
Dungeon Tales: Old War

In a world plagued by never-ending war, where monster clans battle not only against humans, elves, and dwarves but also against the divine beings sworn to protect them, survival is a constant struggle. The monsters owe their fragile existence to the presence of dungeons, havens where the divines' interference is limited. So, dear readers, come and join me in this fight for survival. In this unforgiving world, every day could be our last. Weakness is deemed a crime, punishable by death. Witness the journey of a humble goblin and his crew as they navigate through the perils of this treacherous landscape. In this world, every day is a battle for their very lives. But never forget that goblins fight with sheer numbers, utilizing their strength in unity. This is my first book and I'm trying my best so please be patient.

event_production · Fantasy
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4 Chs

The Great Escape

I distributed the rest of the loot to the group. Krishna got the fire dagger. Turag got one of the rings because, when I tried it on, I could feel my body getting stronger, so I gave it to the strongest guy in our group. When he fall, all of us will probably fall.

Gok didn't get anything because I have no idea what the other ring is for. I even tried shouting "Fireball!" but nothing happened. I can tell that it is magical, but have no idea what it do.

After the distribution we began moving back to the injured knights.

"Boss, my body feel so much stronger, so this is magic. Now I understand why you told me I can't beat that shiny guy without magic."

"Oooo is it really that powerful? Boss I also want a ring like that, pretty please?"

"Stop it Krishna. You already got yourself that nice throat cutter, the next shiny thing is going to be mine."

"You want something shiny Gok? I will give you this silver coin that I found for the next item boss give you, you in?"


"Hey! Gok! How can you give away anything that will boss give you?"

"If it isn't shiny I don't want it."


"I can't hear anything, LALALAAA."

"You two, why are you having fun together without me, that isn't fair! Boss they're bullying me.

I smiled seeing them like this. But we were close to the enemies so I signaled them to be quiet.

Right away all of them turned silent.

We turned around the corner and I could already see their terrified faces. My smile turn into one big scary grin.

"Daddy's back bitches!"

Immediately we jumped at them, they tried to defend themselves, I could tell some of them used potions, but you can't cure poison, broken bones, missing arm or exhaustion with few health potions.

We practically annihilated them and started looting right away. But to our disappointment they didn't had anything of great value on them.

Well at least we grabbed some weapons that looked better than ours, and some better armor. Turag became walking piece of metal in our eyes as he was covered in heavy metal armor from top to bottom.

Since we also found an backpack, Gok became our carrier. The backpack was almost as big as him when we filled it up.

After filling up the backpack we started moving again. Thankfully as one of the floor managers, I knew the basic layout of the dungeon, so I knew where to go.

This floor was used by the lizardman. And after stepping into one of the rooms where the fight happened, I was horrified.

There were corpses of humans, elves, dwarves, lizardmen, trolls etc. I also saw another group of knights right away. They were making sure everyone is dead.

"Down" I whispered to my group. And we started crawling among the corpses. Gok also let go of his backpack, so we wouldn't be seen so easily.

Suddenly something grappend my arm. I took my dagger from my belt and was about to stab it.

But to my surprise, It was a troll.

"Small, what are you doing here."

"We lost, I was told to escape since they plan to kill all the invaders by destroying the dungeon."

"I see." He started to thinking, but didn't let go of me. "I'm almost healed, what about you go to the others trolls and check if they are alive. Since we have such a good natural regeneration we are hard to kill. Originally they deployed something that was blocking our regeneration but it is already gone."

"You alone won't be able to take care of those guys, If someone is still alive I bet they will want to either go fight down or escape. We will break out together."

"Deal. When I shout you will charge at them with the others."

He nodded his head and let go of me. He knew it was our only chance to survive.

"Krishna, Gok, we will split, go check every troll that looks like he could be alive but be careful not to get caught by the knights. Turag, find yourself some good position where you won't be seen and you can instantly charge at them without them being abel to react."

""" Yes, Boss """

Slowly but surly we manage to find 12 trolls, 6 lizardman and 3 orcs. With this numbers we had good fighting chance and there was still a possibility that others that were either badly wounded or were playing dead would stand up and join us.

Everyone of us were in positions and waiting. It was time!


Krishna and Turag manage surprise and kill 2 of them, Gok didn't get any kill but managed to permanently blind a knight. Group of 21 monsters instantly charged aj the enemies when they heard the shout.

And they weren't alone, at least another 20 monsters stand up and began to run to the knights with hatred in their eyes.

The enemies didn't know what was happening. One by one they started to be ripped apart. I could hear eried laughter, like group of crazy lunatics that enjoy ripping flesh appart.

After everyone of them died, I looked at the group.

"What now, do you want to escape or do you want to go down and kill as many as you can and then perish with them?"