
DxD: Immerse the World in Pleasure

Naruto was born into the Asmodeus Clan, in the Old Maou Faction... However, after running away, he decides on a different life... Would Rias and her friends be the path to this? He doesn't know, but what matters is that he will flood their lives with pleasure... After all, he is Luxuria herself. . . . . . . . Traslation......

pOtOtO53 · Anime & Comics
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19 Chs

Chapter 015

The TV was at least the size of the wall and was on the wall itself, there was no furniture underneath.

Intercessing with the living room, there was the dining room where it had small pedestals with the blonde's jewelry and all the gold, while the table was made of pure wood with a glass lid and details all over it, in a light pink color that Naruto liked., resembled his own eyes.

And then there was the hallway with a painting in the same color, but together with the contrast of the sun that came in weakly through the huge window with a balcony and dark curtains, it left everything in a soft pink color.

That was all the blonde could see at first.

-So... At first glance, what did you think? Rias asked, as Akeno approached them.

- Well... Simply incredible~! He said blinking and looking around. He had really been surprised by all of this. - Were you the one who planned and arranged everything, Rias?

The woman laughed, proudly.

No, I just planned how it would be and the purchase, some servants from my family who helped arrange everything and make it perfect. She said. - - And... She was interrupted when she felt the blonde pull her and kiss her deeply.

It was deeper than any time they had had this moment, which in the last week had really grown. Rias could now count at least 10x. She couldn't help herself, but she really enjoyed the blonde's kiss. It felt like her whole body fell asleep and relaxed.

Although this kiss really was the deepest, Rias didn't think it was the most... sexual they had both ever had. It was a bit sentimental, actually.

- Rias, that's my way of saying, thank you very much. He smiled as he walked away from her. - I will cherish every moment I spend here~, you bet~!

Rias let her hands fall onto the blonde's chest while smiling.

- I'm glad you liked it so much. - She said, before adding. And you know, I'm really used to being kissed - like that...

The blonde's smile only grew.

- Good thing, because I'm addicted to the orange flavor that your lips have. He stated, making Rias blush and move away gently, a little awkwardly.

- Ara ara... - Akeno laughed, with her hand. - I helped, you know? I gain nothing...? She approached the blonde, who also took her mouth in a kiss, very similar to Rias's, except it was wetter due to Akeno actually making it like that.

Rias stared at the scene, before tightening her eyebrows.

Both are good! separate. - She said making them Let's go explore the house! There's so much I want to show you~! She took the blonde's hand and started dragging him with it.

Due to Naruto having one of his hands around Akeno's waist, the brunette was also dragged while holding onto him tightly.

At the end of the entire journey, the apartment now had a total of 6 bedrooms, all furnished and in perfect condition, including suites and small balconies like the living room. In addition, it had a sauna room, a hot spring and a cinema room.

In the end, the blonde discovered that not only had all the apartments on the floor been purchased, but also the entire building. He didn't ask questions about the price, he just gave Rias an account number with a password and told her to take as much as she needed.

It wasn't his own.


Naruto's eyes traveled over Rias's body... Her bare white skin... Her red hair that he adored and admired so much... Her huge breasts and her pert little ass... Her thin, shapely face that had a unique beauty while she slept... And then, moving her gaze to the side a little, her eyes fell on the person Rias hugged while sleeping: Hyoudou Issei.

Hell! It was like throwing a beautiful flower into the mud!

It wasn't that Naruto didn't like Issei, no, he liked him a lot... The boy was a complete Lustful pervert who would die for a pair of breasts, seriously... Naruto admired this boy, he was what he was and he wasn't ashamed to show it but... Well, he was pathetic.

Starting off, he would die for a pair of breasts... Seriously, what's the point of dying for something? If you live you can have more eventually.

Naruto might be Lust incarnate, but he really was a bit controlled...

Furthermore, this boy possessed a Sacred Gear, a Longinus no less... Naruto couldn't help but envy, if his Sacred Gear was a Longinus then he could definitely destroy the entire Old Maou Faction.

Well, bending down Naruto gently picked up His King in his arms Bride style, before summoning a Gremory Clan Magic circle and teleporting to the redhead's room, where he placed her on the bed.

But at that moment, Rias grimaced slightly and opened her eyes, where she saw the blonde finishing placing her on the bed.

-Naruto? She called, sleepily. Why are you here? I am in my bedroom?




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