
Earth of the Humans

Maryam_hijab_sono · Sci-fi
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6 Chs

Running for life

Run...run...we have to get out of this forest before evening because it is so horrible without any living creatures

in it.....I can't start here. There is pin-drop silence here" Jennifer shouted. Jennifer was holding Elizabeth s' hand and looking all around the deep and dark but empty forest. Yes, it was empty.

However, it was a horrible experience to see such a huge and grand habitat empty and alone. Jennifer and her friend Elizabeth we're the only humans there. They still don't believe that they dare to do this.

Elizabeth feels something on her back and started crying. Jennifer doesn't understand why she is crying. "What happened? Why are you crying? Jennifer questioned Elizabeth. Elizabeth replied, " I am feeling some odd thing on my back".

"Okay....don't cry.....let me check. Please stay calm" Jennifer asked Elizabeth to stay calm. But when she checked the backside of her top she was happily surprised. "Look I found a tiny creature on your back. Let me put this in my airbag. Grandma told me that when she was a child these tiny creatures are called insects and there were thousands of species of each insect" Jennifer shared the knowledge with her friend. It was a big success for them. Now they had to find more. If there is an insect it means that there might be some animal living their lives secretly in the forest because all the living creatures are linked to a food chain. If one creature disappeared, the food chain might be destroyed.


Elizabeth and Jennifer were collecting samples of many leaves of the tree of Amazon forest for the research team of their office.

"Look at those they are unbelievable " Elizabeth showed her a waterfall. "Yes...it is. God s' created the world that is so beautiful than the world human artificially created for themselves. God created animals, birds, and insects but we humans are so unlucky that because of us the animals are extinct. I am feeling bad" Jennifer told her feelings to Elizabeth. Because there was no one in the forest except her best friend.

Suddenly, Elizabeth felt that something is pulling her feet. "Jennifer help me...something is pulling my feet" Elizabeth cried. Jennifer doesn't want to believe her. She replied, "are you crazy..we are only living creatures in this huge forest".

But the Forest was deadly silent. Jennifer read in the books that hundreds of years ago those forests were filled with all kinds of animals and birds. Those includes insects, predators, prey and many more. It was a dream for her to see anything live other then humans . Because the Earth they lived on only belongs to humans. Humans destroyed all other creatures Living there