
Earth of the Humans

Maryam_hijab_sono · Sci-fi
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6 Chs


Elizabeth are you ready? Jennifer asked Elizabeth when they arrived at the airport. Their organization arranged a special jet for this mission. All the people in the world are seeing them live on Tv and the internet.

"I felt that I am not going for a mission I felt that I am going to die and I will never come back alive here again" Elizabeth explains her feeling to Jennifer. "I also thought that but it is a jerk. We volunteer because we want to do this. We don't need to be afraid. At least we have a chance of bringing the normal world back" Jennifer tried to calm Elizabeth but she was feared that she will

die and never came back and she knew that she was right. .They were sitting in the special helicopter that their organization arranged for them. " I don't know why did I say yes and volunteer for this mission," Elizabeth asked Jennifer when she was having veg stew before they set out for the Amazon forest. "I know why I volunteered for this mission," Jennifer said to Elizabeth. Elizabeth questioned "why? Jennifer replied " to live in a normal. A world where we could have pets. Animals can live their lives freely without any threat. It is too alone without animals in the world. Home Sapiens is the only left mammals on Earth. Can you believe this? Jennifer was very emotional for the animals she researched a lot to find out why animals disappeared from this world. She finds out five major reasons.

1- Hunting and killing animals for leather and other animal goods. Hunting animals for their expensive furs and skin.

Their skin is used to make many products like bags, shoes, and rugs. Can you believe even donkey s' skin is also used to many items?

2- Increasing pollution in the air and the seas. Due to the pollution in the seas, marine animals die. Each year many turtles die due to plastic shopping bags. Due to pollution and trash sharks eat trash in the sea.

3- Global Warming increases and due to which ice in the Antarctica and other regions of the world melts continuously. Due to the increasing global warming sea level rises and temperature increases. Many animals are hurt due to this reason and many birds migrated due to the rise of the temperature in an area.

"Okay...okay.I admit that it was our mistake that the ecosystem is disturbed" Elizabeth raises her hand and stops Jennifer to say anything more. "Where is Daniel? Jennifer questioned about her assistant. " I think he is taking care of our luggage. I asked him to get our tents ready and also lit the fire because it is almost getting dark" Elizabeth told her. "Let's go and check him," Jennifer says this and goes to Daniel.


It was the most painful night of her life. She was lying in a tent in a sleeping bag. She remembers the day when she told her grandmother Lisa Martin that she is going to the Forest of Amazon to find some living creatures. If they don't do anything to search for animals the whole ecosystem will be destroyed because there were very little food and flowers are not blooming because of the absence of the honey bees. Because honey bees help flowers in blooming and pollinating. Bees are a major part of the world if there were no honey bees then there were no pretty flowers and also say no to their beautiful fragrances. Jennifer remembers that she never saw a naturally grown flower. They always saw artificially grown flowers."Grandma I have talk to you " Jennifer slowly knocked on the door of the grandma s' room. Lisa Martin was lying in

her bed. She was not feeling well. But if she learns that her darling granddaughter is going for the most dangerous mission of her life she would die. "Come in dear. You don't need to take permission before entering into my room" Lisa replied to Jennifer. "Grandma I am going for a mission for my office," Jennifer asked Lisa. Lisa questioned,

"where are going, Jennifer?" Grandmother.....I...am going...." Jennifer's hesitated before telling to Lisa that she going for a long period and maybe she won't come back.

"Grandmother I am going to Amazon for a mission to save the ecosystem to save humans and humanity. I hope you would not stop me" Jennifer told truth to her grandmother. Lisa was Jennifer s' only friend. "I will not stop you but you have to promise me that you would live alive and come back to me..Promise me. Promise me Jennifer that you will come back" Grandmother started crying. Jennifer was also crying. "grandma I will come back. I will come back for you" Jennifer holds Lisa s' hands and kissed her grandmother s' hands. Grandmother told Jennifer a secret. A really big secret about her family. After learning the secret Jennifer feels that she had to work harder to make her mission successful. To make her very first attempt successful. She will be quite sure about it.


"Sir John, the treasure is coming to your doorsteps" John Martin s' special assistant informed him on the telephone. "Tell me how many items there? John questioned. " About 200 animals. 30 elephants, 50 cats, 10 lions, and 30 octopus, 20 sharks, 10 dolphins, 20 goats, and 30 different birds" the assistant tells Sir John in detail about the last supply of animals. "Get them here. I have best cages for the animals in my house" John Martin advised his assistant to bring all the animals to his house "Martin Villa". He was not ashamed that because of him animals are disappeared from the Earth.