
DxD: Scarlet Nexus In DxD

White hair, blue hair, oh what can go wrong here? Kasane Randall and Hiroki Kuno enter Kuoh for a somewhat easy school year whilst they sort out their feelings. Of course, not all is as it seems. We all know why too. Why bother asking? Both wish to hide who they really are but that's only the start of their problems. Cue Devils.

Fanfiction_fan · Anime & Comics
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38 Chs

Chapter 10 : "Kasane-chan, Kunou-chan…

The pair quickly composed themselves, even though Hiroki was shifting his leg mid-stride and Kasane was nibbling on her bottom lip. Her fingers squeezed her school bag with unease. "So, do you think Kunou-chan is going to be alright growing up without her father?"

"Kasane-chan, Kunou-chan…actually, I can't give you a proper answer. Anytime I've brought it up she avoids the question and at that point, I've stopped asking. I probably won't get an answer ever…I will say that they are missing out."

"On what?"

"Raising a girl like Kunou," Hiroki said to Kasane, shrugging off the feeling of entering the barrier around the school. "She would totally be a daddy's girl."

Kasane did feel a little bad. "At least she has a parent."

"Ouch, too soon," Hiroki winced. "Well, do you think they will approach us today?" he asked, wanting to shift the topic away from this. His navy eyes looked off into the sky, knowing exactly where his thoughts were going. He felt his heart seize up metaphorically as the ceiling of the New School Building entered his vision. He then felt a grip on his hand, looking down to see Kasane pulling him inside. "...thanks."

"That wasn't meant for you."

"I know, Kas-chan…"

"Hiroki-kun, don't use that name!" Kasane pouted, yet her expression didn't shift. Her body language did that for her.

He laughed, "I know but seriously, I never have thanked you for all you've done for me."

The white-haired girl huffed, "You're welcome. Now, let's get to class so we don't have to deal with Shitori-san getting on our case."

The navy-haired boy sighed, "Sure thing, lead the way, my dear."

"Seriously, that posh accent needs to go," Kasane giggled lightly, rolling her eyes, making many girls and boys swoon at hearing such an angelic sound. Yet Hiroki knows that it was all for him.

Call him possessive if one wishes to but his instinct was telling him that something was about to get complicated real quick. As if having one of his kouhai stalking them both wasn't enough.

"I got a girlfriend!"


That was Issei Hyoudou, proclaiming to his friends of the so-called Perverted Trio—Matsuda and Motohama—that he scored a date with a girl named Amano Yumma and the kinetic users rolled their eyes.

"So that explains the foreign energy…but in their territory? Shouldn't something have been done already?" Kasane muttered, unaware that a certain blond [Knight] heard that. His eyes had glanced over at the pair in curiosity before looking away. Buchou would be pleased.

"Hm, she's going to kill him…" Hiroki muttered. The two looked at each other for a split second, "Wanna make our date stalking him?"

"One, that creepy. Two, that was my idea. Three…we're going through with it, right?"

A gruff chuckle from the boy, "Definitely. We'll have all weekend." He was not letting her slip through his fingers any more than she already had.

"Don't disappoint me," Kasane said, not like her standards of a first date were high anyway. No one has asked her on a date before. So, this would be her first time. Despite her looks, Kasane was one awkward girl.

"Oh, and the date will be only a prelude," he said as they entered their classroom.

Kasane half-turned, confused, "You weren't talking about the date?"

Hiroki paused, "You were?"

Safe to say, Class 2-B got some entertainment in the form of a blushing couple who had horribly misunderstood the other. Class started soon after and the fact that the dominating presence within the room grew compared to yesterday, meant that watching over the date became first priority. Hiroki felt like he was familiar with this presence but only vaguely.

Even still, the pair were not paying much attention in class because they were daydreaming. Kasane found herself wondering what Hiroki was going to wear, as aside from the Kuoh uniform and sleepwear, he wears casual outfits. Maybe he'll wear jeans and a form-fitting shirt. Kasane was luckily covering her mouth to hide the drool she was going to leak.

On the flip side, Hiroki wanted to know if Kasane was going to wear a dress of some kind like a sundress with a nice pair of flats; accompanied by a pair of leggings that she's so fond of. The female Kuoh uniform did show off a lot of skin and had potential panty shot material if one was named Iss-uhm, a pervert. Still, he had to admit that Kasane was quite the looker in it. The thigh-high socks cinched the look as well. Okay…maybe he has a preference for the lower halves of the female anatomy but that does not mean he neglects the upper half as well.

Personality first. Compatibility second. Looks are a bonus.

Aaaand now he's horny…fuck. The sudden tightness of his pants was a bit of a problem considering how these dress pants are just a size smaller than he liked.

Only a bespectacled twin-tailed girl noticed his problem and licked her lips. She is a really lucky girl. Maybe I could convince him to mold something. She sauntered up to his desk, "Enjoying your daydream?" she asked as class was over.

Hiroki blinked as he realized it was over, Kasane was still out of it. "Depends."


"Whatever your next sentence is," Hiroki said. "I'm aware you're basically the 'female Hyoudou' of Kuoh, Kiryuu Aika-san. So…" he grinned with a hint of smugness, "...what will it be?"

"You planning on destroying Randall-san over the weekend? Making sure she's sore?" Aika asked the navy-haired boy.

He already picked up what she was saying, so he decided to play ignorant, "Yeah, training to make sure she can stretch into all the right positions." He internally laughed as he could predict how she was going to interpret his words. He was proven right as a perverse grin, with a blush, came onto Aika's face.

She snickered, "Anything else?" As she adjusted her glasses. "Nothing else?"

Hiroki chuckled, "Oh, I can't forget to make sure she's all clean." He stood up from his chair to lean over to the girl's ear. "Just so I can make her dirty all over again."