
Dying Flesh

This story is Strictly Prohibited because it has Violence and Swearing. The great apocalypse has started yet humanity is still at it's knees. This man who has constantly lusted for survive, had now been greeted with many more obstacles. Every people couldn't be trusted and some could be. Who knows what will happen?

IamParzival · Horror
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42 Chs

6 : Murderer

" Fucking hell... "

I woke Stella up then we went to call the others.

" Wha- Oh my lord. WHO DID THIS TO HIM?! "

Kira screamed.

All of us can't believe what just happened.

" Calm down Kira. There might be infecteds around the place. "

Felix tried to calm her.

She stared at Felix and went to the kitchen.

Minutes later, she came back with a knife in her hand.

" Woah, calm yourself. Let's investigate first. "

George suggested then we all search for some evidence.

I went to Stella and asked her.

" Can you remember what happened? Did you hear them? "

She's shaking. A bit traumatized.

" Brother.... I can't believe this... Chad's gone...and he's laying right there! "

Then I noticed Kira grabbed Stella and pointed a knife at her neck.

I reached for my gun and aimed at her head.

" Let her go you bastard! "

I screamed while pointing at her head.

" No, she's the murderer! "

She said.

I became mad and pulled the trigger.

I didn't aimed for the head but instead, I went for the vase beside her.

" I'll do that again, but in your head. "

I threatened her then she let Stella go.

She went beside me.

" Don't worry, you're fine now. "

I calmed her down but I didn't know that Kira's planning something.

While I'm distracted, I felt something in my head.

" Move and I'll pull this. "

I hear Kira's voice. She was pointing a gun at me.

" You saw him dead right? What if it was really you? "

She interrogated me.

" Then why in the hell would I call you all? "

I answered.

" Because you wanted to be innocent. But you're really the one who did that. "

She said.

" I saw my sister there, I woke her up because she might be in danger. "

I explained.

" Check his body. 4 stabs. 2 in the neck, and another 2 in the chest. "

Felix told us.

" I don't have a knife. "

George said.

" Stella and I are innocent. "

My mother told them.

" Then it's you. You've got a knife don't you? "

Kira asked me.

I'm literally confused at the incident.

" There it is. This is yours isn't? "

Kira pulled my knife and showed it to them.

" Fuck you Chris. I thought that we could trust you. "

She said then she knocked me out.