
DxD: Time Leap [ Rewrite ]

Inspired by "Wish of Dragon" and "Mightverse" Everything is dead yet I am still here. I wish I could go back and fix everything. Issei Hyoudou in his dying breath was sent back in time everything had began. Will everything be the same? can he save those that he loved? or will there be sacrifices? WARNING: This is Alternate universe and may contain few changes. ============ Word count 4,000 - 5,000 Schedule: When I'm able to. Feel free to join and give suggestion for my story. It will be much appreciated. https://discord.gg/6buuBcvwa6

ChesterCure · Anime & Comics
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24 Chs

Chapter 5 - Excitement +18~♥️

The smut is a copy and paste of a previous smut that I made, so if there's a description that doesn't fit the character, that's why.

Anyway, enjoy 😉


The name spun within Kuroka as she tries to recall if there's anyone that she knows that had the same name yet like the others before her, she was unable to find the answer. The nagging feeling that it was important yet unable to remember irritates her. Issei began to head back home where he met with mother who noticed the cat.

"Oh Issei, where did you get that Cat?"

"I found her on the streets and thought it would be a good idea to give her a home." Issei patting Kuroka who purred enjoying the warmth decided to put aside her nagging feeling.

"Ah, well, just make sure you'll take care of her." His mother sternly said while he nodded before heading to his room where he placed Kuroka on the bed who's gaze was wandering on the room finding the sight of reotic female poster and manga along with DVDs could be found.

Issei saw this made his eye's twitch, having forgotten to get rid of them and Kuroka was looking at him in a teasing way. He could tell the base from his intuition since he has known her for a long time.

"I should have gotten rid of them…" He gathered them all into a bag while Kuroka watched from the bed trying to find anything strange about him. She wanted to know if he would be a threat to her sister.

Issei felt rather nostalgic seeing all his hidden stash of erotic games but it felt wrong when there was a woman waiting for him. Few minutes later, he managed to get them all and essentially cleared his search history.

"Guess that's all of them. Time to destroy it." He pondered for a moment wondering if he should use magic to get Kuroka's attention or wait until it was the right moment. Issei shrugged it off considering she would be living with him and sooner or later would find out about him.

"Break." Issei used his own magic technique that was previously known as Dress Break but removed his perversion and it was an immensely powerful technique that tore things to shreds at the atomic level.

Kuroka was astonished to witness him using magic and was alarmed, staring at Issei with vigilance since her instinct told her that he was strong. She senses it even for a brief moment where the energy moves in a way that excitedly acts upon his command.

Normally one would move according to the world and yet even for a short amount of time, she was able to sense it especially her skill in Senjutsu.

The world itself moved to accommodate his passing. It bends to his rules and reshapes everything in accord to his will. Kuroka knew that it made him feel as if he was the world itself. The feeling was overwhelming to say the least.

'I might have made a mistake…' Issei thought, looking at Kuroka who had all her fur straight up.

[ You've forgotten that she's a Senjutsu expert and the brief moment you used your power was able to sense it. ]

Issei was not an entity in the sense of mortal rather he had become a living force. He acted as if she didn't know Kuroka was a Youkai and sat on the bed while he reached his hands where Kuroka was scared that he might harm her knowing that he might know she's disguising herself as a cat.

"No need to be scared. I won't hurt you, I promise. Guess it's a bit scary seeing what I did just now." However, to her surprise, he didn't do anything to her and pondered if he knew about her disguise but didn't try to expose herself. Kuroka slowly calm down from his caress that was familiar to her as if she had been longing for it

*Glad you're finally relaxed. Well, I'll go ahead and take a shower while you stay here or you can explore the house if you want." She meowed in response while Issei stood up heading to the shower leaving Kuroka in the room to quickly transform into her human form turning into a beautiful young woman with a voluptuous figure, long black hair with split bangs, and hazel-gold eyes with cat-like pupils.

Her attire consists of a black kimono, a yellow obi, a set of golden beads, and an ornately detailed headband. The kimono features a red interior and it is open at her shoulders, giving view to her large breasts.

Kuroka's entire demeanor had both a serious and playful atmosphere but at the moment her expression had a hint of confusion.

'Who are you, Issei Hyoudou…..' The name kept bothering her and how her heart strangely fluttered like a young maiden despite being a straightforward and erotic woman.

While she was searching for something about Issei, the man in question was in the shower trying to clear his mind. He had taken a bath twice now but didn't care since he's enjoying the cold sensation. Issei submerges himself in the bathtub indulging in the cold refreshing water.

'What do you think we should do next? I was thinking of creating your body tomorrow then experimenting on how to utilize my Devil powers.' Issei thought of using Power of time from the Agares clan and adding Infinity to it, allowing him to not worry about supplying it with energy.

Though, his immense power could damage the flow making it degrade overtime unless he places the time at minimum where it won't collapse. Without even trying he knew that diluting time to ridiculous does affect how long it would last.

[ That would be wonderful, Ise. But know I won't hold back once I get my body. ]

Irene seductively said while Issei grinned in excitement since he can't deny it would be thrilling for him as well. It's been over an extremely long time since he had a passionate night with the person he loves. Fortunately, he has self control and is able to suppress his libido if he needs to.

"Careful now, dear. You know once my switch is on then there is no turning it off until you're a mess." Issei smirks at her while Irene giggles, eager to feel his pounding.

[ Then I can't wait! ] Irene cheered, making Issei chuckle before leaning his head back thinking for a moment about his newfound powers.

'I need familiars….someone to give me information on things. Perhaps I could use [ Annihilation Maker ] to make my own familiars.' He thought to himself having a horrible affinity before with forming familiars and recalled Ryuuteimaru, he's familiar that grew alongside him. Unfortunately, it was destroyed when he fought against an entity that serves the Outer god called Void Lords.

'Fortunately, I have enough power to create what I need.'

What is an Annihilation Maker? Annihilation Maker grants its wielder the ability to create numerous creatures from their shadows, based on their imagination.

As such, the more honed the user's imagination and productivity, the more powerful the creature, as well as being able to produce a greater variety of creatures.

As a High-Tier Longinus, the Annihilation Maker can create monsters capable of trampling upon a small country in a matter of hours.

If mastered, then it is possible to create the 100-meter tall gigantic monsters commonly found in movies, through imagination alone, in addition to being able to potentially destroy the world.

The weakness of this sacred gear is the energy needed and imagination of the individual but Issei doesn't have the same limitation.

After a while, Issei finished taking a bath and dried himself off before heading into his room sensing Kuroka in her human form that immediately went into her cat form once she sensed him. He was naked with only a towel covering him and wanted to tease her a bit where Issei pretended not to notice but the moment she saw his body immediately smitten.

'Ara~ Ara~ what a delectable sight.' Kuroka thought to herself looking at his muscles that appear as if sculpture by renowned artisans. She couldn't deny her body was aroused by the sight before her but seemingly surprised when her eyes spotted on his back.

Issei saw his back in the mirror, shocked to find a sigil that seemed to be a sword with wings. He immediately realized that it was the mark that contained his demonic powers.

His currently sealed state that hides his true power yet even in his suppressed power was capable of contending against the High class from combat prowess alone. He resume his search for new clothes and got red shirt and black short where he took off the towel where Kuroka eagerly wanted to see his package and to her delight witness a massive dragon.

'Ara~ this is the first time I've seen something like that…'

Kuroka was enjoying the sight while Issei inwardly smirked, dressing himself much to the nekoshou's disappointment. She wanted to see more and was tempted to take him since he was a strong mate to have after getting a glimpse of his power but she wanted to judge his character first.

Issei went to lay on his bed while Kuroka leaped into his chest purring and rubbing her face into his acting like a cat but she was actually enjoying cuddling with him. He smiled relaxing for a moment until his parents called him to have their dinner.

When he left, Kuroka did the same and decided to return later while Issei sensed she left and let her go before he sat down with his parents. They ate and chatted a bit while also bicker with his father who asking for his stashed

"What the hell!? Impossible! You actually threw away your prize possession!?" His father was astonished and in disbelief that his son who was boob enthusiast like himself yet to think he'll throw away his porn collection was like the world was ending.

"Yeah, what's done is done." Issei continued eating without a problem while his dad couldn't accept it.

"Where did you throw it!? Maybe I can still save those babies!" He was then smack by his wife.

"Stop pestering our Son! Shouldn't be proud that he started changing for the better?" In the end his father gave up since he couldn't win against his wife while Issei enjoyed seeing the two interact and eventually they finished their dinner.

Once he was in his room, Issei didn't try to sleep and went into his [ Innovation clear ] dimension, deciding to change the place separating facilities and adding essentials like a place to train and rest.

'Now, let's try and change the time dilution.' Issei unleashed his power removing his sealed state and the tattoo on his back glowed while infinity churn changed the flow of time within the dimension setting it at level it won't be disrupted.

He managed to place the time dilution from 1 day to 1 month without any issue and didn't even have to supply energy as it is recycled through his [ Infinity ]. Issei made a replica of an entire mansion that had been made by the Gremory household.

Issei was satisfied with his creation and went to begin his monster creation. He first experimented in using [ Annihilation Maker ] where Issei held out his hand thinking of the fundamentals of the lifeform that he intended to create.

The sacred gear acted like an Ai generation in which you only need to think of the fundamentals and it would construct what is close to what you need. The more detailed the description the better the quality it would provide.

Issei merely formed the creature that Leonardo had made to further understand the ability. When he was satisfied with what he had made performed a few experiments and tests where it acted like a robot with specific commands.

"Amazing, if I keep this up I'll have my personal army."

Only been an hour and yet he already reached an incredible mastery and control where he created animals and simple lifeforms. Issei found that he's able to place specific traits where one can be intangible like a ghost or sturdy like a behemoth.

The energy and power would have drained even the best user but Issei surpasses this limitation. He resumed forming monsters and even began forming a dragon who were surprisingly easy to make that had dragon energy and had a level of intellect even without properly acquiring a soul. Issei felt his connection through them and concluded that they've become an extension of them.

Issei didn't scrap them and felt them reside in the dimension who quickly lived without worries. He was slowly immersing himself in creating monsters that he eventually reached a level where they didn't disappear like Leonardo. It is to be expected when he has the power of Dream that turn dream into reality.

The power of the monsters were High class to Ultimate Class acquiring their own attributes through Issei. He didn't need to rest and continuously experimented to help improve his skills in making the monster where within a whole week within the dimension had created over thousands of Dragons and monsters.

Of course, he had been taking breaks and relaxing talking to Irene. The reason why he hasn't made her a body was because he wanted to improve his skills first before taking action.

He was currently on a balcony looking at the land where dragons were flying around and playing under his rule. The monsters, especially the dragon type, had turned into their own race like [ Diablos ] and [ Rathalos ] that Issei name.

Though they don't have the same level of intellect as humans, they were still capable of learning despite their lack of soul. Issei only recently gave them a soul when he got a hold of his newfound power having used the Sephiroth Graal to give them life.

The amount of continuous growth that Issei did was unbelievable. Anyone who has so much power increases their level of mastery to a level where it is considered a genius level.

To be fair, Issei is a talented genius if push comes to shove. Though, he could reach an unparalleled level of mastery when he has too many abilities to use. The surprise thing was when the monster, despite only existing for a week, began to repupilate when they acquired souls.

Issei started to face a problem since there are no new souls that cycle and be placed to the new monster. He ended up creating a solution by making keystones to maintain the soul of reincarnation.

After trial and error, it took him another week of nonstop working to form items to form new souls and recycle them if needed. He essentially programmed certain code into the dimension to cause the monster to prosper. When it was done, the dragon and monster were grateful that their king was benevolent.

In the third week, Issei only trained his demonic abilities where he concentrated on the essential abilities such as Power of Time, Destruction, Worthless, Crack, Hole, Immortality, Etc.

Immortality is useless to him since he can regenerate instantly through ignoring damages into false via Power of Dream. He can turn reality into a dream as well. The only reason he can be wounded is if those entities are far superior to him.

Everything was like breathing to him as it was natural and easily triggering his abilities. Though, like breathing there are certain ways to improve it that surpasses the normal state. Issei eventually reached a level in which he was satisfied and stopped Deciding that he spent enough time ideally playing.

At the moment, Issei was within an open space within his balcony where he was busily working on something.

"They seem good enough….here, and that….and done."

Issei finished forming a body that contains his dragon energy at its purest form adding his connection to boosted gear allowing Irene to incarnate into the body that he had provided. It took quite a lot of power to make the body for Irene but it was all worth it.

He made sure it was powerful enough to contain Irene who's power enough to wipe the entire continent or even the world itself.

[ I'm ready ] Irene said before Issei pulled 90% of Irene's soul into the body since she didn't want to leave him and even if her body and soul dies it would exist within Issei and eventually restore herself.

Issei watched as light illuminated into the body where it began to reshape itself from simple mannequin form into a more humanoid appearance where it transformed into Irene. Her power churn around them having finally release from her temporary home and took her first breath opening her eyes where she laid her eyes into Issei who smirked.

His eyes explored her naked body and appreciated every part of it. Issei showed lust but only his lover had the privilege. Irene seductively smiled before Issei nodded and said.

"How do you feel? Any discomfort?" Irene checks her body giving Issei a little show accentuating certain areas.

"It's perfect. There isn't any issue." Issei nodded when he was suddenly pulled by Irene and drawn into the bed where she was on top of him.

"Wait, shouldn't you test it first?" He awkwardly smiled since he was worried that it could damage her body.

"There's no better test than having S*x, Issei. You have no idea how I've been holding back even since you've grown stronger than ever." Irene licks her lips while Issei knew there wasn't a way out.

"Alright, fine. As long as you're happy."

Issei smirks at the end as Irene seductively smiles before kissing Issei where her tongue swirls inside his mouth and feels his body grow hotter despite how he was still a kid. However, her soft lips were so intoxicating that he found it difficult to resist and think properly.

He could feel her hands go under his shirt removing them revealing his rather toned body made the woman on top of him to lick her lips while Issei grinned as Irene leaned closer pressing her body into his body letting him feel the hard nipple.

She kissed his neck then his chest slowly sliding to his developing abs and was now on his short. He felt her hands pull his shorts revealing his briefs that had bulges that were quite large for his age. Irene licked her lips seeing his length and eager to have taste as she smelled the intoxicating aroma. Irene then continued her sentences and said.

"Well, it's been a while, little ise."

Issei watches Irene pull his brief finally revealing his hard throbbing cock that was not abnormally large like most fantasy doujinshi.

It was just the perfect size that only Irene grew hungrier, understanding that once he grew up his weapon would make many women fall for him. She looked at Issei who was looking at her with affection that filled her heart with joy.

"Hope you're ready because we won't rest until we're satisfied...."

Irene placed her hand on his thigh and began to lick his shaft soaking it with her saliva while Issei grunted at pleasure looking at her performance showing her dragonic tongue that was long and split in the middle like a snake. She used her tongue to wrap it around his dick and sloppily gave him a fellatio. Issei grunted once again and said.

"Really eager aren't we?" Issei smirked while Irene enjoyed his reaction as she wiggled her ass and soon decided to insert his length taking the tips while twirling her tongue making Issei hold her head as she shoved the entire thing into her throat that filled her mouth.

Irene gag from the girth of his dragon that plugged her entire mouth and pulled back where she licked the head with her long dragonic tongue soaking his dick.

"Hmm~♥️ So delicious~♥️"

Irene resumed his action and began bobbing her head up and down. Issei groaned at the assault of her mouth that felt like a pussy as she looked at him and played his balls while giving him a blowjob.Irene then took a step further and placed his dick between her soft succulent breast.

She drool on his dick and lubricated it adding a bit of aphrodisiac on her saliva that made his dick even harder as he groaned in pain but not enough to make him stop and watched as Irene used her breast and tongue to pleasure him.

"Keep that up, Irene! Ah~ I'm about to…."

He whispered under his breath that was heard by Irene who intensify her pleasure that Issei panting heavily as she let her hands roam his body and soon enough his entire body spasmed as he released his load into her mouth that made Irene eyes to rolled back tasting his semen filling her mouth and Issei looked at Irene as she pulled back sucking his dick dry cleaning it thoroughly and showed him the content of her mouth before chewing and swallow showing it was now empty.

Issei was hard once again making Irene giggled and laid on the bed and spread her legs that were oozing with her nectar giving Issei a full view and said.

"Come, Issei~ ravage my body and show what a true dominator is like." Issue gave a wide grin having hidden intention as he didn't immediately insert his dick. Instead he held her thigh in place while Irene understood his intention and gasped when she felt his tongue stroke on her cunt as Issei tasted the sweet nectar and began to lick her pussy.

"Mhm~♥️ So good~♥️♥️ Yes~ ah~ ♥️♥️ lick me harder~♥️"

Her moan fueled his ego and began to twirl his tongue inserting it inside as he assaulted her clitoris with his fingers making Irene moaned even louder than as her legs spasmed but did her best not to crush him between her legs as he used telekinesis to held her legs in place and use his hands to finger her pussy.

Issei's hand was too tiny and was only used to rub her cunt but it was enough for Irene to moan like whore. After a while, she arch back and squirted her juice into Issei showering him with her nectar while he tried his best to drink every drop and pulled back to look at Irene who was twitch as his lips drip of her juice and lick it as he went to position himself rubbing his cock into her entrance making Irene to shiver and look at his face and said.

"Don't tease me~ just f*ck me already." Issei smirked and shoved the entire thing into her pussy that make her gasped as it filled her inside reaching even her cervix and destroyed the newly created hymen as it began dripping blood but the pain was meager as her partner began to pull back and rammed his dick into her making her breast to bounce and ass to jiggle.

"So rough~ oh how I miss this ~♥️ go fuck me to your heart's content, Beloved."

Iren felt her mind go blank as he thrust his hips and moved her inside while Issei enjoyed the view of the woman below him moaning and screaming his name.

He used his hand to fondle her bouncing breast and place it into her mouth as he sucked on it hard, making Irene moan in delight as she felt his tongue suck, twist, pinch and pull her nipple while maintaining a constant rhythm of his thrust.

Issei pushes her legs to reach her shoulder as he thrust deeper into her inside ramming his dick and hitting her cervix every time as her pussy tightens and sucking him in. He felt his mind growing clouded by the lust and watched as Irene buried her between her breasts he felt reaching his climax once again and said.

"Irene I'm close…" Irene was delighted to hear his words and locked him into place with her legs and said.

"Yes~♥️ Mhm~ inside me! Pump your seed into me and breed me!!" Issei knew the fertility of a dragon was so small that it would take a considerable amount until she got fertilized. Fortunately or unfortunately, Issei physiology was at the highest quality that it could knock up anyone with a single bust.

Though, he doesn't intend to be a parent at the moment and places his fertility to the lowest percentage to protect them. He first needs to finish his business against the Outer Gods before thinking about having children.

He continued and began to pound her into a mating press pushing his dick the deepest that he could and soon felt it was building up.

"Irene!!" Issei screamed as he gave one last push and poured his seed into her womb while Irene gasped and arch back as she screamed his name.


She felt the warmth liquid filling her inside as Issei released his load making her body squirm from the sensation and stared at Issei handsome and dominating face pulling him for a kiss.

Her mouth was completely devoid of his own seed which was fortunate since he didn't want to taste his own semen and instead tasted her nectar.

Issei pulled back and removed his dick from her pussy as it made a popping sound as he looked at it dripping her cunt like a fountain.

Irene stared at him and touched her pussy taking some of it before sloppily licking her fingers letting Issei watch and became erect once again from the sight making Irene grin and said.

"Ready for more, Ise~?" Issei grin flipping Irene pushing her into the bed where the Dragon of Domination had turned into Dragon of Submission under Issei shivering when he massaged her plump ass while whispering into her ear.

"Careful now, I might end up breaking your mind~" Irene shivers as he proceeds to place his fingers into her mouth forcing Irene to suck it before positioning his dick and shivering it back into her cave.

"Hyah~♥️ Mhmh~♥️♥️ ah~♥️ Ise~♥️"

She felt his rod reaching her cervix pushing against it while Issei pulled back and thrust once again making her moan in delight. Irene looked behind her, seeing Issei's dominating figure and couldn't help but be more aroused from it.


After nonstop of intercourse that lasted over a couple of days inside the dimension of [ Innovation Clear ] where Issei stopped when Irene was already exhausted from his touch and assault where her face filled with bliss and panting heavily while his semen gushed out her nether region.

Her body slightly twitch while muttering in her sleep that made Issei chuckle and kiss her forehead and laid beside her as she laid her head in his arms and slept cuddling him.

The next day, Issei woke up feeling something wet and open his eyes looking down where he saw Irene bobbing her head and soaking his dick.

"Gooshd mshoorning, Dear." Irene kept her pace while Issei chuckled and said.

"What a way to wake up, but haven't you had enough?" She slightly pouted, removing his dick from her mouth and said.

"I can't help it when it's been over a thousand years since the last time we did it."

"I know, but for someone as perverted as I was, you turn out to be the one who grew addicted to it."

"Shush you and just let me enjoy this."

"Alright, proceed."

Issei let her do what she wanted and laid back feeling her tongue coil and wrap around his girthy dragon. Irene deepthroated his dick into her mouth and gagged a bit yet she enjoyed the feeling where Issei held her head pampering Irene with his caress who felt more hornier from the affection.

The sound of her sucking and sloppily drenching his dick was unbelievable especially when it isn't only fueled by lust but love as well. The desire to pleasure their lover without measure made it a lot better.

"Damn…get ready…"

Issei warned her yet Irene only became more eager to milk him dry and he pushed her head pouring his semen where it filled her mouth puffing her chick and gagging some of it until Issei let her go and saw Irene pulled back before she opened her mouth in which she let it dripped from her mouth into her breast.

Irene then lick her breast giving Issei a last show cleaning herself swallowing them before she clean his dick where Issei is slightly speechless.

"You didn't do that, you know."

"Ha! As if you didn't enjoy it." Issei shrugged it off and said.

"Alright. Now let's take a shower before having breakfast." Irene nodded as the two left their bedroom heading to the bath house that Issei made where they enjoyed the warm water.