
Eclipsed Destiny: The Saga of Diaz

Hello Guys,Volume 1 is neear finished, and will go to second volume Plot Summary: In a world where heroes and villains are defined by deeds and desires, Diaz awakens in the body of a seemingly ordinary young man, believed to be the vanished son of the celebrated hero. Unbeknownst to the world, Diaz is not the missing heir, but a reincarnated former underworld boss who once wielded power with ruthless cunning. Diaz seizes the opportunity to assume the identity of the hero's son, embracing the role of an heir while secretly orchestrating his own agenda. With his underworld experience, he employs a web of deceit and manipulation that rivals the very foes he inherited along with the hero's legacy. He manipulates the political landscape and pits his enemies against each other, all while maintaining the guise of a grieving son. As Diaz navigates the world of heroes, magic, and treachery, he discovers that the his past dissappearance was no accident. A shadowy organization with its own nefarious goals had orchestrated the original heir's vanishing act, plunging the realm into chaos. Diaz uncovers the truth behind his predecessor's fate, learning of the hero's flaws and unshared secrets. Harnessing his underworld connections and strategic brilliance, Diaz wages a shadow war against the organization, drawing on the resources he had once commanded. Along the way, he assembles an unlikely group of allies, individuals who thrive in the shades of morality and share his desire to dismantle the organization that manipulated them all. But as Diaz digs deeper, he grapples with his own transformation. He must confront the morality of his past actions and the consequences of his present manipulations. As lines blur between redemption and revenge, Diaz must decide whether to embrace his role as a savior or succumb to the darkness he once ruled. The story is slow but i assure you is just a rain before the storm. There are a harem in the story. But i guaranted you they are not just vase girl. Well but being manipulated by our MC ofcourse. Our MC is not that good but he also not so much evil. MC always puts himself first and not a naive MC

MyLawDude · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
37 Chs


Just before the lion's attack, as tension hung in the air, a figure emerged amidst the chaos – It was Diaz, his eyes filled with determination as he unleashed a powerful wind seal to shield Aura from the impending attack. The wind barrier crackled with energy, deflecting the lion queen's claws and sending her stumbling back.

Aura's eyes widened in surprise and relief at the sight of him, a mixture of emotions swirling within her. "A prince on a white horse," she couldn't help but think, a faint blush tinting her cheeks. It was an unexpected sensation, this feeling of needing someone to protect her. As a powerful lion and a seasoned fighter, she had always been the one to defend, not to be defended. But in that moment, as Diaz stood there, ready to face the danger alongside her, she couldn't deny that being saved felt strangely wonderful.

"Aura, are you okay?" Diaz's voice rang out, laced with concern and urgency.

Aura managed a strained nod, her chest heaving as she caught her breath. Diaz's timely intervention had saved her from a dire fate, and she was grateful for his presence in this moment of crisis.

"Leave the lion to me," Diaz declared, his voice steady despite the chaos around them.

With renewed determination, Aura nodded and took a step back, allowing Diaz to take the lead. She watched as he focused his energy, conjuring a powerful wind spell. A sphere of crackling energy formed in his hands, growing larger and more volatile by the second. It was a technique he had learned from his mother's collection of artifacts—an explosive wind bomb that held the potential to deliver devastating force.

With a final surge of power, Diaz hurled the wind bomb towards the lion queen. The sphere streaked through the air with blinding speed, leaving a trail of shimmering energy in its wake. The lion queen's eyes widened in realization just moments before impact, but it was too late.

The wind bomb collided with the lion queen, unleashing a cataclysmic explosion of wind and energy. The force of the blast rippled outward, creating shockwaves that reverberated through the battlefield. The ground trembled, and a deafening roar echoed as the explosion engulfed the lion queen.

When the dust and debris finally settled, the battlefield was transformed. The once-fierce lion queen lay motionless, her form battered and broken. The surrounding area was scorched and torn asunder, evidence of the tremendous power that had been unleashed.

As the smoke cleared, Diaz stood amidst the aftermath, his chest heaving with exertion. His wind spell had succeeded, and the threat of the lion queen had been eradicated. He turned to Aura, a weary but triumphant smile on his lips.

"You're amazing, Diaz," Aura said, her voice a mixture of admiration and gratitude.

Diaz shrugged modestly, though a hint of pride gleamed in his eyes. "Just my mother's stuff. She really is crazy rich, you know. Don't be fooled by this cheap ring." With a playful grin, he tapped the ring on his finger, revealing a hidden compartment. Inside were countless safe talismans—relics of his mother's vast collection and a testament to her wealth and influence.

As the battle drew to a close, a heavy silence settled over the sanctuary. The devastation was evident, and the cost of the conflict weighed heavily on the hearts of those who remained. Homes were destroyed, lives were lost, and the once-thriving sanctuary was now a scene of wreckage.

"It's over," Aura whispered, her gaze somber as she surveyed the aftermath.

Diaz nodded in agreement. "Yeah, but at least it's over."

The battle had been fierce, the stakes high, and the losses tragic. But amidst the destruction, there was a glimmer of hope—the strength of unity and the resilience of those who had fought to protect their home.

The sanctuary had been broken, and the wounds would take time to heal. But as the dust settled and the survivors began to regroup, there was a shared determination to rebuild, to stand together, and to ensure that their sacrifices had not been in vain.

With a heavy heart and a newfound sense of purpose, Aura turned to Diaz. "Thank you, Diaz. You saved us."

Diaz shrugged once more, his expression modest yet sincere. "It's what heroes do, right?"

Together, they stood amidst the wreckage, survivors of a battle that had tested their strength, resolve, and bonds of friendship. As they looked towards the future, they knew that challenges would continue to arise, but they were prepared to face them together.

And so, the sanctuary would rise again, stronger than before, fueled by the courage of its people and the unwavering dedication of those who stood as its protectors.

As the dust began to settle and the adrenaline-fueled battle subsided, a mix of exhaustion and relief filled the air. Helena let out a heavy sigh and wiped the sweat from her brow.

"Phew, I can't believe we just went through that again," she muttered, looking at the scorched earth around them.

Indah chuckled softly. "Well, milady, at least we're getting quite experienced in dealing with unexpected attacks."

Helena rolled her eyes playfully. "Oh yes, lucky us, the experts in chaotic situations."

Diaz, who had joined them after the battle, grinned mischievously. "You know, I heard chaos is the latest trend this season."

Aura, still catching her breath, managed a weak chuckle. "Well, it seems like we're setting the trend then. Who needs calm days anyway?"

Diaz leaned on his sword with a theatrical sigh. "Ah, the sweet serenity of chaos."

Helena laughed, a genuine sound that seemed to ease the tension that had been hanging in the air. "Alright, alright, chaos it is. But seriously, Diaz, where were you during all that?"

Diaz feigned innocence. "Oh, you know, just enjoying the scenic view from a safe distance."

Indah raised an eyebrow. "Safe distance? More like conveniently disappearing whenever trouble comes knocking."

Diaz winked. "Well, someone's gotta keep the chaos at bay, right?"

Aura shook her head, still amazed by the situation. "Honestly, Diaz, you're something else."

"As long as I'm not a charred something else, I'm good," Diaz replied with a grin.

Helena clapped him on the back. "Well, we appreciate the unsinged something else, Diaz."

Gordon and the guards approached Aura, their faces marked with sincere regret and apology. "Milady, please forgive us for failing to protect our source, our core," Gordon expressed with a tinge of disappointment in his voice.

Aura's gaze softened as she held up the glowing core, emanating a radiant light. The sudden turn of events left everyone astonished – guards, Helena, Indah, and Diaz. 'How is this possible?' Diaz couldn't help but wonder inwardly. Aura's revelation seemed to defy all logic they knew.

"It's a new core," Aura explained, her voice carrying a sense of resolution. "The old core had nearly depleted its energy and was due for replacement." The explanation left Diaz dumbfounded, his carefully laid schemes suddenly seeming pointless. 'Why did I bother scheming all day long to acquire the old core?' Diaz's frustration was palpable, but he begrudgingly accepted the situation. 'Well, a core is a core' he muttered desperately, though his original intentions remained hidden.

As Aura's thoughts drifted to the Order and their unveiled intentions, she recognized the need to prepare for a counterattack. "The Order has shown its fangs," she thought, her determination hardening. She realized that ignoring their actions would be a mistake, and she needed to hit back with full force.

"Improve the security detail guarding the core. Strengthen the talisman defenses and prepare for a potential conflict," Aura declared, her voice resonating with authority. The guards acknowledged her command, ready to carry out her orders and defend their territory.

Aura turned her attention to Diaz, an air of melancholy settling around her. "I'm sorry, Diaz, but our planned date will have to be postponed," she explained, her tone genuine.

Diaz nodded in understanding. "That's fine, Aura. I need to return home as soon as possible," he replied.

Helena, feeling like an outsider in the conversation, observed the exchange with a mixture of irritation and amusement. The dynamics between Aura and Diaz were undeniable, leaving Helena to muse, "To make a princess feel like air... damn it, Diaz." Yet, amidst the slight annoyance, she couldn't help but find the situation rather entertaining.

With smiles exchanged and a promise made, Aura's conviction and Diaz's confidence remained unshaken. As the day unfolded with surprising turns, the threads of their destinies continued to intertwine, forging a story that held both intrigue and promise.

Oh, so now you're off the hook, Diaz? Skipping out on a princess?" Helena teased, raising an eyebrow.

Diaz smirked in response. "Well, Princess, I guess I can't keep up with your expectations of a grandiose date," he retorted with a mischievous glint in his eye.

"Ha, as if you could ever meet my expectations," Helena shot back, rolling her eyes. "I doubt you even know how to behave on a proper date."

Indah couldn't help but let out a light chuckle at their exchange. The contrasting dynamic between Diaz's cheeky confidence and Helena's quick wit was both entertaining and oddly endearing. It was evident that beneath their teasing, there was a strange sense of camaraderie between the two.

Diaz leaned in, a sly grin on his face. "Well, Helena, if you're looking for someone who can show you a good time, I'm just a message away," he offered, his tone a mix of playful and provoking.

Helena scoffed, folding her arms across her chest. "Oh please, Diaz. Your idea of a good time probably involves cheap tricks and exaggerated stories."

Indah's laughter grew, her amusement evident as she watched their friendly sparring. "You two really are something," she remarked with a shake of her head.

As the conversation continued, Diaz couldn't resist a playful jab. "Well, let's go home, Helena," he teased, a smug grin on his face.

Helena's cheeks turned a light shade of pink, caught off guard by his words. "Who said I'm going home with you?" she retorted, though her response lacked the usual fiery edge, her face paint with blush.

Diaz raised an eyebrow in mock surprise. "Oh really? I thought we were bonding over our shared appreciation for banter," he quipped, his tone a mixture of amusement and challenge.

Helena rolled her eyes, a faint smile tugging at the corner of her lips. "Don't get ahead of yourself, Diaz. I just don't want to deal with any more of your nonsense today."

Diaz shrugged, a playful smirk on his face. "Well, if you change your mind, I'll be here, ready to grace you with my unparalleled company," he said, a hint of sarcasm in his voice.

Helena let out an exasperated sigh, but her expression softened. "We'll see about that," she muttered, a hint of reluctant agreement in her words.

Meanwhile, Aura observed their interaction with a mixture of amusement and a touch of jealousy. She couldn't help but feel a pang of envy as she watched Diaz and Helena's banter. The way they effortlessly exchanged words and traded teases seemed to form a connection between them that she wished she had with Diaz. Yet, she knew she had her own path to follow, her own responsibilities to fulfill.

The power level will be more detailed in Vol. 2 I promised, I am to concerened about the story that I neglect the power etc. Time to learn though. I won't bother to change it in the first Volume because no much action in it. So be patient and stand still.well be add aux vol 0 too make it briefly about the power system.

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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