
Dungeon Tale

A young man dies, a new core arises. Kyle Branson after a long night of drinking his sorrows away, wakes up in a strange place instead of his bedroom. In a strange body that is not human he tries to make sense of his existence, but also enjoying the trip. With his new powers he posseses he can get almost everything he wants and if can't get it, he will take it. Money is good to have, power to.... but a man's got to do what a man's got to do.

SilentTreatment · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
22 Chs


The dungeon core shinned it's dim rainbow light all around itself, illuminating four figures. One of them was the succubus and the other three were the adventures Kyle had captured.


The mage winced in pain as he felt the wound on his ribs open with every breath he took.

"Glam, Glam, are you okay? Say something to me!"

The concerned voice of the beastkin girl reached the ear of the mage bringing him out of the hypnosis completely.

"Myaa, what happened? Did she...

".... it's okay. You didn't say anything that matters."

The mage turned his head towards Myaa and tears started rolling down his cheeks.

"I don't think that this would be the end. I am sorry, I couldn't keep my promise."

"Don't say that, this is not the end. Even if we were captured someone will definitely come to save us when they learn none of us came back."

Marko who was to the side heard that conversation between the two of them and couldn't help but chime in.

"It's useless girl , he already knows what is going to happen to us. Still, our fate is still far better than yours. "

"Shut up Marko! This is all your fault that we were captured. If you hadn't left then we would have defeated the monsters and escaped."

"My fault?

How the fuck is it my fault? This is all because you fuckers don't know how to rate a dungeon. Instead of entering a level one dungeon we entered a dungeon that is at least level three. "

"But we didn't know. If we knew do you think that we would be here with you ? "

"Bullshit! Do you think I'll believe I'll believe you? How can a level one dungeon have a succubus?"

While the three of them argued the succubus was dutifully waiting next to the core. She had received orders to protect it with her life as Kyle was gathering some information right now.


( Welcome back brother, I didn't expect to see you so soon. We're there any problems with the merchandise?)

"No , everything was okay brother Imkala. I came this time to purchase some information from you."

(Ah information, my favorite item. Okay, what do you want to learn?)

"I have two questions.

During the wave I can get CP for killing any type of creature even outside of my dungeon territory , is that correct?"

(.... yes that is correct, but why would you ask that?)

"I was just curious if my understanding is right. Also I wanted to ask you why I didn't get points when I killed a goblin on my dungeon?"

(Ah, so that's what it was. I was wondering where you were getting at, but to this that you found the loophole so soon is amazing.)

"Loophole? What are you talking about?"

(It'll cost you 150 CP , is what I would have liked to say, but that would go against my principles as it's no longer available.

What I'm talking about is kill-farming. )

Kyle was getting more and more confusedby terms he had never heard before. Words like kill-farming seemed very important, but he didn't know what they meant. Thankfully he had someone to explain it to him.

(You may not know, but besides killing the spawn of the new gods and passively getting CP there existed another way, and that was kill-farming. Huge dungeons had whole floors dedicated to breeding and would breed low level species like goblins who had a very high reproductive and growth rate with human captives in order to gain as many of them as possible. Then they would use the food grown on another floor to feed the goblins until they reached maturity and then they would slaughter them for CP.

The gain was no more than 2 CP per goblin, but when you had hundreds and thousands of them the situation was different.)

As Kyle listened to Imkala talk about breeding goblins like cows not for their milk of meat, but for CP he couldn't help but think that it was ingenious.

' A self-sufficient CP farm that could go on and on, making dungeon expansion a piece of cake? That's a very good bug on the system.

Unfortunately it seems that is no longer the case.'

"I get it now , but why does it no longer work? Did something happen?"

( Yes, something happened.

You see, the purpose of the dungeons is simple and straight and that is to expand deeper and deeper, but by farm-killing we strayed from that path being interested in only increasing our CP, but that was a mistake. As we were doing that we didn't bother with the other aspects of the dungeon or the outside world much falling into a period of stagnation which the spawn of the new gods used to attack us.

Many dungeons fell during that time because of this , so the nine original dungeon's decided to come together and make it so that if a dungeon kills summoned monster or even breed one's it will not earn any CP. This of course doesn't count for monsters that come from outside or the monsters of other dungeons.)

' Bingo that was what I was looking for. This is going to be an experiment and also paving my road for the future '