
DxD: Immerse the World in Pleasure

Naruto was born into the Asmodeus Clan, in the Old Maou Faction... However, after running away, he decides on a different life... Would Rias and her friends be the path to this? He doesn't know, but what matters is that he will flood their lives with pleasure... After all, he is Luxuria herself. . . . . . . . Traslation......

pOtOtO53 · Anime & Comics
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19 Chs

Chapter 017

Hey, buchou.

- Whatever you order, my beautiful Rias.

Ara, so submissive... How envious, Rias. - Akeno laughed.

Naruto just drummed his fingers on the table, his eyes never leaving Akeno. An amused smile on his face... And an almost dangerous look on his face.


Later that same day, the blonde ended up deciding that it would be a good time to study with

Sona... So they did as always: Half an hour of studying, ten minutes of kissing.

Sona's tongue invaded Naruto's mouth in a wet and dominating, but somewhat inexperienced, kiss.

Her hands held onto the blonde, one on his chest and the other on his face, while she kept her hand seated on her knees on the sofa in the small Council room.

Tsubaki sat next to Naruto, both hands resting on his thigh as he watched the kiss and waited for his turn.

When he finished, the blonde smiled in that way that only he knew how... An almost arrogant and domineering way, but which she knew was completely malicious. A smile she hated that she adored.

- Sona, if you keep kissing like that, Tsubaki will run out of time... He said, laughing softly when he saw the aforementioned brunette blush slightly.

- Ah... I don't care if Sona-kaichou... She was already preparing to refrain from taking her turn for her "boss", when Naruto interrupted her, taking her mouth in a dominating and wet kiss.

The girl couldn't hold back her moans between the kiss. One of his hands rested on her face and the other on her waist.

She, in turn, had both hands on his chest. A terrible blush kept his face company.

- Don't talk nonsense, Tsubaki-chan... Tsubaki heard him say, and knew that when he used Japanese suffixes, killer words followed immediately. It is possible that I will die if I get the delicious taste of your lips.

The girl stared at him without saying a word, before looking away and adjusting her glasses awkwardly.

Sona watched all this with a slight uneasiness that she knew was caused by the blonde. No, it wasn't jealousy... It was the desire to feel his lips again.

To tell the truth, Sona was never interested in physical or sentimental relationships... Well, she still didn't have much interest, but the way Naruto spoke and acted had something that attracted her... A demonic curiosity took over her.

Before she discovered he was a devil, she always had suspicions: The way practically the entire school fell for him, how he spoke, acted and his own appearance were proof of this.

So she decided to investigate further, get to know him and uncover him... She invited him to a study session and there she got to know him a little, but nothing that told anything true about the blonde. So she invited him again, strangely she liked studying with Naruto, he was smart and could keep up, despite not trying so hard to do so... That day, Tsubaki was there with them, and the three of them studied together. It was all normal, with her asking questions and them answering or the opposite, or simply reading in silence and one answering the others' questions.

Everything was normal and she thought it would stay that way... But when she went to the bathroom and came back, she found the two of them kissing.

She blinked in surprise and asked for it not to happen again. And he smiled in that way, which made her spine tremble gently and her legs lack strength.

And then, in the other study session, this one without Tsubaki, he asked a question that changed everything: "Do you want to know what's so interesting about my lips?"

And she couldn't deny her desire to know.

She kissed him... And since that day she hasn't stopped.

Several times she tried to "remove" the spell that made her desire Naruto, but when these attempts failed her each time, she realized that there was no spell at all. He simply brought her desires from within.

And Sona, despite controlling them, was not a person who lied to herself.

Since then, she hasn't stopped.

Of course, when he declined her invitation to join his Nobility she was angered. The reason? She didn't know... But she thought about ending whatever it was they were both having (come to think of it, would it be better to say a trio, since Tsubaki was always together?). But after a few days of not talking to each other and after she let him explain himself, everything went back to normal. I study almost every day. Kisses almost every day... Oh, and of course... Something new: Rias and Akeno were going through the same thing.

Could it be something just with devils? After all, Naruto didn't have any relationship like that with humans.

Well... I think weu peller yu Dack to Stuuyiny. - She said, seeing Tsubaki and Naruto separate.

She might not know how she felt about Naruto, but she wasn't going to stop.

The blonde smiled.

- As you wish, Sona-kaichou. He said, making the brunette's eyebrows tighten.

Naruto didn't use suffixes with people he considered friendly or anything like that, which was somewhat disrespectful in Japan. So hearing him use suffixes was like knowing something was going to happen or something happened.

At the very least, he didn't like stopping his fun.




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