
Earth of the Humans

Maryam_hijab_sono · Sci-fi
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6 Chs



Jennifer Martin:

A 25-year-old social worker who works for an organization. A confident and hopeful girl. She never loses hope. Her organization works for the elimination of animals and birds as a whole. She is just like a brown barbie doll. Brown hair with brown eyes and pink lips. That is why all called her brown Barbie.

Marcoliene Martin

She was a 25 years old thief. A very coward but skillful girl. She lost hope after being raised by a con artist. She was used and trained for doing crimes. But she never wanted to do anything wrong.

John Martin:

Jennifer's father. He is a jeweler. Sometimes he hunts animals to make straps and bands. In other words, He is an illegal hunter. That is why he is very rich. Lisa didn't know which type of business she had. He is harsh and rude. Don't worry about anyone.

Lisa Martin:

Lisa is Jennifer's older grandma. She is the only person in the house who loves Jennifer. She is old and mysterious always sits in her armchair in front of the fireplace. She never wants to go anywhere. Jennifer comes to meet Lisa every Sunday. Grandma is kind to every person she meets or anyone who comes to her house.


She is Jennifer's colleague, classmate, and best friend. They worked in the same post in the organization. Eliza is a black girl. Only her skin color is black, not her heart. She had a suspicious nature.


Micheal loved Jennifer. He wanted to marry her. But he is the owner of the organization and his mother doesn't allow him to marry his employee. Micheal is hopeful that someday he will get his love Jennifer in his life. Jennifer doesn't know about his love. He had an ideal height of 6 feet 3 inches and he was very handsome.


Jennifer Martin lives in London. On a famous street in London, she owns her own small house. The house was gifted to her by her grandmother on her 18th birthday. Jennifer's father never gave her anything after she turned 18.

Jennifer had a problem. She never gets to sleep. She is fresh and awake during all 24 hours. Elizabeth is finding a home for herself. Jennifer asked Elizabeth to live with her. She doesn't need to even pay. Elizabeth shifts with Jennifer. Now she knew about Jennifer's problem. They set out to solve it. They meet different people but all their treatments don't work on Jennifer. They joined an organization working on the elimination of animals and birds in the world.

A report published in a world-famous magazine. According to a report, only a few pairs of animals are left in the world. Some animals have completely disappeared. If they don't do anything, the Eco-system's balance would be disturbed if animals vanish from the Earth. Organizations launch a mission to save all the animals. They asked workers to volunteer. Jennifer and Elizabeth are selected for the mission. They go to the deep Amazon forest from London to search for some animals. But it was shocking that there was no single animal or bird or insect in the

forest. Animals disappeared completely because of hunting and global warming. John sent his men to different forests to catch the last few animals left in the forests. When they catch them they felt that it was not good. John keeps them in the secret basement of their house. A doctor was called for the animals.

He was warned that if he told anything about the animals to anyone, he would be killed. Accidently, Lisa found those animals. Lisa asked her son John to give those animals to the government, otherwise she would call the police.

Because it was a great crime to catch and hunt an animal. They don't kill animals for meat. They eat the meat artificially created in the laboratories. John doesn't listen to Lisa and locks her in her room. When he was about to kill the animals for leather and furs, he got the news that Jennifer got his daughter and her friend were lost in the Amazon forest. John stopped all his factory and its workers. John rushes to the organization. But he was informed that Rescue teams didn't find Jennifer. John gets his lesson. He unlocks his mother. Call the police and surrender himself. The police arrest him and all the animals. They were in good condition now because John continuously takes care of them. Jennifer and Elizabeth searched for months but didn't find anything living thing. Suddenly, they find new hope. The new I hope was that they find a rare type of red ant in leaves. But when they cleaned the leaves from a selected part of them and they found that there were about many hundreds of them. They were very happy. It was a big success because they saw ants and other insects in the picture books only. They followed them by cleaning the way continuously from the leaves. They found many insects under the leaves. All insects are coming from a big and deep hole. When two friends are examining the hole they accidentally fell do it. But when they reached down here they

found that there was another small forest in the Amazon. That forest was hidden from the eyes of everyone. They found many rare animals there. They started making ways to get those animals back to Amazon. It took months. They dig a tunnel with the help of elephants. They worked hard and in the end, they were successful. But Elizabeth was so tired that she died. Jennifer took her dead body with her. On the other hand after a long time of suffering, Marco managed to escape. from Gary . But her jet accidently landed into a very wrong place. Micheal was worried for Jennifer and Elizabeth. He comes with a team to search for them. But one day he wakes up with the roar of a lion. He saw that forest was filled with animals in only one night. Elizabeth so the body was lying

on an elephant. While Jennifer was sitting on a horse. It was a big achievement. They came back to London and hunting was banned. John was punished by the court. With the prayers of their elders, Micheal and Jennifer get married. Elizabeth got a civil award and her statue was build on her grave. Now Jennifer was a hero. A hero who

saved everyone. In a world not too different from our own, all species of animals and plants, except for humans, had gone extinct. No one knows exactly what caused this mass extinction, but it was clear that humans were the only ones left to bear the

consequences of their doings. At first, people were in shock and disbelief. They tried to continue on with their lives as usual, but it was impossible to ignore the emptiness of the world around them. The lack of wildlife and greenery made the planet feel sterile and lifeless. But slowly with the help of technology they seemed to replace the task of every single creature in the Planet Earth.

As the years went by, the impact of the extinction began to take its tol. The food chain had been severely disrupted, and many crops and livestock were dying out at this point again thanks to Artificial soil cleaner nano robots they were able to have fertile ground again.

In poor countries people were struggling to find enough to eat, and some even turned to cannibalism. Those countries slowly disappeared from the map of Earth. Governments and organizations tried to address the crisis, but their efforts were in vain. The world was plunged into chaos and violence as people fought over the remaining resources. Cities became fortresses, guarded by armed forces, and the streets were patrolled by gangs who would stop at nothing to get what they needed. In the midst of this chaos, a small group of people banded together to try and find a solution. They were a diverse group, brought together by their shared desire to find a way to restore the balance of the planet. They traveled the world, gathering information and resources, and eventually came up with a plan. The plan was ambitious and dangerous, but they believed it was their only hope. They would venture into space, traveling to other planets in search of new life that they could bring back to Earth. It was a long shot, but they felt it was worth the risk.

Years went by they failed to find a new planet and leave the Earth. In the year 2050, the world was facing a major crisis. The ozone layer, which protects the Earth from harmful UV rays, was rapidly thinning, and the ocean's oxygen levels were rapidly declining. Scientists were sounding the alarm, warning that unless something was done soon, the planet would become uninhabitable. Dr.Levi, a brilliant scientist who was determined to find a solution to this crisis. She devoted herself to finding a way to regenerate the ozone layer and oxyge.