
DxD: Time Leap [ Rewrite ]

Inspired by "Wish of Dragon" and "Mightverse" Everything is dead yet I am still here. I wish I could go back and fix everything. Issei Hyoudou in his dying breath was sent back in time everything had began. Will everything be the same? can he save those that he loved? or will there be sacrifices? WARNING: This is Alternate universe and may contain few changes. ============ Word count 4,000 - 5,000 Schedule: When I'm able to. Feel free to join and give suggestion for my story. It will be much appreciated. https://discord.gg/6buuBcvwa6

ChesterCure · Anime & Comics
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24 Chs

Chapter 7 - Reason!

Within the desolate wasteland of the Realm of the Dead in which souls are reincarnated. The one who ruled and governed the domain of the dead are many yet only one currently has been assigned to manage the realm and that would be Hades. He currently resides in a pristine shrine and palace that was out of place within the domain.

Inside was a skeleton dressed in attire worn by high priests, giving off a creepy aura. Despite having no eyes, his eye sockets can glow to give the appearance of eyes.

He currently contemplating in his plan on removing other faction and Longinus as he despises beings of other mythologies, especially Devils and Fallen Angels, believing that they are unnecessary beings, calling them bats (referring to the Devil's wings) and crows (referring to the Fallen Angel's wings).

It is important to note that despite his hatred of the other mythologies, he is not an Evil God. His goal is to rid the world of these beings as he calls them an annoyance. Unfortunately, Hades had neglected his job, forgetting the true dread until now when the entire realm shook, feeling divine power beyond even the chief gods.

"W-What is this!" He felt astonished, unable to even comprehend what kind of monster would bear this amount of hatred and malice to him. Hades suddenly someone bursts into his door where Grim reapers arrive led by Thanatos who appears to be a hooden skeleton who emanates malicious air around him.

"Hades! Do you have any ideas on what's going on!?" Thanatos roared as he was shaken, sensing that even with his power won't win against their enemy yet despite his pride to fight knew it was losing war in the end.

"I don't know. Let's check-." It was then something came crashing into their temple where dust and debris covered where they were only able to see two silhouettes, a woman and a man.

They all stood waiting until crimson red eyes glowed through the dust until suddenly a gust of wind pushed everything and revealed their transgressors.

The two were none other than Issei and Irene who stood observing everyone where Hades came out from his astonishment and immediately ordered his Grim reaper to surround them.

"Who are you and what purpose do you have in my domain!?"

Hades demanded showing his self centered arrogance despite having already sensed their power eclipses theirs. On the other hand, Thanatos remains quiet trying to grasp their power and how to handle the situation.

Issei still had his scale mail yet unable to recognize it for being the Boosted gear due to no previous user having unlocked this far. However, they know that he was a sacred gear user base from energy permeating from it and the hint of the dragon slowly made them realize what he had.

"You…you're the current Red Dragon Emperor!?" Thanatos was the first one to notice as he had been inspecting him every inch of his being while Issei stoically stared at them that instantly released a massive pressure that caused them to tense up.

"Damn you, pest!! How dare you transgress my domain and have the audacity to be overbearing!" Hades roared, summoning his scythe pouring an immense amount of Death energy that decayed while Thanatos did the same, ready to apprehend him.

"You're a shitty leader if this place looks like a dump!" Issei roared rushing toward Hades who blocked his strike but was pushed back kilometers away from their spot while Thanatos tried to follow but was stopped by Irene who appeared beside him and struck his face with a power jab shocking the god of death.

"Nice, this will be great of a training session for me." Irene evilly grin before moving her hand causing the air to glisten before a massive explosion occurred having form small orbs that boosted turning to enormous bomb instantly killed numerous Grim reapers having destroyed their astral form return them into simple energy.

Completely destroying a soul would be impossible as they only dispersed and only immensely powerful creatures are capable of such a thing. While Irene fought Thanatos, Issei was at the other side having grabbed Hades by the face and slammed him to the ground forming a large crater.

He stepped back when Hades released his power to push him away and stood back up in rage at the humiliation that he was being put through.

"I was right when I told myself to get rid of you pest!! Using their power without knowing their place!" Hades arrogantly yelled while Issei scoffed at his words.

"I know my place quite well, Hades! You've abused and neglected your task in managing the realm of the dead letting souls be lost rather than be reap and guided to their resting place." Issei was infuriated that someone decided that Hades would be the right god to rule the realm of the dead.

He knows that other factions have their own society of soul reapers like Shinto had Shinigami who take their job a lot better than Hades yet most power is within him. This made Issei angry that he doesn't take his job as the god of afterlife seriously.

"Boy, you do not understand the grand scheme of things! My goal outweighs the insignificant passing of mortals!" Hades explains viewing his job as the god of the afterlife to be second to his goal of removing the other faction that view them as annoyances.

Issei clicked his tongue hearing the arrogance of Hades having heard his time once before and had sealed him away as punishment only to be released because he helped fight against the outer god.

"Then you're the fool who does not understand." He summoned [ Akashic Record ] where Hades was wondering what kind of artifact it was sensing nothing yet everything that confuses him. He remains quiet observing his every move.

Issei took out a sword that looked like Dragon tooth that was long like claymore yet had a red rim and black handle. He held the blade and swung it instantly, cleaving the ground, shocking Hades at the immense power of the sword.

He could easily use Infinity Blaster and other destructive power but Issei doesn't have any intention of destroying the Realm of the Death and took a more controlled and precise approach.

Hades was alarmed yet didn't back down even if he lost, doesn't want to show any weakness or cowardice knowing that his goal was right and just in his eyes.

Perhaps if this was a Chinese novel then he would be begging but Hades would rather be destroyed than be humiliated. Issei pointed his sword towards the God of the Afterlife and said.

"You don't deserve to rule the dead." Issei rushed towards Hades who barely caught his movement and parried with his scythe while producing mist of death but it was canceled when Issei produced his own using his Dragon Aura producing a Dragon God flames.

The shockwave of their battle could be felt miles upon miles within the realm of the Dead that caught the attention of another grim reaper that had a cloak covering its entire body having striking wolf mask and had two sickle rather than large scythe.

"Someone is attacking Hades-sama…." The grim reaper was the leader of conservative faction within the Realm of the Dead who are more peaceful and prefer to ally themselves with other factions rather than antagonize them.

He had been responsible for mostly guiding the soul to the afterlife considering Hades had neglected his work for the past thousands of years causing ghosts and haunted spirits to wander the mortal world without appropriately cleansing their soul to be reincarnated.

"What kind person would fight the God of the afterlife!?" Orcus turned to his side looking at a little girl with pale skin. She was a cute girl with long, dark purple hair and sleepy golden eyes.

Her hair is tied in a long braid by a bow with a purple skull, reaching all the way down to her hips. The little girl also has 3 black markings on both her thighs also having gold neon lines in its interior.

She wears a white skull mask in conjunction with her Grim Reaper clothing which consists of a light blue dress and a black and white hood resembling a jester cap with an emerald gem at the tip.

She also wears black elbow length gloves covered in gold neon lines with gems at the back of her wrists. This was Orcus's Daughter, Bennia Orcus.

"Papa don't know but I'll investigate." He wanted to overthrow Hades for a long time wishing to end the suffering of the dead as a promise to his late wife who was human. Orcus can't let them suffer any longer yet Hades was a powerful god and he knows his limits as well as the consequence of fighting against the god of the dead.

Therefore, he decided to leave and help maintain the cycle of life and death from a distance that Hades doesn't interfere since they only guide souls.

"Can I come with you?" Bennia asked looking far into the distance sensing something familiar that made her heart pound and was overjoyed for unknown reason. Orcus looks at his daughter hesitant to take her with him but trusts her in defending herself if things go out of hand.

"Fine, call the others." His daughter nodded leaving him looking at the direction of the commotion that was currently turning into an intense battlefield where small ravine were cleaved into the ground and crater formed from the shockwave upon the collision of their might.

'Unbelievable! I've fought the red dragon emperor before, but this is!'

Hades to himself unable to accept that he was slowly being overwhelmed by Issei who barely broke a sweat and fought him with little effort. The vast ocean of power coming off from him was overwhelming yet he doesn't use them in a way that utilizes everything.

He realized that Issei was using him as a training dummy as the clinging sound of their weapon reverberated across the dimension. Hades felt numb from each strike the cleave large part of the ground.

Issei was trying to reawaken the struggle, the desperate feeling of wanting to win and overcome everything. He was growing rapidly when Hades was pushed back from the standard power of Issei.

"Y-You! Why haven't you boosted yourself!" Hades finally noticed that Issei barely tried to increase his power using the boosted Gear.

Issei didn't say anything and halted for a moment looking straight at Hades that offended the God of the Dead feeling insignificant in his eyes. He was one of the godheads within Olympus yet to Issei he was nothing.

"If that is what you want then prepare yourself!" Issei place barrier extremely thick that distorted the entire place, trapping the two of them.

Hades suddenly tensed up sensing the temperature drop feeling dread and fear looking at Issei who's raging aura suddenly vanished and became tame yet something primal and terrifying was about to awaken. He suddenly witnesses a mirage of enormous dragons staring down at him, making Hades feel like an ant.

Issei dragonic eyes sharpen, taking deep breath gripping the sword tightly before his eyes shot open causing the ground to crumble from sudden release of his power that Hades felt numerous divinity and astonished that someone would wield a pure and powerful Divine power.

"[ Boost of Infinity ]!"

In an instant Issei power scale at ridiculous degree that continuously transcend his enemy to whatever level they are then he'll supersede them but the downside would be the possibility of accidentally destroying the entire world. Hades was taken aback and noticed the power of a dragon god.

"I was right! Dangerous Creatures like yourself don't deserve to live!"

Hades rushed where he sent waves of death slashes toward Issei who didn't even flinch and instantly the attack was dispersed shocking Hades then saw him vanish and a streak of light suddenly flashes as he steps aside where it grazes his cheek and the slash splits the ground in half.

Issei didn't waste any time and switched the angle of his sword then quickly slash in horizontal towards his side that tried to block by Hades yet this caused his weapon that was forged by the cyclops and hecatonchires making it incredibly powerful.

However the force of his blade sliced through it like butter and wounded the God of the dead before flinging him to the ends of the barrier. Hades became more frustrated pouring even more death energy forming a shadow like construct that was pointed at Issei.

"Damn you, Mortal! Die!!"

Thousands upon thousands of death beams were sent toward Issei where he smirked and produced his own attack beam that collided with Hades' attack as he dodge them rushing towards Hades who gripped his weapon tightly knowing that he'll lose but won't go down easily.

In a massive explosion, Issei and Hades at the center of their bullet hell where they deflect, redirect, cancel and counter every attack with Hades was slowly drained.

"What!? How can this be!? You have divine dividing powers!?" Hades was flabbergasted, feeling his power depleting from Issei who continuously grew as time passed.

"This is impossible!! With this kind of power to remain unnoticed should not exist!"

He couldn't believe even the blessing of Ophis was shocking yet combined with Divine Dividing powers and his constant growth should have already broken his entire body, however even now, he didn't shed any fear or anxiety, only a determined gaze.

"W-Who are you!?" He felt fear for the first time when the looming doom was upon him where he saw up close the wine red dragon eyes locked into him where Issei bare his fangs.

"You already know who I am." Issei threw away his word having already dealt with Hades' weapon and didn't think it was necessary to use it. The god of the dead was annoyed that he didn't get the answer and tried to force him by producing a rain of death energy beam.

However, Issei vanished and Tried to doge was too late receiving a knee strike to his skull, forming a small crack from the impact.

Hades staggered only to fall into his knees as Issei followed the knee strike with an axe kick causing a large crater in the ground.

While he was struggling to stand up was once again attacked to the side of his head and buried his entire skull to the ground while Issue stood towering over his body. Their fight was over as Hades' power was now gone.

As they were fighting, distance away was loud explosion and sound of battle happening as Thanatos struggling to gain an advantage against his opponent.

"To think the Welsh Dragon has been resurrected. What purpose do you have for being here?" Thanatos remained rational and kept Irene busy with a conversation. The woman was entertained by his demeanor and said.

"Reforming the entire Realm of the Dead. Would that suffice? My husband felt unsatisfied at how you run this place."

Irene conjured red beam unleashing rains of attack that Thanatos countered by pouring divine death into his scythe that was nothing but darkness in a shape of scythe where a single slash reduce the rain of attack to nothing and did the same thing conjuring barrage of darkness that move in a tremendous speed.

She easily caught them and flew dodging the attack while Irene transformed her arms into her dragon hand hoping to swat Thanatos yet the god of death stepped back and slashes forcing her to revert it back before blitzing towards Thanatos who block her fist result in a shockwave that shook everything in their surrounding.

The two were at a deadlock intently looking at each other with Irene merely smiling unfazed by the threatening aura radiating from Thanatos.

"Always getting in the way of our business. What do you intend to do once Lord Hades is overthrown!? Do you wish to kill him?" Thanatos questioned her while Irene scoffed at him and said.

"You think my husband would fight to kill? Unless you're deserving and the shed of hope is vanquished then he will not kill. His power can decimate the entire world with a single snap of his fingers yet he is not that kind of man."

Irene's own strength can easily cause the entire world of earth to shake violently and destroy it due her might and the only reason it hasn't been destroyed is because of barriers surrounding them when she fought Albion. On the other hand, Issei was within a realm of power beyond even the strongest being in this world.

He eclipses every single powerhouse with the only exception of Gods from other worlds and Outer Gods. There are certain worlds stronger than Draconic Deus.

"....." Thanatos knew it was not a lie nor exaggerating knowing what kind of race Irene who only chose a mate vastly superior to them in power. What kind of dragon would choose a weak mate? They are races of strength and power.

"I've said enough. Regardless, you have already stepped into a dragon's tail." Irene took a deep breath and before Thanatos could react she unleashed a powerful breath attack.

"𝙍𝙚𝙙 𝘿𝙧𝙖𝙜𝙤𝙣 𝙍𝙤𝙖𝙧!!" A blast of fire attack that incerated large portion of the realm of the dead scorching the entire ground turning them into a molten lava while Thanatos shadow essence barely hangs on as his divine soul almost destroys.

As god, it was impossible for them to die due to using the faith of their followers to return but it will take a considerable amount of time. There are only certain artifacts capable of completely slaying a god and those are sacred gear.

"....To think that I, The God of death, almost died." He reformed his body and became more serious looking at Irene unleashing his killing intent.

"You're still alive? Well, let's get this over with." Irene boosted herself and gathered her attack into another breath attack while Thanatos made clicking noises despite the lack of tongue.

"𝙍𝙚𝙙 𝘿𝙧𝙖𝙜𝙤𝙣 𝙍𝙤𝙖𝙧!!" However this time Thanatos didn't waste any time to avoid the attack and unleashed a multitude of razor death slashes towards Irene who dodged them and did the same using her arms.

The attack cancels each other and Irene vanishes from her spot appearing behind Thanatos who couldn't react quick enough before he slammed into the ground. Irene stood over the defeated body of Thanatos who was already exhausted from their fight.

"Dammit…" Thanatos tried to fight back but saw dreadful eyes of Irene looking down at him while beam blast was right at his face feeling a sudden coldness as if he would face complete annihilation.

"Give up. At this point, you won't defeat me." He was speechless, unable to refute in fear of being destroyed and dispel his seat aura having given up knowing it was the better option as much he hates to admit it. Irene nodded at his choice then turned to the other side where her husband should be fighting.

"Wise choice…..I wonder how my beloved is doing." Irene said while the man in question stood over the God of the Dead who glaring at Issei on the other hand the latter had a different expression.

"You are a fool, Hades. Trying to eliminate the threats because of her….do you think she'll be proud of what you've become." Issei spoke having finally gotten to where Hades was vulnerable enough to talk with. Hades' power has already been reduced to nothing yet the burning hatred shines through and lash out at Issei.

"You have no idea what I feel!!" He roared while Issei stepped back looking at him who was on his knees having already been defeated.

"Because of you pest! The only one who accepted me and filled this wasteland with light was snuffed out by you!!"

Hades glared at Issei and wanted to stop him only to see a gaze reminiscent of his own. The two were alike, Issei hated the outer god to the core of his being and wanted to eradicate every single one of those abominations.

On the other hand, Hades had his wife Persephone who had been killed by a zealot Longinus user from the other faction. He was kind in the past like the stories within the myth, only being bitter and turning into this broken god when his beloved was taken from him.

"Do you think it will change anything!? You think she'll be happy to see the once kind god to this!?"

Issei receives a punch from Hades without him standing up since he's taller than Issei. The strike barely hurt and nothing more than trying to stop him from talking.

"Shut up!! Shut up!! Shut up!! you pest took her from me! Killed her from me!!!"

Hades screamed when Issei looked at him with pity having learned the story when Nyx told him and acted evil because a small part of his former self still remains wanting someone to stop him and end his suffering.

He tried his hardest to move on yet seeing the soul he guided find peace while his hope of embracing his lover was gone.

"Why are you doing this?"

Hades regained some clarity looking at Issei having lost his will to fight and only wanted to see how things would end. Issei reaches out his hand, inflicting Hades with the warmth of Hope regaining something deep within his soul.

"Killing you won't solve anything. Your reason is valid as, I too wish to eradicate my enemies but those things are unreasonable and evil in every sense of the world. Hades, I shall give you an offer, work for me and perhaps I can return your wife."

Issei can revive anything as long their essence still exists even if soul is vanquished it will remain only Outer Gods whose power are able to erase Soul, Body, Essence of an entity. Though, he can't revive anything that doesn't wish to return and already pass on.

"W-What!? Impossible!"

Hades had already done everything in his power to return his beloved back but her soul had already been erased from the one who killed her.

"I can, but you should know unless she doesn't desire to return then I won't be able to bring her back."

"Lies! No power can return someone whose soul is distinguished!"

Hades couldn't accept his offer seeing it as trapped to lure him in only for him to be betrayed. Issei can easily abandon him and seal Hades yet he believes his power would be useful against the arrival of the Outer God. He would be a canon fodder compared to them yet Hades still will be useful and can get stronger as time goes.

Unless, Issei sees nothing but malice then he would kill them and Hades has small hope within him. Issei can sense people's true self because of his hope that can affect anyone so long as they have hope.

"Then if you can't believe my words then I shall make believe through my action."

Issei held out his hand to the side of Hades when he witnessed something unbelievable where light glowed while energy churn and forms a humanoid construct. He was doing this out of this because Issei felt like repaying the sin of those that wrong Hades.

In addition, it allowed him to test if he can revive a god and later bring forth Akeno's mother if he has a chance. Issei wouldn't break the balance of life and death too often knowing it has consequences.

Hades watched and felt dumbfounded when the light slowly faded away revealing a womanly woman, but stripped down, her clothes have some green and white pieces, like a thin scarf adorning her neck and a bow tied in her dress and baskets full of vegetables.

Her attire can change to the underworld style, with skulls adorning her shoulders and a bun in her hair. She has white skin, green eyes, and blonde hair, and a braided haircut. The woman glanced at Hades who was shaken when he saw her and didn't hesitate to try and hug the woman only to punch on top of his skull surprising Issei.

He had talked to her before arriving there and didn't expect her violent outburst. The other reason why he decided to help Hades rather than seal him was because of his encounter with Persephone's essence.

"You useless husband! How can you let my death turn you into this!?"