
DxD: Lelouch Vi britannia Return In Ero world As a Black Knight

Lelouch vi Britannia or also known as Zero had many Contracts during his living years that he made, but this one was different because it was a contract with a devil. Now he is in a completely different world where devils, Angels, and Fallen Angels live, but they will also know the the name Zero now.

vilan864 · Anime & Comics
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126 Chs

Chapter 105: Cornelia

If you want to read ahead by 10 chapters from her you can visit my Patre-on.

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"Rias is… kind, but I think she allows her emotions to rule her a little too much. Asia honestly reminds me of Nunnally a little bit.

Akeno is scary, but I can handle her." Akeno's lightning had nothing on Cornelia's resourcefulness and skills in a Knightmare.

If Schneizel was the brother he always feared, Cornelia was the sister. "You, Shirone, are the one I'm probably closest to." Lelouch buried his nose into her hair and sighed.

"You're the only one that I have revealed my true name to, you're the one who offered me a home when I had none, and you offered me patience and kindness when I was trying to open up about my past.

" Lelouch held Shirone close as he hugged her. "Words cannot describe how thankful I am that you didn't push me on that. It's… not a fun thing for me to discuss."

That was an understatement.

"What about you? What do you think about yourself?" Shirone asked softly as she relished being held so close to her crush.

Her tail was swaying and her ears were perked up happily while they spoke. She was happy Lelouch considered her a close friend, but she was afraid to ask for more.

Lelouch just held Shirone close as he answered. "I hate myself. I'm a monster." He whispered, Shirone tensing in his arms before she hugged him.

'He's… not lying.' Shirone blinked away tears as she learned what Lelouch truly thought of himself. His heart held no sign of a lie. "I won't ask you why you feel that way, I'm sure you wouldn't tell me or I suspect I already have some idea." He had killed his sister after his power had gone out of control in the past before, maybe that was why.

"I just want you to know that I don't think you're a monster." She whispered, pulling back slightly so she could stare back at him. Feeling a spark of courage enter her heart, she stood up on her knees and kissed his cheek.

"You're my best friend, Lelouch vi Britannia." She whispered his true name softly as she blushed, her eyes staring hopefully into his violet.

"Shirone." Lelouch murmured, staring at her blushing face. A hollow grin split his lips. "I don't deserve the kindness you have given me.

" He whispered, his eyes shifting to his side to avoid looking into the amber eyes that reminded him of C.C. He didn't want to be reminded of her right now.

He didn't want to be reminded of the only woman, the only person, who chose to stand beside him through everything. Every crime, every tragedy, every loss.

Every betrayal.

C.C. had remained by his side even after he betrayed her and broke his promise. She had chosen to remain his confidante and his beloved accomplice even to the bitter end.

Snuggling back into his chest, feeling hot under her collar, Shirone allowed a playful grin to split her face as her tail twitched in time with her ears. "That's fifty percent your decision, the rest of that decision belongs to me.

" She said with a blush. "And I say you're more than worth it." The fifteen-year-old Nekoshou stared up at her friend as she remained snuggled into his chest. She stared at his lips, she really wanted to kiss him right now.

But she was still too afraid of his potential reaction. She didn't want to ruin their friendship.

A large yawn escaped Lelouch's lips as he finally began to succumb to his fatigue. "If there is nothing else you want to talk about, I would like to try and get some sleep tonight." Once again, he was feeling emotionally drained. This little three week training trip was going to send him to therapy at this rate.

"C-Can I stay with you tonight?" Shirone asked, her voice softly pleading. "I would like to sleep with you tonight." A blush flared on her face as she realized how that sounded. "I mean, actually sleep." She hoped Lelouch didn't get the wrong idea.

Even if it wasn't exactly wrong.

Lelouch was feeling too tired to argue, he just shifted until Shirone was sitting beside him and adjusted his pillows so that she could lay down on one without having to share with him.

"Here," he yawned. Lelouch felt his eyelids become heavy. "Do what you want." He plopped himself down on his side and allowed the darkness that had been encroaching on his vision to consume his mind.

Shirone stared at her friend as he collapsed on his side and passed out completely, soft snores escaping his lips signaling he really was in a deep sleep. Holding her hand close to her lips, she bit her finger in contemplation. 'No, I can't do that to him.

He wouldn't do that to me.' The Nekoshou shook the idea of kissing his sleeping lips from her mind. It would be too creepy, kissing someone in their sleep. Instead she chose to lay on her side, staring at Lelouch's peaceful face until dreams claimed her.

A small smile was on her face as she fell asleep beside her friend.

Lelouch felt… something against his back. As a moan sounded from behind him, he realized it'd be more accurate to call it a pair of somethings.

A twitch developed over his left eye before he slowly opened them. As he saw the white-haired Devil asleep across from him, a confused frown came across his face. 'If Shirone is there, then who's behind me?' He wondered.

Arms were wrapped around his chest, and he was suddenly very glad he had worn actual clothes last night instead of just his boxers. Things would have been far worse than they were already going to be if he were in his usual state of undress.

"I know you're awake." Akeno's voice whispered as she blew on his ear. "I heard your breathing change." He could hear the grin in her voice, quiet as she was.

"Why are you here?" He hissed near silently, wary of awakening the Nekoshou across from him. Her features were on full display and her breath was coming out in steady, near silent snores. Her face had a small smile on it and Lelouch assumed she was having a good dream.


If you want to read ahead by 10 chapters from her you can visit my Patre-on.

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