
Dungeon Tales: Old War

In a world plagued by never-ending war, where monster clans battle not only against humans, elves, and dwarves but also against the divine beings sworn to protect them, survival is a constant struggle. The monsters owe their fragile existence to the presence of dungeons, havens where the divines' interference is limited. So, dear readers, come and join me in this fight for survival. In this unforgiving world, every day could be our last. Weakness is deemed a crime, punishable by death. Witness the journey of a humble goblin and his crew as they navigate through the perils of this treacherous landscape. In this world, every day is a battle for their very lives. But never forget that goblins fight with sheer numbers, utilizing their strength in unity. This is my first book and I'm trying my best so please be patient.

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4 Chs

Furry Unleashed

The information Krishna had provided turned out to be even more valuable than Grax had anticipated. The traps still remained mostly untouched, and with no magicians or hunters among the knights stationed on each floor, Grax saw an opportunity to execute a plan that would leave his enemies reeling.

Utilizing the secret passage as a shortcut to the higher floor, Grax assigned Turag and the other three goblins the role of decoys. Their task was to lure the knights towards them while Grax and Krishna prepared to unleash a devastating trap.

Turag, with his imposing physique, led the charge, charging towards the enemy with a roar that sent shivers down their spines. The other goblins created chaos in the background, creating the illusion of a group of fearsome orcs fleeing from battle. The knights took the bait, forming a defensive formation and directing their attention towards the decoys.

Seizing the opportune moment, Grax and Krishna adjusted the traps and aimed them at the unsuspecting knights. As Turag closed in on the enemy, Grax bellowed, "FIREEEEE!"

The air was filled with cries of agony as the knights found themselves caught in a storm of arrows. The knights resembled a cluster of porcupines, pierced through by the arrows. Some were set ablaze, while others writhed in pain from the green liquid seeping into their wounds.

Before the enemy could fully comprehend the situation, Turag had already engaged them in a fierce melee. With each swing of his massive weapon, two or more opponents fell before him. The sheer force of his strikes severed heads, shattered armor, and crushed bones.

Meanwhile, Krishna took advantage of the chaos, her movements quick and precise as she appeared behind a knight attempting to strike Turag from behind. In one swift motion, she materialized behind him and slit his neck open, silencing his attack permanently.

Grax and the remaining goblins refused to be left out of the fray. They joined the battle with fervor, their weapons finding their marks with deadly accuracy. With each clash, adversaries fell to their combined might. The goblins moved in a synchronized dance, striking swiftly and dodging effortlessly, their skills honed through countless battles.

However, their moment of triumph was abruptly interrupted. A scream pierced the air, drawing everyone's attention. Grax's eyes widened as he saw a knight with half-destroyed armor, a burned face, and an arm veiny from the effects of poison. Multiple arrows protruded from his body, and his expression radiated pure rage.

The knight's survival seemed to ignite a surge of energy in the remaining knights. They exclaimed, "Your Highness, you're alive!"

In an instant, the knight closed the distance with incredible speed, unleashing a ruthless assault on Grax's companions. With a swift and merciless strike, he cleaved through one of the goblins, ending their life in a spray of blood. The goblin's body fell to the ground, lifeless and unmoving.

Gok, another goblin companion, fought valiantly alongside his comrades. Seeing his fallen ally, anger surged through his veins. With renewed determination, he launched himself at the knight, his blade slashing through the air with unyielding fury. Though outnumbered and outmatched, Gok fought with unmatched resilience, protecting his companions with every fiber of his being.

The surviving goblins stared in shock and disbelief, their momentary victory overshadowed by the brutal loss they had just witnessed.

Grax's heart burned with anger and determination as he realized the stakes had risen. They were no longer facing ordinary opponents, but a resurgent force led by a vengeful nobleman. Clenching his fists, he knew they had to fight even harder to survive and achieve their goal.

Undeterred by the loss of their comrade, Grax and the remaining goblins summoned their courage, steeling themselves for the battle that lay ahead. They knew they couldn't afford to falter now.

As the fight reached its climax, Grax and his companions clashed with the knights, each strike a dance of death and survival. The corridor became a battlefield, filled with the clash of steel and the screams of combat.

Turag, fueled by a mix of grief and determination, faced off against the knight who had taken their comrade's life. Their swords clashed with thunderous force, sending sparks flying in all directions. Turag's immense strength and skill allowed him to hold his ground against the knight's relentless assault.

Meanwhile, Gok fought with unwavering resolve, his blade a whirlwind of deadly precision. He engaged multiple opponents, weaving through their attacks with agility and striking with calculated efficiency. Gok's determination burned bright as he sought to avenge his fallen comrade.

Grax and Krishna fought side by side, their movements fluid and calculated. Grax's daggers sliced through the air, finding gaps in the enemy's defenses, while Krishna activated another trap, flames erupted, engulfing their enemies in a blazing inferno.

The battle raged on, each side refusing to yield. Knights fell, their bodies littering the corridor, but Grax and his companions also suffered injuries. Turag, though wounded, continued to stand tall, his determination unyielding. Krishna's stamina dwindled, but she fought on, using her remaining strength to support Grax and her allies.

Just when it seemed the tide might turn in their favor, the nobleman leader unleashed a devastating counterattack. With a surge of power, he struck down another goblin, his sword finding its mark with lethal precision. The goblin's life was snuffed out in an instant, leaving Grax, Gok, Krishna and Turag further outnumbered.

Grax's heart pounded with a mix of fury and desperation. They were on the brink of defeat, but he refused to accept it. With a rallying cry, he called upon every ounce of strength and determination within him.

In a final, desperate maneuver, Grax and his remaining companions launched a coordinated assault. They fought with unmatched ferocity, exploiting weaknesses in the knights' defenses and striking with lethal precision.

As the battle reached its climax, a fierce exchange of blows ensued between Turag and the nobleman leader. Turag's muscles strained under the weight of each swing, but he refused to yield. With a powerful thrust, he managed to disarm the nobleman, sending his sword clattering to the ground.

But the nobleman was not so easily defeated. Enraged and fueled by his burning desire for vengeance, he summoned a final surge of energy. With a devastating kick, he sent Turag sprawling, leaving him defenseless against the nobleman's impending strike.

Grax, witnessing his comrade's imminent defeat, acted on instinct. He tapped into the power of his ring, activating a healing spell that restored his own vitality. But to his surprise, a portion of the healing magic extended beyond him, touching the nobleman. The nobleman's berserk rage subsided, replaced by a brief moment of clarity, his defenses weakened by the sudden shift.

Seizing the opportunity, Grax swiftly closed the distance between them, his daggers poised to strike. With a swift and decisive movement, he slit the nobleman's throat, silencing his reign of terror. The nobleman's body crumpled to the ground, lifeless and defeated.

Exhausted and wounded, Grax rushed to the fallen members of his group. Krishna bore severe burns on her back, her breath shallow but steady. Turag, though battered and bruised, claimed to be fine, his spirit unbroken. Gok, wounded but still standing, joined them.

Grax tended to their injuries as best he could, drawing upon the healing potions they had salvaged to alleviate their pain and hasten their recovery.

Finally, Grax turned his attention to the fallen goblins, his heart heavy with grief. He vowed to honor their sacrifice and continue their journey, no longer nameless but forever remembered.

Satisfied that his comrades were stable, Grax retrieved the spoils of their hard-fought battle. Among the nobleman's possessions were two magic rings, shimmering with untapped power. Grax recognized their potential and secured them for future use. He also claimed the remaining healing potions, storing them safely for the future use.

With their wounds tended to and their spirits rekindled, Grax and his companions gathered their resolve. They knew that their journey was far from over, but with each challenge they faced, their strength grew. Together, they would press forward, their determination unwavering as they pursued their ultimate goal.