
Chapter 3: Work?

Bleach Trivia:

"It is possible for Vizards to use Resurrección and Bankai at the same time."




On this day, a news broke out that shook the Underworld.

One of the Four Satans, the devil whom everyone assumed to be a pure blood elitist, accepted someone into her Peerage as her Queen.

The one most affected by this news was none other than the Pure Blood Elitist Devils, especially the leaders who enjoyed the power that came from using the name of one of the Four Satans.

At this moment, in a meeting hall of a large manor.

A group of middle aged devils in suits can be seen sitting around a round table.

"What do you think of this?" Asked one of the devils.

"I say we get rid of that man!" Said another.

"How could it be that easy? He's a Queen of a Satan, at the very least, he should be an Ultimate Class devil."

These devils are the leaders of the Pure Blood Faction who rejected the notion of Evil Pieces and hates the Reincarnated Devils with passion.

For centuries, they have used the name of "Serafall Leviathan" to garner followers and amass power and influence.

They have enjoyed this feeling of being in power that now, they couldn't help but feel threatened.

The name that they have been using just suddenly obtained a Peerage Queen, completely threatening the power that they hold.

They don't want to go back to being powerless now that they've got the taste of this feeling.

"We can get rid of him in another way."

"...Say it."

"Yes, if that works then we don't have to worry about it any longer."

"We can use our connections to ask the council to put pressure on Leviathan to trading off her Queen. We can just make up some cover story and make it seem like she is still "one of us". What do you think?"

"That... Might work."

"Yes, we can say that as a Satan, she needs to select a more suited Queen and not just random man whose origins is completely unknown."

As powerful as the Four Satans are, the real rulers behind the scenes are the Devil Council.

Even the Four Satans combined would find it troublesome to reject their decisions, much less only one of them.

And with a valid excuse of not wanting to have some random man become the Queen of the most influential woman in Underworld, Serafall would surely not be able to refuse.

After all, they are doing it for the good of devil kind.

"Well then, let's inform the council."

"Leviathan cannot have a Peerage, or else our 'empire' will crumble."

"This is all for the good of the Pure Bloods."

"Those stinky old fossils!!! How dare they!!?"

Serafall roared as she sent a massive demonic energy into the sky, causing a massive explosion that will surely cause an entire mountain range to crumble.

"Arrgh! I'm so mad!! Those fossils really have nothing better to do in their lives than meddle with other people's lives!!!"

"What happened!?" Lilynette came running and stared at Serafall who was standing in the middle of their backyard, stomping her foot angrily.

She was busy practicing her lines for the upcoming shooting of the new Magical Girl Movie when she suddenly heard an explosion.

Startled, she came to take a look at where she felt Serafall's energy suddenly spike.

"Sera, what's the matter?" She approached her king, looking all confused. "You know you ruined the surroundings from the shockwaves brought by that explosion right?"

Leviathan Manor, is a manor located in a middle of a mountain owned by Serafall herself, the place is full of beautiful lakes, rivers, and full of life.

A nice place to relax after a day of work.

That explosion just now ruined the peaceful and beautiful environment.

"Yeah," Serafall sighed as she slumped down, "Those old fossils are just too much! They actually wanted me to trade Starrk to another unused Piece!"

"Oh," Lilynette nodded. No wonder she was so pissed, her 'boyfriend' was being sent away. "So? What did you do? There's no way you agreed right?"

"Of course not!" Serafall shook her head, "I would never! I fought tooth and nail and argued with them for hours on end! But I still couldn't change their mind."

"What!?" Lilynette's eyes widened, "So are you really sending Starrk away?!"

"No! Why would I do that? Although I haven't changed their mind, I managed to make a deal with them."

"Oh." Lilynette calmed down, "What deal?"

Serafall sighed, "Well, since they insist that I can't have someone unknown be my Queen, I managed to convince them that if Starrk earn a name for himself then he can stay with me."

"Isn't that easy. Just ask the other Satans to fight him, after he beat them, surely those fossils can't say anything right?" Suggested Lilynette.

"If only it was that easy," Serafall grunted in annoyance, "Satans are the pillars of devil society. They must remain strong and invincible. The moment they are defeated, the devils would lose morale and would lose faith to the Satans themselves. If the Satans, the strongest devils, can't protect them, then why should they follow them?"

When that time comes, every devil households would just rely on themselves for protection, ignoring the laws and rules set up by the councils and the Satans themselves.

They will not follow a leader who can be defeated and fail to protect them.

After all, in this world where devils are hated by almost every factions due to the existence of Evil Pieces, they can only live due to the deterrence of the Four Satans.

Once that deterrence is lost, who knew what the other factions would do to them.

The loss of Satans would surely cause a domino effect that will lead to the whole devil society to crumble. That's how fragile this society is.

"The Satans must remain "invincible" because the devil society relies on the Satans to be "invincible"."

"I see." Lilynette nodded, "Well, what should we do then?"

"Well, even though he is my Queen, Starrk is technically still a Low-class Devil. We need him to increase his rank to, preferably Ultimate-class, but High-class will do."


"He can accept contracts, but those takes too long and with Starrk's power, the moment he appears in the Human world he will surely affect the lives of normal people. That won't sit well with the gods in charge of that place."

A powerful devil appearing in the human world would cause various effects on normal people.

The place they appeared in will suffer as if it was cursed; plague, drought, bad luck, they will pretty much cause so much negative effects that it will disturb the balance of the human world.

Gods would surely come down and smite that devil who appeared to cause trouble.

"Another thing is to increase his rank through military merit." Said Serafall, standing up straight as she dusted off her skirt, "I can ask Az-tan to take care of my Starrk."

Az-tan, or Falbium Asmodeus, is one of the Four Satans and the Satan in charge of military affairs.

He is a friend of Serafall since childhood.

"Will he go though?" Wonder Lilynette, feeling worried, "With how that lazy ass is, I can only wonder if he has any motivation to work."

"That's just rude."

At this time, Starrk appeared, wrapped in a sleeping bag while lying on the ground, his tired eyes and thick eye bags suggests days of sleepless nights.

"I will have you know that I work if I'm being asked to. I'm lazy, not a good-for-nothing shut-in NEET."

"Then will you?" Serafall crouched down in front of him, "I don't want you to leave. I want you here with me. But I can't do that if you don't cooperate."

"Your panties are showing," said Starrk, noticing the underwear under the mini-skirt worn by his King, 'White, how pure.'

Serafall made no attempts to cover up, but draw her face closer to his, "So? What do you think?"

Starrk sighed, "I get it."

Serafall grinned, "Yes! Don't worry, with Az-tan helping you, it will just be a matter of time before you get promoted."

"I hope so." Starrk sighed.