
Dying Flesh

This story is Strictly Prohibited because it has Violence and Swearing. The great apocalypse has started yet humanity is still at it's knees. This man who has constantly lusted for survive, had now been greeted with many more obstacles. Every people couldn't be trusted and some could be. Who knows what will happen?

IamParzival · Horror
Not enough ratings
42 Chs

7 : The Truth

" Wake up. "

A one hard slap and then I opened my eyes.

" Let me go Kira. It's not me. "

I told her.

She won't believe me. She's accusing me as the killer.

" I won't do that to a person that welcomed us in this house! "

I defended myself.

She's not believing me.

" Where are we by the way? "

I asked her.

The place smells bad. Like rotten fleshes.

" At the barn. But no one can find us. This is a secret place where I'm the only one that knows this place. "

I tried to escape but she's guarding me.

She pulled a knife in her pocket.

" Two in the neck, and two in the chest. I'll let you feel the pain that he felt. "

She laughed then walked right in front me.

" You know? You're handsome. But your attitude, it's fucking trash. You belong to those infecteds! "

She added.

Then she started pointing the knife at me.

She ripped my shirt.

" Let's start shall we? "

Then she raised her hand, pointing at my chest.

But suddenly, the door opened.

I can't see who it was because Kira's blocking the doorway.

" You idiot. Drop that knife down Kira. "

As I heard the voice, it was George.

" What?! You're supposed to be there in the house! Not bothering me! "

She looks very mad. Then she turned back to me.

" Let's finish this. "

She slowly pressed the knife into my chest, and goes down until George spoked.

" Hey Kira. I'm sorry. You're not the Kira that I know anymore. "

Then I heard a gun shot.

Suddenly, Kira's body fell right in front of me.

" Help me... I'm bleeding... "

I cried for help.

Then he carried me back to the house.

The last thing that I saw was my family staring at me.

I couldn't see clearly and then everything went black.

" Wake up Chris. We're going. "

My mother woke me up.

I stood up and looked at the mirror.

" Why am I patched? "

I asked her.

" Well, Kira stabbed you. Luckily, it's not that deep. You'll live don't worry. "

She kinda laughed and hug me.

We went downstairs and then saw them all packed up.

" Where are we going? What's the matter? "

I asked them all.

" Check it out by yourself. Outside. "

Felix told me.

I went outside and didn't saw nothing.

" Brother....look down. "

Stella told me then I looked down.

" Oh hell. Those guards are here. "

Then they all went into the car.

" That is why were going. We're located here. "

Felix explained and I hopped inside the car.

We're all talking while George's driving.

Then Felix brought a subject accidentally.

" Well, who really did kill Chad? "

All of us became silent.

" Oh sorry. I should've not asked that. "

Then someone spoked.

" I did. I'm the one who did that to him. "

We're all shocked. We can't believe it.