across the continent, let alone level 4 or the legendary level 5 beasts. Even a level 5 individual would struggle to confront such a creature single-handedly—typically, it required a group of at least 10 skilled individuals to subdue or vanquish such a menace.

"And the casualties?" Zidan inquired, dreading the answer.

"Approximately 1,500 lives have been lost," the minister replied solemnly, the weight of the tragedy evident in his tone.

"Gather the troops," Zidan commanded, his voice heavy with a mix of determination and sorrow.

"There's more, Your Majesty," the minister continued, his expression grave. "The saint intervened, attempting to quell the threat. However, during the battle, she was captured by the beast."

Zidan's eyes widened in disbelief and horror. "Captured? Our revered saint?"

Elian, who had remained largely silent throughout the preceding conversation, now displayed a fierce resolve that mirrored the blaze of magma power he wielded—his innate strength, a level 2 peak genius, flaring to life.

"Stop it, Elian," Zidan interjected firmly, recognizing his son's readiness to unleash his power. "We must focus on the situation at hand. Do we have any other information?"

"Yes, Your Majesty," the minister continued, a somber tone in his voice. "The beast left a message."

"A message?" Zidan inquired, his mind racing to uncover the motives behind this unexpected chaos.

"Yes, they demand a heavenly artifact, along with a sum of 1 million coins. They have stipulated that we deliver these items to the border of Sina Kingdom."

"Sina Kingdom?" Zidan muttered, his thoughts churning as he attempted to decipher the implications of this demand. His instincts as a shrewd ruler immediately recognized the orchestrated plot behind these events. "There's more to this than meets the eye," Zidan mused, his voice a mix of caution and calculation. "Someone is pulling the strings, using this chaos as a cover for their true intentions."

As Veridora Kingdom grappled with the dual crises of a rampaging beast and the enigmatic abduction of their saint, Zidan's mind whirred into action. The kingdom's destiny hung in the balance, and the cunning king was determined to unveil the machinations at play and safeguard his realm from the clutches of a web of intrigue.

"We need to take action, Father," Elian insisted, his voice edged with urgency and frustration.

Zidan, ever the calculated king, shook his head in response. "No, Elian."

"Why?" Elian pressed, his impatience apparent.

"We must handle this crisis with careful consideration," Zidan explained, his tone measured. "Moreover, we have received correspondence from Polimec. Someone is attempting to sow chaos within our kingdom."

"But...," Elian's voice trailed off, his distress evident. As a prodigious genius, he found himself entrapped in a mixture of emotions—concern for Lysandra's safety and the lingering remnants of a childhood infatuation.

Zidan held his ground, fully aware of the turmoil swirling within his son. "We cannot act hastily," he reiterated. "It's imperative that we address this matter judiciously. Furthermore, we must account for the letter from Polimec, which hints at a sinister force orchestrating turmoil in our land."

Elian sighed, his internal struggle evident. His connection with Lysandra, a figure from his past and a source of fond memories, complicated matters immensely.

"Lysandra's captors won't be reckless," Zidan continued, his voice carrying a reassuring tone. "She's a saint, equipped with a safe talisman, and her life stone still shines—proof of her survival."

"I know, Father," Elian responded, though his unease remained palpable. He knew that Lysandra's safety was ensured, but he couldn't quell the frustration that gnawed at him for not being able to prevent her kidnapping.

"In the meantime, focus on your entrance tests for Luminarium Academy," Zidan advised. "I will oversee Lysandra's case and unravel the complexities surrounding it."

Elian nodded, albeit with a sense of distracted restlessness. His thoughts continued to drift toward Lysandra and the desire to intervene in her predicament.

As Zidan managed the kingdom's intricate web of challenges, Elian prepared to embark on his journey to Luminarium Academy—a path that would undoubtedly forge his destiny while Lysandra's fate hung in the balance.