
DxD: Immerse the World in Pleasure

Naruto was born into the Asmodeus Clan, in the Old Maou Faction... However, after running away, he decides on a different life... Would Rias and her friends be the path to this? He doesn't know, but what matters is that he will flood their lives with pleasure... After all, he is Luxuria herself. . . . . . . . Traslation......

pOtOtO53 · Anime & Comics
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19 Chs

Chapter 016

- Yes, you ended up sleeping while healing Issei. - Naruto said, calmly.

So you brought me back to my room. -Her smile grew. - Ufufu, jealous?

The blonde looked up.

- From a pervert? No. - He said, before adding. - I just don't think that a piece of mud should have in his bed such a magnificent beauty that is my dear King~.- He said charmingly, while caressing the now red girl's face.

- That still sounds like jealousy to me. - She said, laughing.

You'd love it to be, wouldn't you? - He also laughed. Well, well... Diamond saved from the pig pen, I think I can go now.

- Hey! Where do you think you're going? - She said, kneeling on the bed. - You removed my heat source, you'll have to replace it, you know~. - She gave him a mischievous smile.

Naruto let his signature smile grace his face.

Ara? Rias Aren't you afraid that the same thing will happen as happened when we spoke on a cold night like this~? He asked, making Rias lose some face.

- Don't wait for this! I've gotten used to your way of being... I'm not going to fall for that so easily. - She said, with a confident smile as she saw Naruto remove his shirt, pants and shoes, before joining her on the bed, who quickly covered them both with the sheet. She blushed at the idea that he accepted it too easily... If it had been anyone else, she would have at least hesitated.

This coming from someone who kisses me every day without any shame, must really be credible ~ Naruto laughed, seeing Rias blush.

-S-Shut up. She said. And take your hand off - my thigh.

- Oh, why is that? He sighed sadly. You have - your breasts in my arms and I can't even caress your beautiful thigh?

Naruto... Serve as a quiet heat source. She said, with her eyes closed.

The blonde sighed.

- Not even a goodnight kiss? He received silence as an answer. - Well, I don't think you can win them all.

Leaving the room, Naruto found Akeno already ready for school as she placed all the breakfast on the table. She blinked in surprise.

- Good morning, Akeno. He smiled at her. - I wish I lived here so I could see all its beauty and splendor when I woke up.

The woman laughed.

Ara? That's right... This is coming from someone who slept in Buchou's room~ She covered her giggle with her hand. But sorry to disappoint you, I don't live here.

- No?

- Hmhm, I live in a temple on top of a small mountain, it's quite famous. She said. You know, I used to be a maiden~!

Ah, well I felt a little sacred energy in you. He - commented, making the girl lose a step. - How interesting, so many things I still don't know about you, my beauty... We should talk more.

-I agree. She smiled. I also want to know more about the person who kisses me every day... I mean, someone as interesting as you.

His smile grew.

- And so? That wasn't a question. But well, I - think that's the reason for our lack of conversation... Your language is very good.

Hitting on someone right after spending the night with Buchou? How shameless. She laughed. - I wonder if something real happened...

- I wish. - Naruto said, sitting at the table.

So you're telling me nothing happened? - Akeno asked, looking a little disappointed.

No, nothing happened. Rias said, appearing - there too, already in her uniform. - Good morning.

- Good morning buchou. - Akeno greeted. -Can I know what Naruto was doing in his room? Perhaps experiencing the glorious taste of her... interrupted her. Rias

- No, not Akeno. Don't put your desires as mine. - Naruto smiled at the brunette, who smiled indifferently. - It only served as a heat source. - Rias added, with a small smile. A very good one, I must say.

- So... You mean Naruto is submissive? She sighed dreamily. I've already wanted this so much, you lying on the bed with a collar around your neck and me sitting on top holding the collar with my name on it, while you moan in pain and pleasure.

Naruto laughed.

Sorry, Akeno. He said. But I only accept - orders from my dear King... And even she in bed will have to be the submissive one.

Rias raised an eyebrow.

Do you really think this will happen? She laughed, referring to them having something sexual.

- I'm sure, Rias. He said. That's the only way you can put me in your nobility... And I don't see you training to increase your magical power.

Well, even if that happens, I would just order you to lie down and let me do everything. She said, with a victorious smile.

Impossible, Rias. I can feel your desire to be dominated, you know? Placed on all fours and only has the right to moan. He said with a smile, as he saw Rias' face turn red.

Ara? Just a little blush? Rias has certainly matured. Akeno touched her chin with her finger. - I wonder if it was our influence.

- With two perverts like you two in my nobility, it's hard not to change. The redhead said calmly, - despite her blush.

- So you admit that you are a pervert?

- Masochist? - The blonde added quickly.

-I-I didn't say that. She said. And let's go to school.




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