
DxD: Scarlet Nexus In DxD

White hair, blue hair, oh what can go wrong here? Kasane Randall and Hiroki Kuno enter Kuoh for a somewhat easy school year whilst they sort out their feelings. Of course, not all is as it seems. We all know why too. Why bother asking? Both wish to hide who they really are but that's only the start of their problems. Cue Devils.

Fanfiction_fan · Anime & Comics
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38 Chs

Chapter 9 : Kasane-chan,

Before Yasaka left, she had to tease at least both of them before she left. Her hand went to Kasane's lower half and collected the fallout and licked her hand, much to Kasane's mortification. "Ara ara~, you're definitely ready."

"Yasaka-san!" She cried with a mixture of a moan.

Then, the vixen turned her eyes to the prone form of Hiroki. She crawled on the bed and leaned over him, her tails softly touching his body, her voice soft yet teasing, and only loud enough for him to hear, "I know you've been awake and are just waiting to ravage her, I commend you for withholding but you two best fuck your brains out or I will ensure you do. Before I leave, I want a sample."

The buzzed-awake Hiroki could only grasp the sheets as he felt a tongue run up the underside of his appendage.

"Thank you both, now get ready," Yasaka said, licking her lips and humming in delight. If I'm not careful, Kunou will have a sibling by year's end…fufufu.

Groggily, Hiroki opened his eyes before he felt a blade pressed against the base of his neck, "How much of that did you hear?"


"How much?"

Blinking, rubbing his eyes, not even facing the blade, "Enough."

Kasane felt his tone was…colder…than before. The blade went away, "I see."

"Now, if you excuse me, I have to go…relieve myself and I'm not asking you…" Kasane then identified the tone in his voice. Unbridled need. The girl then realized that she was still stark naked, just like he was.

If he turned around now, they weren't making it to school on time. She jumped under the covers and squeaked, "Go already!"

Hiroki sighed, breathing through his mouth. He stood, naked as the day he was born, and entered the bathroom. As soon as the door closed, Hiroki used his power to suppress the sound waves before screaming in blue-balled pleasure. The images got to him too and a part of him cursed himself for thinking that way but the other side of him hummed with adrenaline at the salivating thoughts.

Kasane, meanwhile, was filled with fantasies that she could no longer control. A blush would be residing on her face for the rest of the morning, much to Kunou-chan's confusion and Yasaka's sadistic joy.

When the two students finished getting ready, they both teleported back to their apartment and exited the house like normal, except the glances they shared were much more shy than previous.

"Listen, Kasane-chan, I-"

"No, Hiroki-kun, we…we don't speak of this morning…that was the most embarrassing thing ever…"

Hiroki nodded to his…girlfriend, mate, or lover with unease as he fought down his instinct to finish what Yasaka started for him. His eyes became slits, reptilian, his navy eyes contracting even as he breathed deeply. He was going to struggle this week. Thankfully, today is Friday and the date was tomorrow. So, he had something to look forward to in this Devil hellhole.

Kasane glanced at Hiroki out of the corner of her eye, seeing his tense posture and slit eyes meant there would be no stray comments from her. She might not even talk today because she knows that something taken in the wrong context could mean a lot.

Or her being pushed against a bathroom stall while Hiroki completely and utterly ravages her mouth and fucks her silly. Consequences be damned.

You know, totally normal things to think about with her 'friend with benefits' and all that.

"Keep thinking like that and I'm not going to hold back," Hiroki said, plugging his nose, knowing his friend was still aroused. "Yasaka-san must have put some real lewd thoughts in your mind. Let me guess, one of them was with her behind you watching me rail you, hm?"

"Baka!" Kasane shouted. "No it wasn't!"

"The small quiver in your thighs says the opposite," Hiroki said plainly. He was not embarrassed by this. "Did you bring a spare set of-"

"Not another word, Hiroki-kun," Kasane covered his mouth with her hand. To which he then licked.

She pulled away, or tried to. He grabbed her wrist and sucked on her index finger. Shit, this was a mistake. He immediately let go, averted his gaze, and closed his eyes so he wouldn't imagine some things he'd very much like Kasane to do, especially to him. "Let's just get on with the day, we'll cross that bridge when we come to it."

Ironically enough, they crossed a bridge at that very moment. Alongside other students of Kuoh, none of them truly paid attention, since Hiroki had claimed Kasane as his. The girls still fawned over Hiroki and the guys wanted him dead.

Nothing changed there. Even though that attention changed as another student walked by the couple. One whose energy set off red flags for the pair. They knew they were in Devil's territory but they didn't know who was a part of their respective peerages—their being Gremory or Sitri.

Kasane had to take a mental step back, even her own heritage was a problem. On one hand, she wanted nothing more than to succumb to her desires. On one half, she wanted to indulge in those fantasies of hers and even his. On the other, she had to ignore those and remember her true purpose.

"Come on, Kasane-chan, we'll be late," Hiroki said with a soft smile as he carried his bag at his side. They both were denying it but they knew if they crossed the line, there would be no going back. For the pair, they secretly wanted to but understood if the other wasn't ready or uncomfortable.

However, such lapses in logic are not to be blamed on anyone. They are indeed a rare pair. Time to see if they can survive the place known as Kuoh Academy, also known as Devil hotspot.