
DxD: Time Leap [ Rewrite ]

Inspired by "Wish of Dragon" and "Mightverse" Everything is dead yet I am still here. I wish I could go back and fix everything. Issei Hyoudou in his dying breath was sent back in time everything had began. Will everything be the same? can he save those that he loved? or will there be sacrifices? WARNING: This is Alternate universe and may contain few changes. ============ Word count 4,000 - 5,000 Schedule: When I'm able to. Feel free to join and give suggestion for my story. It will be much appreciated. https://discord.gg/6buuBcvwa6

ChesterCure · Anime & Comics
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24 Chs

Chapter 6 - Fleeting Dream

It had been over a whole week when Every night I dreamt the same nightmare. I can recall every single detail in the dream vividly. To even describe my dream would be difficult to find words to define what he witnessed and would be unjust to call it a mere nightmare of simple fright and dread. I know what fear and dreadful emotion is like yet what I felt in my dream could only be called Unholy, That is Not Right.

I am a devil where stories and legends labeled us as evil and vile and yet the things and creatures I witnessed were all akin to the way humans describe our race. Those abominations took shape in a mass of wriggling flesh ever changing form of horror. The foul aroma and dreadful sight eroded her mind yet she was able to push through and fought them bravely.

In my dream, I could see destruction where the city was in utter ruins where the sky was darkened into misty miasmic shadow. The sound of scream for help and agonizing shriek reverberate across the decimated land. The place was hell itself where flames and smoke lit a large part of the city.

I vividly recalled that my stomach had been pierce and a gaping hole could be seen in my stomach as I felt my life was dwindling while I was held by a handsome young man whose face I could not see hidden in a veil of obstruction. He wore crimson red armor that permeated an immense amount of power that warms my heart as if even death cannot embrace me.

My heart knew that he was someone to whom my heart belonged and no one else. He was the person who had been by my side without question. It flattering that he was an envious man that he didn't even allow death to embrace me who was within the gasp of death.

The dream itself and the emotion I've felt cause my heart to ache having felt shameful for my weakness and vulnerability. It somewhat awoke me from my immature self ever since I began dreaming this lucid nightmare.

"---...I'm s-sorry.""

I felt the wetness of my throat as blood gushed out struggling to stay alive looking at the shimmering crimson light permeating from my lover where it brilliantly illuminates hope.

"D-Don't be…." His voice regal and strong stutter showing a hint of pain and guilt that even made me feel infuriated that I was weak to not hold my hands and embrace when he's strong and dependable arms wrapped around me tightly feeling unbelievable warmth from my cold dwindling body.

How can a man be filled with this kind of love and devotion to me who was nothing more than a spoiled and immature child who doesn't even try and fight for his love. I couldn't take it and made the decision to be better when I dreamt this repeating nightmare.

If this dream came true then I want to be deserving and worthy to be by his side. Not some princess that relies on him every chance I get but a queen who stood by his side proudly.

Everything was too real and I felt that if I continue to be a helpless little girl and believe my best is good enough then I need to fight for my love. My freedom instead of waiting.

This was my favorite part of my dream when I soon tasted his lips that felt unreal. The taste had an unfathomable flavor that I've ever tasted that I always crave everyday at the beginning when I started dreaming of this lucid dream. It feels with emotion of love and regret mixed with bitterness of sadness and remorse.

I never imagine I'll kiss someone who my heart beats for. Everyone only wanted my status and power, never the real Me. I was an object, a tool that people often see.

I know it was my fault but it isn't to change and everything is easier said than done. This dream always made me think of my faults and how my continuous path of clumsiness will eventually be my downfall.

"---, S-Save yourself…I'm…dying…I…I love you."

I couldn't speak anymore. I've seen many movies where a dying character was still able to continue to monologue but in truth it's impossible as I could feel that the only reason I'm still alive in this dream was because of the boundless love from the man who embraced me and filled my heart with affection. I knew I had so many things to say and many to regret yet I couldn't utter a single word in my dream.

I could see his bitter expression that soon softened while tears of blood fell from his eyes as he slowly laid me down while I continued to watch unmoving as my life slowly faded away but not after witnessing the man who had filled me with warmth and love to release an explosive energy around him before his face was covered by a helmet and soon after cloud disperse revealing a horrifying mass of viscera and flesh of abomination.

Countless eyes and tendrils stretch as far as my eyes could see where it drew maddening erosion into my mind that I felt utter despair every single moment I recall their hideous sight. It made me feel insignificant as if nothing more than mere speck in the vast ocean of impossible and contradiction.

The last thing I saw was when he flew to confront the monster until I shut my eyes, leaving a satisfied yet sad smile afraid of what the man would do from now on.

"He is here." My mind suddenly pulled where everything turned blank white void where I was taken aback since normally I would awaken from my slumber and start a new day yet this time it was different. I tried to search for the voice and witnessed something unbelievable.

"W-Who are you!?" I stuttered as I was dumbfounded at the appearance of the natural woman before me. She looked like my mother yet with crimson red hair and I didn't need to think too hard to know who she was. The beautiful woman was dressed in a noble and high class dress with guard on her shoulders and forearms similar to my brothers.

It exuded her charms that were fierces yet caring, strict yet fair. A quality that I needed yet never attain due to my weakness and immaturity.

"I am nothing more than a tragedy. Be better than me. Never be a burden."

She spoke in a sad tone that I felt immense guilt and like a truck and felt everything I've done wrong where I was too spoiled and arrogant to accept my weakness. I could feel I've done something that could have been prevented if I acted more seriously. I suddenly felt the mature woman hugging me as she slowly faded into light.

"Accept your faults and remember, the bravest thing you can say is Help. Asking for help isn't giving up, It's refusing to give up." Everything was new and I knew that this will be the last time I'll dream this lucid dream and the last time I'll see the man with whom my heart beats.

"He is waiting. Hurt and lost. Find him. And be better than what I did."

She pulled back giving me one last smile of comfort before I suddenly awoke from my dream sweating bullet before clutching my head. I could feel tears falling from my eyes and countless emotions stirred within my heart.

'What's happening to me?'


Having left the [ Innovation Clear ] dimension where he left the time at dilution for the dragon and monster to grow and prosper. He was satisfied with the power that he wields and decided that it was time to visit Grigori while Issei looked around his room where the sun was already up and found that Kuroka had not returned.

Issei doesn't care if she returns or not but he believes she'll come back because he was currently in contact with her sister and she would prioritize spying on the people that might harm her sister.

He went to have breakfast with his parents where his father went out earlier. Issei didn't think too much and ate his meal and a few minutes later told his mom that he'll be gone for the whole day and happily let him know that he had been getting better every day.

Issei was out of the house and instantly vanished from his spot using [ Shundo ] and leaped into the air heading somewhere then stopped when his phone rang and opened to find a text from Koneko. He stopped at the top of the highest spot, having already traveled several kilometers in a few seconds.

"Good morning, Ise-san?" It felt weird that she called him San instead of Senpai like she usually does even after their wedding.

"Oh good morning to you too, Koneko-chan. How are you?"

"I'm fine, I just wanted to ask what time you want to meet?" Koneko felt it was strange how she wanted to know more about him yet somehow gave the impression she knew him for a long time.

"Same time." Issei is happy that she is willing to meet him and ponder if she mentions him to Rias yet or not. He does hope that she hasn't since it would be troublesome at the moment and Issei still has things needed to be done.

"Alright, I still have things to do. See you there." Issei smiled and said.

"Yeah, see yah." He turned off his phone and stood for a moment looking around the town of Kuoh that was rather small where Issei spread his senses before shrouding the entire place with a powerful barrier that will tell him everything that he needs.

It was undetectable yet powerful where even a dragon god can't put a scratch on it. Issei knew the town would eventually be a nexus for many events. Once it was down, he suddenly felt someone embrace him from his back turned to see Irene.

"What do you intend to do now?" Irene showed her dragonic eyes having full intent to do anything that her mate desires who she sees deserve the entirety of the world. On the back of her hand was a draconic mark of two dragons touching their forehead into heart shape that indicates that they've formed an [ Eternal mate ] mark.

Issei had done it before yet the outer god had erased it with their might where it normally shows the devotion of two mates to each other.

It was like a ring and the effect of this mark would not only show they were married but if Issei dies then she will join him while she dies then Issei would remain alive. An unfair thing yet this shows that Irene belongs to Issei and no one else.

"I was thinking of taking the request of this soul." Issei had power over soul from the bloodline of Purson that isn't as powerful compared to Sephiroth Graal but combined alongside his domination gave Issei power over Life and Death along with Soul. He could hear their cries in pain and scream for help that Issei couldn't ignore their plea.

He was unaware that the Realm of death was currently waning and his newly found power had attracted the attention of an ancient force outside the draconic deus. At the moment, everyone who has lordship over the dead felt their divinity were shifting yet only the malicious one were negatively affected due to Issei nature to only include those who are fair and not corrupted by power.

"Oh, conquering a criminal organization would be great considering we need more eyes and ears." Issei can spread his senses across the entire world yet it is unreliable and inaccurate therefore would rather gain his own servant to be his eyes and ears.

"Yeah, also it would eliminate scum in this world." Issei could care less for criminals who could have changed and would remove them in the world since those are not needed in the world.

He shapeshifted his appearance into an adult version of him with his stubble and slightly longer hair tied in a man bun to hide his identity.

Issei wore a brown overcoat and black inner shirt along with black jeans. He nodded in satisfaction seeing his appearance while Irene complimented his charming face.

"Is it just me or have you become more handsome?"

Irene pondered looking at Issei who appears more charismatic where he has approachable demeanor. Issei's current charm and aura attract women while forcing men to feel inferior to him. This excludes those who have a deep relationship.

"Ah, really?"

She moved closer trying to inspect his face and caressing his mature face that was extremely manly and charming. His dragonic slit eyes showed ferocity and power that are traits of a True King.

"Well, I'll message Sensei." Issei took out his phone while Irene wrapped her arms behind him and floated a bit looking at his phone texting Azazel using a number only accessible to his most trusted confidant.

"Meet me at 9:00 Pm in Xxx-Xxx. Don't be late. This is important. Be alone and don't tell anyone." Issei finished waiting for Azazel to reply and fortunately he wasn't busy.

"Who is this? How did you access this line!?" He somehow guessed Azazel was alarmed and high alert looking at the text.

"You won't believe if I tell you the truth unless you meet me in person. The topic is connected to Trihexa." Only few knew about the creature whose power comparable to the Great Red having been sealed away by the Biblical God who Issei now knew was alive and had plans on restoring the entire existence while protecting it from the threats of the outer gods.

On the other side was a tall man appearing to be in his twenties with an average build, black hair, golden bangs and black goatee. He exuded a laid back demeanor yet his expression was serious looking at his phone with an unknown number.

'Someone who knows about Trihexa….'

This man was Azazel as he contemplated the message of this unknown anomaly. Despite his normal antics does not make him a fool and knows when things are not to be taken lightly.

The topic of Trihexa who only a select few knows about makes it easy to guess who could speak about the apocalyptic creature yet he knows none would discuss such a being of immense power.

'It could be a trap but that's impossible when it is sent to my confidencial number.' Azazel finds it strange and bizarre that someone would gain his secret number since this is used only for the most important information and he only gave them to people he truly trusted with his life.

He made it impossible for anyone to access it without specific conditions. Azazel believes that this person has no intention of antagonizing him and he, himself, is well capable of defending himself. His intuition told him to trust the person who sent the message.

"Alright. I'll be there." Issei read the message and quickly responded.

"Alone. Do not take this lightly." He didn't want anyone beside the one he trusted to know about the situation namely the leaders of each faction. They are powerful enough to resist the erosion of Outer God.

Once he was done talking with Azazel, Issei placed his phone in his pocket and opened a portal somewhere followed by Irene where the two arrived at the building hideout of a criminal organization since he wanted to use them as an informant.

In addition, get rid of the scum of the world since they don't deserve to exist. Issei summoned monsters that were insectoid and can't be seen by naked eyes akin to a ghost.

The people inside had no idea but they suddenly ripped to shreds unable to fight back while Irene moved easily killing anyone that tried to get close and Issei stoically moved inside where they got inside the main office where their leader was inside who was pointing his gun at Issei.

"D-Don't move or-" Without a moment of hesitation, Irene appeared closer in an instant and cleaved his hand that held the gun causing him to scream in agony. Issei got close looking down at the crime lord who soil it's pants when he saw Issei.

"W-Wait, don't kill me! I-I'll pay you-Gah" Issei grabbed him by the neck resting him up while angrily looking at him with a death stare.

"I don't care about your money. What I wish is for the soul around you to find peace in the afterlife."

The crime lord felt something and a shadowy figure of decaying human wrapped itself around him causing to scream but was muffled by the soul that wished to tear him apart. Issei could hear the soul of the dead and feel their grief that he couldn't stand their cries for help.

Once everything was done, Issei cleaned up the place and the ones who weren't scum and only forced to do dirty jobs were brainwashed into becoming his employees. He could tell what kind of person they were based on their soul.

He acquired their riches that he gave them to people in need telling employees to donate them while also taking some share. Issei hardly needed money and only did it to satisfy his own selfish desire to help.

Issei finished his work and left a person to manage the new business. He used some of the money to start his own business and bought a building that will invest in other rising enterprises. Issei knew about the future and therefore would eventually become rich if he helped invest.

He appears to be wasting time but this also helps spread his influence and information gathering both in the supernatural and real world since he was afraid that the other god will send their puppets to cause trouble. Issei had left a Dragonoid, a humanoid dragon that he made using his blood and essence along with the traits of Irene making them his current most powerful race that he created that are technically his children.

They have their own soul after he had learned how to make them and had the power. Issei made them elemental dragons containing affinity for certain elements yet their powers are equal to Heavenly dragons in their prime. Of course this only at their base and full power would be beyond it around Crom Cruach.

He called the organization as [ Dxd ] since the name stuck to him and I like it simple. He wasn't like Valia who would make complicated sounding names since she acted like a middle schooler who combined names that sound cool.

"Tatsushirou, I'll let you handle it." Kneel down to him was an regal and elderly man with red hair having a large and well built body. He exude blazing flames that are akin to dormant volcanoes ready to erupt any moment.

He sees Issei as his creator and honors any command he wishes. Issei's own creation had incredible intellect and skills that they can easily adapt and learn. They had some knowledge using the memories of the soul that Issei took and fuse it into him removing their ego.

Most of the souls he used for the life he created were criminals and scum having removed their Ego that essentially wipe their existence and chance of reincarnation absorbed into the dragon soul.

"Worry not, Ise-sama. I will handle everything." Issei nodded before he let him do his job and Irene followed him to their next destination. He opened a portal that was now at the location of the underworld which was the Naberius household.

He was there to find evidence needed to clear the name of Kuroka. Issei already plans on stealing the hair clip of Koneko considering it has data of the research from Naberius who had performed a horrific experiment in hopes of creating a Super Class devil.

"Dear…" The moment Issei arrived at the mansion felt angered and infuriated that he found the trapped soul that wished for justice to be brought to them in order to finally rest.

"I'm going to visit Hades later….I swear."

Issei felt his rage burning from his heart extremely infuriated that Hades doesn't do his job in maintaining the cycle of life and death where his soul reapers don't even do their jobs. He knows that there is currently an inner conflict within Realm of the Dead and would force them to reconstruct it.

He doesn't care if other factions would classify him as a threat because he already is but Issei needs to take action to fix certain problems in his world.

At the other timeline, Hades was replaced by Orcus, a Ultimate-class Grim Reaper from the conservative faction and the father of Bennia, who would later become his second Knight in his peerage that also grew into a romantic lover of his.

During his rule, the realm of the dead became more lively where it isn't simply wasteland and turned into fertile land where souls are either punished, Sent to their respected Heaven or reincarnated.

"My existence will eventually be exposed anyway, might as well get rid of that boner." Issei jokingly said giving an immature joke that made Irene slightly giggle before he took the souls and cleansed them to be reincarnated. He gave a small prayer out of respect and noticed that he didn't feel any headache despite a Original Devil Bloodline.

"Now, let's pay them a visit." Irene nodded as the two went to an institute that had been locked down and Issei found it hypocritical that the Devil is hiding their dark secret. He didn't judge them and see it as the action of an individual eager to remove those fools.

He spread his senses finding guards was in the place and Issei simply locked the space before teleporting to a room that he believed to be the place where it was and to his horror as well as disgust found remains of the experimented Youkai and other races that were severely mutated.

"...How disgusting." Issei looked at them with disgust feeling great remorse for their suffering and Irene saw his reaction immediately embrace him knowing that it made her lover recall the horrors of the war against the Outer gods.

"I'm fine now, Irene. Let's get this done and destroy this place. Out of respect to Sirzechs, I won't end the entire bloodline of Naberius." He searched for the files and recorded the evidence that will reveal the horrors of their action.

Issei finished and left the place like a mirage floating in the show where Irene was beside him. He held out his arms to the building, churning his power before muttering under his breath.

"…Collapse." It was then the entire institute compressed into nothingness removing a large chunk of the land and removing the place without a trace. He uses a technique that amplifies his [ Break ] into something similar to a black hole that shreds the entire dimension to zero.

Issei doesn't care if it causes a panic in their society since his intent is to eliminate the poison in their faction. Sirzechs don't have the courage to do it.

"Now, that's done, let's head to the Realm of the dead." Irene nodded as he left the place where minutes later the devil noticed the commotion and we're horrified at what they've found. They all reported to the four devil kings who were lost at what had happened to the Naberius institute having been erased from the face of the planet.

While they were busy trying to find the answer, Issei and Irene arrived at the realm of the dead where it was nothing but wasteland only a certain place was different. He didn't hesitate to quickly surround himself with his Scale armor where Irene remained quiet knowing that he was extremely angry and eager to beat Hades.