
Eclipsed Destiny: The Saga of Diaz

Hello Guys,Volume 1 is neear finished, and will go to second volume Plot Summary: In a world where heroes and villains are defined by deeds and desires, Diaz awakens in the body of a seemingly ordinary young man, believed to be the vanished son of the celebrated hero. Unbeknownst to the world, Diaz is not the missing heir, but a reincarnated former underworld boss who once wielded power with ruthless cunning. Diaz seizes the opportunity to assume the identity of the hero's son, embracing the role of an heir while secretly orchestrating his own agenda. With his underworld experience, he employs a web of deceit and manipulation that rivals the very foes he inherited along with the hero's legacy. He manipulates the political landscape and pits his enemies against each other, all while maintaining the guise of a grieving son. As Diaz navigates the world of heroes, magic, and treachery, he discovers that the his past dissappearance was no accident. A shadowy organization with its own nefarious goals had orchestrated the original heir's vanishing act, plunging the realm into chaos. Diaz uncovers the truth behind his predecessor's fate, learning of the hero's flaws and unshared secrets. Harnessing his underworld connections and strategic brilliance, Diaz wages a shadow war against the organization, drawing on the resources he had once commanded. Along the way, he assembles an unlikely group of allies, individuals who thrive in the shades of morality and share his desire to dismantle the organization that manipulated them all. But as Diaz digs deeper, he grapples with his own transformation. He must confront the morality of his past actions and the consequences of his present manipulations. As lines blur between redemption and revenge, Diaz must decide whether to embrace his role as a savior or succumb to the darkness he once ruled. The story is slow but i assure you is just a rain before the storm. There are a harem in the story. But i guaranted you they are not just vase girl. Well but being manipulated by our MC ofcourse. Our MC is not that good but he also not so much evil. MC always puts himself first and not a naive MC

MyLawDude · Fantasy
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37 Chs

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Diaz leaned against the wall of the Sanctuary's waiting area, his impatience evident in the way he tapped his foot rhythmically on the ground. His gaze was fixed on Helena, who was engrossed in applying her makeup. Today marked their return to the Polimec Kingdom, to Diaz's home.

"Seriously, how much longer do I have to wait?" Diaz muttered under his breath, his irritation palpable. He glanced over at Helena, who was meticulously working on her appearance.

"Quit your complaining and be patient," Helena shot back without looking up, her focus entirely on the mirror in front of her.

Diaz let out an exasperated sigh. "Are you sure you're not an old lady in disguise? You're taking forever to get ready."

Helena finally put down her makeup brush and turned to face Diaz, a scowl on her face. "Do you want me to look presentable or not? We're not going to a party; we're heading home."

Helena then exited the room, leaving Diaz to his impatience. When she reappeared a little while later, she was adorned in a stunning red gown that accentuated her elegance.

"How do I look?" Helena inquired with a hint of uncertainty in her voice.

Diaz glanced at her and raised an eyebrow. "We're not here to attend a gala, you know."

Helena's lips twitched into a pout. "You could at least be a little more enthusiastic."

Indah, who had been observing the exchange, couldn't help but chuckle softly at the banter between the two. She was accustomed to their playful arguments and knew that beneath their bickering, there was a deep understanding and camaraderie.

"Alright, alright, enough bickering, you two," Indah interjected with a smile. "Let's not forget why we're here."

Helena stuck out her tongue at Diaz, who simply rolled his eyes in response. They might squabble like siblings, but they were a team when it truly mattered.

As the trio continued to wait, the atmosphere shifted when Aura made her entrance. Diaz's demeanor altered as he greeted her with a nod and a smile. "Hey, Aura, send my regards to your family, will you?"

Aura returned the smile, her cheeks turning a shade pinker. "Of course, I will. Have a safe journey back home."

Diaz's smirk widened slightly. "Sure thing."

As the conversation progressed, Diaz couldn't help but notice the subtle blush on Aura's cheeks. The realization made him smile inwardly, his thoughts drifting to the possibility that there might be something more than friendship between her and the mysterious Arthur.

After a while, their preparations were complete, and they were ready to depart. As they left the Sanctuary, Diaz found himself engaged in another round of verbal sparring with Helena. She playfully nudged him, and he retorted with a faux exaggerated sigh.

"Is this what it's like to travel with you?" Helena teased, her lips curling into a mischievous smile.

Diaz chuckled. "Well, you wouldn't want it any other way, would you?"

Helena shrugged, a grin tugging at the corners of her mouth. "Maybe not."

Indah looked on, her laughter mingling with their banter. She knew that despite the constant back-and-forth, there was a deep bond of affection and understanding between Diaz and Helena.

As they embarked on their journey back to the Polimec Kingdom, Diaz's thoughts wandered. The friendly exchange with Aura had brought a new dynamic to their group. He knew that while things might change, their camaraderie would remain strong.

In the end, their lighthearted bickering was a testament to the comfortable familiarity they shared. Diaz and Helena might have their differences, but their journey was made all the more enjoyable because of them.

As the journey continued, the scenery outside the window changed gradually, marking their progress toward the Polimec Kingdom. Diaz's thoughts were interrupted by a message he received from Gargantua, a reliable informant in his network. The news was significant: the mission had been completed, and Lysandra, the Veridora Saint, had been kidnapped.

A sly smile tugged at the corners of Diaz's lips. "As expected," he murmured to himself, satisfied that his plans were unfolding smoothly. He took a moment to calculate the next steps in his elaborate scheme, making mental notes of the possible moves he could make to exploit the situation to his advantage.

Lost in his thoughts, Diaz suddenly became aware of Helena's presence beside him. She looked nervous, her eyes betraying her unease. He couldn't help but chuckle inwardly at her predicament – visiting a man's house for the first time was bound to be nerve-wracking.

"Heh, Diaz, can you give me some advice on how to behave when I meet your family?" Helena's question was laced with anxiety. It was evident that she was trying to make a good impression, but the weight of the situation seemed to be getting to her.

Diaz leaned back in his seat, wearing a calm expression. "Just be Normal," he replied nonchalantly.

Helena's eyebrows furrowed in confusion. "What do you mean by 'just be Normal'? That's not helpful at all," she retorted, her frustration clear in her voice,as her dignity has being strained by this shameless men.

Diaz chuckled at her reaction. "What I mean is, don't overthink it. Just act natural and be respectful. My family is pretty easygoing."

Helena's face contorted into a mix of exasperation and amusement. "Oh, easy for you to say. You've never had to meet my family," she countered.

Diaz's smile widened. "True, but I'm sure you'll do just fine. Just be genuine and don't stress too much about it."

Helena sighed, her shoulders relaxing slightly. "Alright, I'll try my best."

As the journey continued, their conversation shifted to lighter topics, easing the tension that had briefly settled between them. Diaz's mind, however, was still occupied with the news of Lysandra's kidnapping. He knew that this development could play a crucial role in his overarching plan, and he was determined to manipulate it to his advantage.

Unbeknownst to Helena, Diaz's thoughts were filled with intricate strategies and calculations. He wondered if his mother would react with excitement when she learned he was bringing a girl home. The thought amused him, considering his past obliviousness to romantic matters.

As they neared their destination, Diaz couldn't help but wonder how his dual life – the one he presented to the world and the one that revolved around his clandestine activities – would eventually intertwine. For now, he maintained his composure, keeping his intentions veiled from his companions.

"Hey, Diaz, are you listening?" Helena's voice brought him back from his thoughts.

Diaz turned to her with a grin. "Of course, just lost in my own world for a moment."

Helena rolled her eyes playfully. "Typical."

As they continued their journey, the unspoken tension remained, mingling with their banter and camaraderie. Diaz's intricate scheme was set in motion, each move calculated to perfection. And as the miles passed, Diaz's determination burned brighter, ready to shape the path ahead.

One week had passed since their eventful journey, and finally, the Polimec Kingdom lay before them. Diaz and Helena stood at the threshold of a vibrant land, its beauty matching the vivid description they had heard. Polimec was a kingdom of enchanting landscapes, where nature's essence intertwined with every facet of life. Lush meadows, cascading waterfalls, and ancient trees harmonized to paint a picture of a realm deeply attuned to the rhythms of the earth.

The city welcomed them with its bustling streets, colorful markets, and lively atmosphere. The air was filled with the aroma of various cuisines, while the sounds of chatter and laughter danced through the air. The architecture spoke of a kingdom that cherished both tradition and modernity – ornate buildings and sophisticated structures coexisted harmoniously.

As they made their way deeper into the kingdom, Diaz's home awaited them. Nestled on the outskirts of the city, his residence stood as a testament to his heritage – a dragonic abode that exuded an air of strength and mystique. The architecture bore intricate patterns reminiscent of dragon scales, and the roofing swept into gentle curves, reminiscent of the majestic creatures themselves.

The entrance was adorned with ornate carvings depicting scenes of dragons in flight and battles. The door was emblazoned with a motif of flames, evoking the power and ferocity of these mythical beings. As they entered, the interior was a fusion of elegance and comfort. Rich tapestries and intricate decorations adorned the walls, each telling a story of the kingdom's history and Diaz's lineage.

Amidst the opulence, a sudden gust of wind stirred the air, accompanied by a melodious voice. "DIAAAZ!" The wind seemed to carry a mix of excitement and impatience.

Startled, Diaz turned toward the source of the voice. In a swirl of wind and a flash of light, a strikingly beautiful woman appeared before him. With arms outstretched, she embraced Diaz, her exuberance almost overwhelming him. Her embrace was so tight that her ample bosom covered his face, leaving him momentarily engulfed.

Diaz's muffled voice emerged from within the soft confines of her hug. "It's good to see you too, Mother."