
Echoes and Shadows

Once upon a time, she knew a boy. He was her friend, who soon became her home. The only escape from the nightmares haunting her. Then, he vanished.. letting her fall back into dark pit. Now, he is back, to keep his promise of protecting her from her nightmares. Little did he know, he became another of her nightmares the very moment he left.

Lazy_semicolon · Urban
Not enough ratings
11 Chs


March 2011


"Tell me again, why am I finding the distance between moon and sun. What are scientists for if they make me do this shit?" Ray whined for the hundredth time tonight. Aaron and Ray came over to my place for our homework session. It became a routine these days to get our work done together. It's more fun and way too easy since the three of us partnered in most subjects.

"Stop whining Ray. What are you? A pre kg kid?" I said rolling my eyes.

"My my! Look at the arrogance of this child,"  Ray said dramatically placing his hand across his heart in mock hurt.

"Aaron. How many are left?" I ask ignoring Ray.

"One," he says looking up from his book. Aaron is the smartest of us all. He could recite English poetry like a pro and he could talk about historical wars with equal expertise and when it comes to Mathematics, you can say he is no less to a genius.

"I am down to 3 and once we are done, we are leaving. With or without this whiny kid," I point towards Ray with my pencil.

"Ofcourse, we cant keep icecream waiting for some idiot who still cries over homework," Aaron replied with a chuckle. Before Ray could retort, his phone started ringing and his face turned serious as he listened to the person on call.

"It's Ree. That asshole father of hers is back. Probably for more money and my baby girl is alone. Mom got a call and left almost an hour ago. She said she wanted to spend time with Ree. Fuck! I should have known better than leaving Ree alone with that woman," Ray mumbles more to himself.

"Ray, relax. Your house is 10 mins from here. We can run there in no time," I pointed. Ray's stepfather leeched off his mom even after the divorce and his visits are not too pretty, to say the least.

"No. You guys stay back complete the work. I dont want you around that asshole," he said pointing me.

"I am coming," Aaron said in a voice that left no place for debate.

"No Ron. You are not. I am not dealing with him tonight. I ll leave it to mother dearest. She needs to learn to clean up her own mess and for leaving Ree after promising a day out, she deserves it.

I ll just take Ree away from that place. I ll probably take her to that games place we frequented. Its been a while since we had our bro sis session," he said with a wink but the I could feel the simmering anger in his voice.

"Alright. Keep us posted and drop a message if you change your mind and want to teach him a lesson," Aaron said as Ray made his way out.

Soon after Ray left, we were done with our works and resumed the movie we left before startimg our home work with popcorn and ice creams in front of us.

Half way way through the movie, Kay came home in a weird mood. She was all smiles most if the times she came back but tonight, she was like a ticking bomb.

"Hey. I ll be back in a minute," I said to Aaron and made my way toward Kay's room

"Kay. Are you alright?" I asked her, entering her room.

"Ohh yes sweetheart. I am totally fine," she answered, not looking at me.

"Kay, stop lying. Tell me what's bothering you," I asked again.

Kay had never been a sharing type. She was just 10 years older than me, but death of her sister and brother-in-law at age of 20 and having to take responsibility of their 10-year-old daughter at that age made her older beyond years. She kept giving and giving, and now she forgot what it is like to have someone else to share her burdens. Sometimes I feel guilty for ruining her life and her dreams.

"I don't know Ali. It's all falling apart. My boss wanted to take me out. That bastard's ego couldn't take a no and now he is hell-bent on making my life a living torture. I told him I can't do outstation works before I started working for him and he accepted without even thinking twice. But now, the bastard gave me an ultimatum Ali. He either wants me to attend this meeting being held in Italy, or quit my job. How can he do this to me Ali? He knew how hard I worked for this? I don't know what to do Ali," she said with tears running down her face. Kayla is stronger than any other person I ever met. She was a fighter and seeing tears in her eyes made me want to cry along with her.

Her career was the only thing she dint give up after my parent's death. Knowing that I am being the reason for her career to fall apart is not sitting well with me.

"Kay, what's the big deal in this? You always wanted to visit Italy Kay. This is like two birds in one shot. You are already prepared with that presentation, and you are going to rock it," I tried to reason but already knew she wouldn't buy it so soon.

"No," she said looking at me as if I grew two heads. That's the thing with Kay. I never understood her reason, but for as long as I remember, she never left me alone even for one night. No dates, no boys, no business... nothing could keep her away from me the whole night.

"What do you mean by 'no'?" I asked trying to keep my voice reasonable.

"I meant what it is Ali. I won't leave you all on yourself for the entire weekend. There is no point discussing it," she said in a matter of fact tone.

"But why Kay? I am not a kid. I can take care of myself for one weekend. It's not a big deal. Nothing compared to your career. I already ruined your life enough. If you lost your job because of me, it will kill me Kay," I said, my voice raising a tone higher.

"What the fuck are you talking about Ali? What's wrong with you? From where did all this nonsense enter your head? You are the most important person in my life Ali. Nothing I do for you would ever ruin anything for me." Our voices were getting louder and louder, but I was beyond the point of caring.

"I know Kay, and you are that person for me. What do you think it makes me feel to know that you lost the job you loved all because I couldn't be a trust worthy person who could take care of herself?" I was getting desperate. I need to make her understand that I can take care of myself. She don't have to give up her opportunities for me.

"Its not about you sweetheart. I know you can take care of yourself. It's just... Its... I don't know. I can't do it Ali. I can't leave you all alone without protection Ali. I can't do it," she said convincing herself more than me.

"Arghhhh! Why are you being so difficult Kay? Why is it so hard for you? When will you stop seeing me like a broken 10-year-old girl who needs constant supervision? I am not that anymore Kay. I have grown up. Cant you see?" I almost shouted getting frustrated with her stubbornness.

"Is everything alright girls?" Aaron asked, standing at the entrance of Kay's room. Shit! I totally forgot him being here.

"No. Nothing is alright. Kay is being a difficult kid again," I said glaring at Kay.

"Do you guys want me to help you sort it out?" he asked again.

"She got an ultimatum Aaron. She have to quit her job if she dint attend this meeting in Italy. She worked days and nights for her job, and now she is fucking ready to leave her job. All because she thinks I am not capable of taking care of myself for one weekend," I explained hoping he would put some sense into Kay's head.

"You know that's not true Ali. I can't leave you alone because it's not umm... safe," she answered.

"Ok... I think I got a hang of your problem. You don't want Kayla to lose her opportunity for your sake," he said looking at me for which I nodded.

"And you are afraid for her safety, which totally makes sense, by the way," he said turning towards Kay making me glare at him.

"But I think I have a solution for this," he said.

"And that would be?" I asked curious.

"Kayla. How about you go and attend that meeting of yours while I stay at your place taking care of our princess?" he announced proudly.

"You'd do that?" Kay asked with hopeful voice.

"No," I immediately shouted in panic. There is no way I can let Aaron sleep at our place. He will know if he did. I can't let him know.

"Kay, it's not necessary. I can take care of myself," I tried to make her understand.

"Will you do it Aaron? Will you stay with her while I am away?" The hope in her voice weakened all the arguments brewing up in my head.

"I will Kayla," Aaron promised. Kay was lost in deep thought for a moment giving me time to think over this sudden development. Maybe I will be quiet until she leaves and then ask Aaron to leave. Yes, that will work.

"Ali. Are you ok with this?" Kay asked me.

"Yes Kay. Totally. Now, make a call and let that asshole boss of yours know you are going," I shouted with excitement dripping in my voice.

"Kay. I am going to pack your stuff," I said and jumped down the bed running towards her closet.

"Okay. Just don't over do it Ali. Its business and its just for two days," She shouted making her way towards the bathroom. As if I would ever listen to her.

Within no time, she was all set to leave. Her flight was booked for 10 at night, and she had an hour more to reach the airport. Her boss, Mr.Jerkface offered to pick her up and so now, the three of us are gathered in the living room, waiting for him to show up.

"You ll be fine right?" Kay asked for hundredth time tonight.

"I will Kay. I am a big girl now," I said in an attempt to make her frown turn into a smile.

"You'll call me if you need something, okay. My phone will be on always. So if you need anything at all, call me. And by any chance if you can't reach me, call Jake," she said again. Jake is my uncle who lives few hours away. He is older than Kay but younger than my mom and just as crazy as Kay is.

"I will Kay. Please stop worrying about me. It's your dream Kay. A trip to Italy with your hot boss. Don't ruin it worrying about me," I said.

"Italy was my dream Ali. Not with that asshole," she said making me and Aaron chuckle.

Door bell rang, disturbing our chat, announcing the arrival of Kay's boss. She jumped little in her place but immediately regained her composure. Aaron answered the door while Kay kept giving me last-minute instructions.

"Hey ladies," he said entering the living room making Kay roll her eyes. She had a good friendship with her boss until he asked her out.

She quickly grabbed all her belongings, and they made their way towards the car.

"Please take care of her Aaron. Please be careful," she said to Aaron with a hug.

"Takecare baby girl," she said holding me tight in her arms for few moments. I could feel tears forming in my eyes, and I knew the same was happening with Kay.

"And for both of you guys. No funny business," she said pointing her finger at me and Aaron.

"Shut up Kay," I grumbled.

"Ohh stop being boring Kayla. Let the kids enjoy," her boss spoke which earned him a glare from her.

"Have fun Kay," we shouted and with that, she left, leaving me to face tha challenge of sending Aaron home.

Once we went back in, we continued watching the movie we started. We ordered our favourite pizza and had the best time like we always do when we are together.

The time I dreaded the most rolled out sooner than I expected. It was already 11 pm and I couldnt delay it any further.

"Aaron, its late already. You can go home you know. Kay was being Kay. You dont have to stay here," I said hoping he would just accept.

"Why would I go? I promised I d take care of you Thea. I am not going anywhere," he said as a matter of fact.

"But your mom?" I tried.

"I let her know already.  She is ok with it," he said crushing all my hopes. If his mom's name couldnt get him home, then nothing would.

"Ohh ok then," I said not knowing what else to say.

May be not sleeping at all would help. Its just two nights. I think I can manage doing without sleep.Thinking of plan to stay awake tonight, I snuggled back into warmth of Aaron's arms.

I dont know how it happened, I dont know when it happened.. but I dozed off.Shit!
