
DxD: Guardian Angel

“From this day onwards, you are my [Gold General].” Grigori is an organization as old as time and as powerful as the stars. However, that power comes with immense weight —and all of it has been thrust upon a mere human. Well, former human. Though his blessings are both few and insignificant, with enough pressure even the roughest of coals can become diamonds. -------------------- DISCORD: https://discord.gg/gqSKcC43NW SCHEDULE: When I feel like it. B) -------------------- Note that this is a purely a work done out of passion, I am not a professional nor do I aspire to be. Everyone is entitled to their opinions, but please use common sense when leaving a review. If you're struggling to reach me through webnovel, the discord exists.

Iguana32 · Anime & Comics
Not enough ratings
50 Chs

Chapter 6: Sona Sitri

Chapter 6:

"___" - Speech

(___) - Thoughts

{___} - Internal Voice(s)

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"He's late." 

Xenovia's foot restlessly tapped against the pavement as she folded her arms together. 

"Uhm, you didn't decide on a time though?" 

"Doesn't matter, it's his plan so he should be here first." 

Irina persistently tried to calm her partner down until the sound of footsteps encroaching upon them caught her attention. 

"Look who's early, I didn't expect you to be so enthusiastic about all this." 

"I'm not early, you're late." She pouted as Jin tilted his head in confusion. 

"But, we didn't even decide on a time in the first place?" 

"That's what I sa—" 

"Shut up! Can we just get moving already?"

(Hopefully, she isn't this uppity in front of the Heiress.) 

As the four of them set foot through the front gate, most of the students still outside couldn't help but divert their stares toward them as they muttered amongst themselves. 

"Don't the two of you have any other clothes?" 

"Of course not, why would we need anything else when we have the Lord on our bodies?" 

(That's all well and good but can you not phrase it like that?) 

"You're attracting quite a bit of attention." 

"So what? Let them burn the Lord's symbol into their retinas —it'll do them good." 

(I give up.) 

"In that case, you could at least pick up the pace." 

Doing his best to ignore their unwanted glances, he scurried over to the Student Council's chambers and stopped right in front of the door. 

(I guess our presence is enough to scare them, I can't blame them seeing as all four of us are their natural enemies.) 

Before opening the door, Jin politely knocked as he tried to ease their worries. 

"We're just here to talk, may we enter?" 

A slightly fidgety voice called back. 

"Are you Iwata?" 

(She probably heard it from her, at least I won't have to waste time with introductions.) 

"That would be correct." 

The sound of feet shuffling reverberated from within as the knob turned and pulled itself inwards. The figure of a young bespectacled woman sporting a short bob cut was revealed from inside sitting at her desk. 

(So, this is what I'll be dealing with.) 

Six other figures were present in the room, presumably her subordinates. As Jin stepped foot inside, each of them donned expressions varying between caution and outright disgust. 

However, only one of them warranted his attention. 

A young man with short blond hair and grayish pupils, Genshirou Saji —Sona Sitri's [Pawn]. 

(So that's Vritra's host. What do you think?) 

Jin seemed to be trying to elicit some sort of response out of his own hand, but of course, he was met with naught but radio silence. 

(Still no response, I guess it's still too early. Unless Azazel was lying, I wouldn't put it past him.) 

"Rias has already told me about you, but I'm seeing three others amongst you that I've yet to be acquainted with. Who are they?" 

He smiled tactfully as he stepped aside to reveal his company. 

"This one's my assistant, and these two are here on behalf of the church." 

Just the world alone was enough to unnerve everyone, including Sona. 

"Please, they mean no ill will. Has Gremory Ojou-chan told you why I'm here?" 

She readjusted her glasses as she stared intently at the Fallen Angel.

"I'm aware, you're trying to retrieve the stolen Excalibur's aren't you? I'm hoping their presence means they intend on collaborating." 

"You catch on fast, however, I'm afraid just the four of us won't be enough to accomplish such a feat. Which is why I've come here to enlist your assistance." 

Her subordinates conveyed immediate disapproval on their faces, a Fallen Angel alongside Exorcists wanting to collaborate with a Devil? It was simply too shady. 

But what was even stranger was the fact that the Exorcists were cooperating with the Fallen Angel in the first place. 

"I hope you know who you're talking to." 

(Oh? Her [Queen's] got a sharp tongue, well, if I were in their position I'd despise me too.) 

"There's no need for that Tsubaki. Iwata-san, I believe it would be best if we discussed in private?" She gestured towards an adjacent room as Jin nodded approvingly. 

Although, before leaving he decided to whisper something in his assistant's ear. 

"Make sure neither of them acts out of line, things might get hostile." 

"Understood, Jin-sama." 

The door shut as Sona politely gestured for him to sit opposite her. 

"So, Rias tells me your occupation is something you took up only recently?" 

(I guess we're getting straight into it.) 

"That is correct." 

"Moreover, the method whoever reincarnated you used is similar to the [Evil Pieces] us Devils use correct?" 


"I see, I'm assuming you're already aware that we Devils assign different pieces to our subordinates?" 

"Ah-hah, you want to know what piece I am?" 

"Indeed, but of course if you don't want to tell me I'll respect that." 

(But you'll be less willing to work with me if I don't, not bad.) 

"Have you ever played Shogi before?" 

"I'm more of a chess person myself but yes I've dipped my toes in it." 

"I see, do you know what the [Gold General] does?" 

A brief silence followed as Sona raised her brow. 

"That's quite the responsibility, I'm guessing the [King] is Azazel?" 

(Huh? How did she arrive at that conclusion? If she knows who Azazel is she should know how big the power gap between us is.) 

"What makes you say that?" 

"Well, not too long ago the Governor approached me with some suspicious offer to 'assist' my subordinates, which I obviously turned down. So I thought it possible that this might be another attempt to curry favor, am I wrong?" 

"I'm afraid I haven't heard anything on the matter, and I'm certainly not strong enough to be trusted with tasks within Azazel-sama's personal interests." 

(Also, what's this about him having approached her before? He didn't tell me anything about it, tsk.) 

"I suppose you're right, it's just that the way you carry yourself is pretty much identical to him." 

(Why does that feel like an insult?) 

"Anyhow, I'm sure interrogating you has already begun to sour the mood. So let's move on shall we?" 

(She seems perceptive enough, it should be fine for me to just cut to the chase.)

"Grigori has a traitor." 

"Traitor? Didn't Rias already get rid of her?" 

"I'm not talking about the halfwit, unfortunately, the prime culprit turned out to be a member of Grigori's brass —Kokabiel." 

(Which I haven't actually confirmed, but the name-dropping him should grab her attention.)

Her eyes flickered as Jin's remained resolute. 

"Ah, that's a serious problem then. However, what motive would he have for turning his back on Grigori?" 

"Can't say, I'm too much of a greenhorn to understand the rationale of someone like him. Azazel-sama's probably the only one with any insight there." 

Sona straightened her posture as her expression stiffened. 

"Speaking of him, if Kokabiel's involved then shouldn't he be the one dealing with it? We're talking about a Leader-Class here." 

(You took the words right out of my mouth.) 

"Haha, you're telling me. Unfortunately, I'm not close enough to Azazel-sama to be privy to his inner thoughts, but he won't be coming, that much he has made clear." 

She pretended to fall for his glaring tale as she leaned back into her chair. 

"If that's the case, then I suppose the 'assistance' you were asking for is related to Kokabiel?" 

"Pretty much." 

"You were right to come to me seeing as Kuoh is my responsibility, and I'm inclined to assist you, however there's something I'm still unsure of—" 

"Kokabiel would still be too strong." 

"If you're already aware of that, I suppose you have some plan in mind?" 

(It's more a gamble than it is a plan, but I probably shouldn't tell you that.) 

"Before his departure, I was handed this." 

Jin withdrew what looked to be a silver bracelet with a purple jewel fastened into its frame. 

"With this, a Sacred Gear wielder can forcibly activate [Balance Breaker] for a set amount of time." 

The corners of Sona's lips curled upwards as she nodded approvingly. 

"As expected of Azazel." 

"However, I've only been given one." 

"I see, I'm led to believe you are in possession of a Sacred Gear of your own?" 

"I am, but this won't be used on me." 


"That blond subordinate of yours out there, he's the Prison Dragon is he not?" 

"Saji? Don't tell me you're expecting him to take on Kokabiel all on his own?" 

(Here goes nothing, she'd figure it out eventually anyway so let's hope her pride trumps her ego.)

"Of course not, and certainly not alone. All he needs to do is stall him for as long as he can." 

"What would that—" 

Jin could do nothing but gesture affirmatively as Sona caught onto what he was planning. 

"My sister…." 


"I see, I'm guessing you were thinking of doing the same with Rias?" 

"I was." 

"I'm starting to see why you were made into a Fallen Angel." 

"I'll take that as a compliment." 

She breathed a sigh as she shook her head helplessly.

"Is there really nothing else you can come up with?" 

"Nope, and if there is then I suppose I'm simply not intelligent enough to find it. However, if you have something else in mind I'm all ears." 

"I don't, which is the only reason I'm even considering taking you up on this plan of yours. You realize the whole point of me overseeing Kuoh is to prove my individual worth?" 

"I know, but that doesn't change the fact that Kokabiel is above our pay grade." 

"True, but it doesn't make purposefully dragging my sister into this mess feel any better." 

"I'd say sorry but I doubt it'd mean anything." 

"It wouldn't. You mentioned stalling, I guess you're planning to lure out Kokabiel so my sister has adequate reason to intervene?" 


"Well you won't have to anymore, I'll make sure she's here beforehand. I see no reason to risk possible casualties if it can be avoided." 

(Huh? Why on earth is she so trusting all of a sudden?) 

"Don't give me that look, lying about this would do nothing but put you 6 feet under. I can tell you're not exactly the suicidal type." 

(My assistant would love to debate you on that.) 

"You probably knew that since Kuoh is my territory I would have no choice but to agree anyway, isn't that so?" 

"I did." 

(If the Leviathan is here from the start, this'll go much smoother than I thought it would.) 

"I must admit, you seem awfully confident in my sister's ability to beat Kokabiel?" 

(To be honest, I would've preferred the Lucifer, but you don't always get what you ask for.) 

"You aren't?" 

"Of course I am, my sister will obliterate Kokabiel, there's no doubt about it." 

(I hope that confidence ends up bearing fruit.) 

"However, once she kills him it'll be hard to avoid tensions rising between our factions." 

(Shit, she has a point. Isn't my job to prevent that? Screw it, if she's going to summon the brass then I might as well do the same.) 

"I might be able to prevent that." 


"I could turn this from the Leviathan killing one of Grigori's figureheads, to the Leviathan killing just Kokabiel."

"You plan to remove him from Grigori in advance? Do you have that kind of authority?" 

"Of course not, but our mutual acquaintance does." 

"And he'll listen to you? I thought I was wrong about the two of you being close?" 

"I said I 'might', I made no promises." 


(Honestly, I don't see the point in trying to protect my cover anymore, why waste effort outsmarting people smarter than you?) 

"So, when should she be here?" 

"Tomorrow night, me and those Exorcists already have a plan to lure out Kokabiel." 

"You seem confident in your ability to lure him out." 

"Well, if he doesn't end up showing it'll just mean the Excaliburs will be returned with even less difficulty than originally planned." 


"I know, if he doesn't show you can tell the Leviathan that I was the one responsible." 

"That's not all, if Azazel agrees to remove Kokabiel that'll fall on your shoulders as well." 

Jin didn't offer an immediate response, instead, he slowly nodded to himself as he shrugged his shoulders. 

"Such is life." 

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