
DxD: Immerse the World in Pleasure

Naruto was born into the Asmodeus Clan, in the Old Maou Faction... However, after running away, he decides on a different life... Would Rias and her friends be the path to this? He doesn't know, but what matters is that he will flood their lives with pleasure... After all, he is Luxuria herself. . . . . . . . Traslation......

pOtOtO53 · Anime & Comics
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19 Chs

Chapter 014

- Ah, my dear Akeno... How sad that I didn't go to school today to be graced with your beauty. He told him, before adding. And well, I could really make a - person come with a touch... I've actually done a lot. - He laughed to himself. But what's the point in making someone cum if I can't feel their liquid love in my mouth?

Akeno blinked, before laughing. A blush on his face as he touched your face tilted to the side.

- Ara ara... A pervert for sure. She said, before adding. But I think I'm interested.

Rias watched the two's interaction with a drop in her head.

What the hell was going on there?

- If that makes me a pervert, what does it make you? - He asked. - I'm Luxuria, I'm just living the character.

- Can you both stop flirting in front of me? - She asked with a slight frown. Get a room.

Akeno laughed.

- Please, Rias. We are already at one. - She said pointing to the bed. It's just you who's getting in the way.

Rias blinked, before realizing that her Queen was right.

But if you want to participate, no problem. -The redhead's face took on a red hue, as she looked from Naruto to Akeno and back to the blonde... Until she noticed the smirk on the blonde's face.

Wait... You're kidding me, aren't you? She rolled her eyes.

Sorry, Buchou. But you're so easy when it comes to these things. Akeno stated, while Naruto nodded.

It's like Sona, but she remains completely impassive despite being as red as her hair, Rias. - The blonde added.

-Well, well... It doesn't matter. She waved, changing the subject. We just have to think about how to make this place a home.

-A home? The blonde raised an eyebrow.

Yes. Rias nodded happily. From now on, no more running away. Kuoh will be your home until you come with me to the Underworld, where you will certainly become a High-Class Devil.

Naruto looked at her seriously, before laughing a little.

- I'm glad you think so, Rias. He said. But I think we can start this by inviting some people here. - His eyes traveled to the window.

Why? Help design the environment? His eyes shone. - Because it's not necessary, I'm a great interior designer.

Naruto smiled.

- It was supposed to be an orgy, but that works too. He said, making Rias' face fall completely. - Calm down, calm down... I'm joking, Rias. You can design the environment however you want, if you want, buy the accessories on the side and build a beautiful house for me, what do you think? I pay for everything.

- Ara? Rich, right? - Akeno said.

- Obvious. He shrugged. Not as much as Rias, of course, but I can live...

Of course, it was all cool... In fact, more or less: He seduced people into spending everything on him. Jewels, gold, cash, passwords for million-dollar bank accounts, and he was sure that somewhere there was a deed for a mansion on a desert island.

Not that he could take advantage of it, of course. He needed to move around all the time and stay in cities full of people so that none of the Grand Maous from his old faction would go after him.

- Well, then I'll plan everything, okay. - Rias immediately cheered up. - I'm going to make this place beautiful.

- I'll trust you on this, okay? Laughs. He said, - with the same smile as always.

A few days later...

- It's okay, Rias. I know you're excited, but could you please remove your hands from my eyes? -Naruto asked while she was guided by Redhead and Akeno through the corridor that should lead to her apartment.

Quiet, I won't take my hand off your eyes, it will ruin the surprise! She said, while laughing idly. She had always liked to make a mess in her room and tidy it up later, in a different way every time. She just liked it. Then she stopped. - Right, this is good... And...! You can open it!

Then she removed her hands from her eyes, giving Naruto the view of his new home now:

The first thing Naruto noticed was that Rias actually bought the apartments next door and made it all one house. At first, the living room was the same with the kitchen that seemed at least 3x larger next to a central marble table that made the entire kitchen look like a rectangle with the marble table being the center. All the furniture was stainless steel and shined like new.

The walls of the place were painted a soft cream color with details that looked like falling cherry petals. The place had a huge "U" shaped sofa where one corner of the "U" was smaller and served as the entrance to the place, where there was a comfortable rug full of cushions.





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