
DxD: Lelouch Vi britannia Return In Ero world As a Black Knight

Lelouch vi Britannia or also known as Zero had many Contracts during his living years that he made, but this one was different because it was a contract with a devil. Now he is in a completely different world where devils, Angels, and Fallen Angels live, but they will also know the the name Zero now.

vilan864 · Anime & Comics
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126 Chs

Chapter 104: Nervously

If you want to read ahead by 10 chapters from her you can visit my Patre-on.

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"Alright, I'll let you collect yourself, but I expect you to apologize to everyone when you get back." Rias ordered sternly with a smile, allowing her magic circle to return her to her villa in a flash of crimson magic.

Lelouch laughed brokenly once he was all alone in the dark forest. It would take far more than words from Rias or her friends to convince him that he could be forgiven.

All that she had managed to convince him to do was leave them out of his decision to seek justice for all those who died by his hands.

It was late at night by the time Lelouch returned to his room at the villa and when he did he found someone waiting for him. Koneko was curled up outside of his door, her features revealed as they always were when she was asleep.

Her black panties were visible because her plain white oversized t-shirt was riding up on her side, but Lelouch was more concerned at the fact that she was asleep outside his door.

His steps were quiet and Koneko was apparently in a deep sleep as she didn't wake when he knelt by her side.

A hollow smile graced his face as he shook her shoulder. "Hey, wake up." He whispered softly. "There's no way this is comfortable." His voice was quiet, but it managed to rouse the Nekoshou from her sleep.

Koneko yawned cutely before she rubbed her eye with the back of her hand. "Lelouch." A happy grin came across her face before it fell. "Are-are you still mad?" She asked, her ears drooping despondently.

Her eyes avoided his as she stared at the floor. "When you didn't come back for dinner I got worried. I came to see if you had gotten back after everyone else went to bed, but when you weren't here I decided to wait.

" Koneko's explanation was rushed, as if she were afraid of angering him. "Please don't be mad." She put her hands on her head and curled in on herself, like she was trying to protect herself in case he decided to hit her.

'I've been too cruel.' Lelouch thought to himself, observing Koneko's shivering form. "I'm not mad at you." He promised, gently pressing his hand down on her head.

She twitched in fear, much like how she did when he first touched her, before she began to relax into his petting. "I'm sorry for dragging everyone into my own problems." All he did was cause pain to everyone around him.

He would need to make sure that everyone didn't get dragged into his problems in the future. A yawn escaped his lips, drawing one from Koneko as well. As he rose, she did as well, her oversized shirt covering her down to mid-thigh.

Before he entered his room after opening the door, she tugged at his jacket carefully. "What is it?" He asked softly, watching as her tail remained slumped and her ears remained pressed to her head.

"Can we please talk?" The Nekoshou asked softly, staring up at him with a beseeching look. "I promise I won't bother you." Her eyes shined with a cautious hope, nervous about his response.

Lelouch looked at the hopeful girl before him and sighed. "I didn't plan on going to bed for a bit anyway." He lied, turning to enter his room. "We can talk as long as you like." It was the least he could do considering how much he had hurt her the past few days.

The only one who needed to suffer was himself, Rias and her Peerage didn't need to be collateral damage.

He walked in and shut the door after Koneko walked in after him. Lelouch removed his jacket and tossed it on his dresser before he kicked his shoes off so he could remove his socks.

Left in his pants and tank top he removed his pants to put on a pair of shorts, leaving his tank top on. Turning after he changed, Lelouch saw Koneko staring at him with a blush by his bed. Sighing, he knew what she wanted.

He set himself up by leaning his pillows up at his headboard and laid back against them. "Come on." He said, gesturing to his lap. "I know it's been a few days." He grunted as Koneko practically teleported to his lap, forcing his hand to the top of her head as she leaned into his chest.

The Nekoshou purred as she felt Lelouch begin to pet her for the first time in what felt like forever. She rubbed her cheek into his chest and sighed in contentment. "I've missed this." She admitted softly. "I've missed you." The fifteen-year-old Devil whispered into his chest as she inhaled his scent.

Try as he might, Lelouch couldn't stop himself from enjoying what had become routine either. A soft smile stretched across his lips as he dragged his nails on the Nekoshou's scalp and neck.

"I've missed this too, Shirone." He admitted quietly, enjoying the purrs she released as he slowly advanced his nails down the back of her neck before returning to her hair. "I'm sorry for hurting you." He repeated softly.

"Do you hate us?" Shirone's voice was marked with sadness as she asked her question.

Lelouch shook his head. "It's not you I hate." He whispered softly, holding Shirone close to comfort her after how he acted. "All of you have been nothing but kind to me." The problem was he didn't think he deserved it.

"How do you feel about us all?" The petite Nekoshou asked, her heart beating nervously as she waited for his answer. What she really wanted to ask was how Lelouch felt about her, but she didn't want to make him suspicious.

Lelouch chuckled as he continued to pet Shirone. "Kiba is the kind of brother I would have been proud to have, his intelligence and skill are impressive and I can tell he's a good guy. Issei, while perverted, is a good person at heart.

You just need to dig down deep to see it." Lelouch paused as he snickered. "Really, really deep." Shirone giggled into his chest before groaning as his nails slowly scratched down her back. "


If you want to read ahead by 10 chapters from her you can visit my Patre-on.

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