
DxD: Scarlet Nexus In DxD

White hair, blue hair, oh what can go wrong here? Kasane Randall and Hiroki Kuno enter Kuoh for a somewhat easy school year whilst they sort out their feelings. Of course, not all is as it seems. We all know why too. Why bother asking? Both wish to hide who they really are but that's only the start of their problems. Cue Devils.

Fanfiction_fan · Anime & Comics
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38 Chs

Chapter 8 : The blood

Kasane woke up first, groggily blinking her eyes. She tried to stretch but found she couldn't. The reason being was the man holding her protectively in his arms. His one arm was wrapped in her hair, pulling her basically into his chest, the other was resting firmly on her butt. She noted that he wasn't squeezing. What she did note was the very hard thing resting against her stomach.

The blood-red eyes widened as she felt just how large the appendage was. It was resting just centimeters above her hips, halfway up her chest. If we ever…he's going to split me in half! Yet somehow, the thought wasn't horrifying. Oh no…

Hiroki shifted idly in his rest, his sense of smell caught the scent of fresh arousal. He furrowed his brow and sniffed, only smelling the sweet smell of lavender. He then pulled back and adjusted himself, pulling the wide-awake girl with him. His appendage stood at attention before it slid between the girl's thigh gap, causing him to growl in pleasure.

"Hiroki!" Kasane shouted, now fully awake and fully aroused. Her fidgeting didn't help matters as Hiroki was too lost in his dream. A dream that he finally dared to confess what Kasane really means to him.

To him, she was shouting his name in pleasure, demanding more. To him, her flushed face and sweaty body unleashed pheromones that made Hiroki's blood run hot. The sight of her with loose strands of hair sticking to her face, the rise and fall of her chest, and the way she clutched his hands with her own, her eyes pleading for him to continue. "Mmmhm, Kasane…"

Hearing that, the girl froze. "He's…dreaming about me?" Obviously, the act of kissing to her was something that people who consider themselves 'more than friends' do—irony aside—but this was something more. "Wake up," she said and just as she was about to say more, he started moving his hips.

In case we've forgotten, he was in a prime spot.

Kasane couldn't help the moan that escaped her lips, unintentionally egging him on as she felt him get faster because of her. At that moment, Yasaka came into the room, wanting to wake them up for school.

What she saw was an embarrassed Kasane—which Yasaka noted she was aroused to an unbelievable degree—and a sleepy Hiroki who didn't seem to realize the effect he had on the girl. She saw the thrusts due to the shifting of the blanket. The elder Kyuubi saw this and decided to have some fun. She was already mostly dressed for the occasion, an almost see-through nightgown that did nothing to hide her incredible figure.

"Fufufu, aren't you two getting a little active in the morning?" Yasaka asked with a glint in her eyes.

"He won't wake up!" Kasane cried, her breathing high because she was on the edge, much to her eternal embarrassment.

"Ara, why don't you let him complete it?" Yasaka asked, confused as she used Senjutsu to pause Hiroki's dream. His movement stopped and his grip slacked enough for Kasane to separate herself from him.


Yasaka sighed, "You know what he is, right?"

A moment of silence, "Yes…"

"…so you understand that if you keep denying it, he will do it by force and we both know he will cut it off before he does anything to you," Yasaka informed. "I would rather not lose a potential mate~"

"He's mine!" Kasane said before she could stop herself. A hand slapped over her mouth as she said it louder.

Yasaka boisterously laughed, her tails flowing around her body, "Ufufufu, finally! You admit that you want him as more than a friend."

Kasane was beet red, even as her arousal was going away, that didn't help when Yasaka walked around the bed, grabbing the young girl by the hips, and placing her head on her shoulder. "Wouldn't that be nice? Imagine him in front of us, you crying out as I hold you in place, watching as he takes what belongs to him?" Kasane fidgeted as the thought came up, refreshing her arousal to the point where she was feeling it leak down her thighs. "You could watch him take me too~, and I could show you a few ways to dominate a man and make him squirm and beg for release, fufufu," Yasaka teased the girl by blowing lightly on her ear.

"Mmhh~" Kasane covered her mouth. The images were getting to be too much. The thoughts and sounds of her own breathing were becoming the loudest in the room. Her fidgeting on the bed only allowed Yasaka's hands slide over her body.

"Oh, and why not help him when he's like this? As you know, he sleeps heavy, just like the rest of his species, so you could get away with something scandalous, like servicing his bi-"

"Please stop!" Kasane pleaded with the vixen. The fantasies were in her head now…and she's ashamed to say how they would be fun…but Hiroki's been her friend since they met despite her harsh first meeting. The elder woman's hands still resting on her hips, softly rubbing. "I…he's my friend…I can't."

"Well, he is taking you out on a date this Saturday, right?"

"Yes, he-wait, how do you know that?!" Kasane exclaimed, unaware of Hiroki beginning to stir. "You spied on us!"

"Indeed I did," Yasaka admitted freely. "Seriously, Kasane-chan, next time he makes an advance, take it. He's adamant about being with you. Rejecting him only hurts him more, especially without a valid reason why. This date, it means a lot to him, even my Senjutsu skills felt that he's much more elated than what he showed. It meant that you accepted his advance and he wants to make sure you're happy. His first mate is his most important."

"M-Mate?" The girl shyly asked, turning around to look eye to eye with Yasaka.

"Yes, Dragons—even half-dragons—acquire mate and guess what, he's chosen you as his first," Yasaka stroked Kasane's cheeks. "You have to understand that you won't win against your innate desires, my dear. Please don't hurt yourself by denying it. Now, get up and get dressed, you have school in an hour."