
Dungeon Tale

A young man dies, a new core arises. Kyle Branson after a long night of drinking his sorrows away, wakes up in a strange place instead of his bedroom. In a strange body that is not human he tries to make sense of his existence, but also enjoying the trip. With his new powers he posseses he can get almost everything he wants and if can't get it, he will take it. Money is good to have, power to.... but a man's got to do what a man's got to do.

SilentTreatment · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
22 Chs


Kyle got the information he needed and returned his conciousness to the core, right in time to see the succubuss punching the man in plate armour. Seeing this made Kyle very angry

"Hey what the hell are you doing? Who told you to hurt him?"

"Ahh, master, I'm terribly sorry! They were making a lot of noise so...


This is the second and last time that you do something without my permission. If you even attempt to damage my stuff without my permission I'll kill you, you understand? "

"Yes, master."

The succubuss only agreed without saying anything else not because she didn't want to, but because she couldn't. Her soul contract ment the he owned her.

"Good, now don't forget. Those three can't die, do you hear me?"

The succubuss nodded, making Kyle think about what Imkala said to him when he bought the succubus.

' So it was true . A summoned monster may not be that intelligent , having a copied memory essentially every summon would be a clone, but the ones bought at the trade also had their disadvantages. The nature of their birth and the way they were raised was just like cattle in my old world. They were breed and trained for only one purpose and that was to serve their dungeon until their death, so them developing some mental problems was not that uncommon, especially with a succubuss. Their lust was way to big and they couldn't relieve themselves as the costumer expected a brand new product.

A very grim fate indeed, but who am I to change it? I'm but a small dungeon in this world.

To be the realist I'm the weird one here.'

This was another reminder to Kyle that this was not earth anymore and he couldn't use his human point of view as much as he would only create problems for himself. The world was cruel and he was a big juicy piece of meat.

'Heh, it seems that I'll need to get stronger as soon as possible, but I also have to remain hidden. A hundred tailed lizard is better than a nine headed dragon. I'll grow my power in the shadows , and also cast a shadow uppon myself.

The time is coming, to wreck havock and to become a hero.'


Two more days had gone in a flash and the awaited time finally came. Kyle suddenly felt a wave of energy flowing through him and then he felt it. His map widened without end but he still couldn't see past his normal senses.

"Succubus, is this it? Is this the wave?"

The succubuss was now wearing a leather type of armor decorated with silver lines and was holding a red glowing orb half the size of the bowling ball in her hand. She was a powerful monster to begin with being a mid tier C class monster but with the items Kyle gave her , her power was increased by almost 50%. Not to mention her appointment as the dungeon boss which raised her stats by 10% whoo she was within the territory of the dungeon.

"Yes master, this is the wave."

She answered seriously , but Kyle could see her excitement. Her tail was moving left to right like a excited dog who was about to play.


You seem pleased. Did you like your new equipment?"

"Yes, they will help me tremendously in protecting the dungeon. There will be no adventurer that will get past me."

Kyle didn't talk anymore, but deep inside he felt a little proud.

' Well, that is to be expected as the two equipment have cost me 500 CP. That's more than the maximum capacity of my level.

[Silver Scale(200 CP)

Weak Physicial Damage Absorbtion

Low Projectile Reflection

Low Magical Damage Deflection]

[Illusion Orb(300 CP)

Mana Storage (80/80)

Illusion Magic +10% (Power/Casting Speed)

Nightmare (1/1) ]

The items didn't sound so powerful, but the power they gave her was pretty good, especially the Nightmare ability.

"Then everything will go as planned. You will stay here to protect the core and I'll go to do a little hunting.

If you need me just lightly touch the core and I'll know. Also keep an eye on our guests so the don't do anything funny. "

"Yes , master. Please have a victorious journey and may lot's of enemies fall by your hand."

"... Yeah...

With that Kyle opened his Shop and bought a scroll, the Low Grade Earth Elemental scroll. The elemental he had previously summoned had been released because he had no use anymore, but now it was time for it to shine again.

' From what the captives told me there are three more dungeons around here. One of them is level seven, one level five and the other level three. At this time the villages should be evacuated into the city , but the dungeon horde is sure to pass through there. The would destroy any human settlement around them, making reaching the dungeon as hard as possible.

Fool's, they will be just like sardines for my elemental.'

Kyle summoned the elemental and simply headed towards the Mark he had created with his skill. The elemental flew quickly through the air, but when he came about 1 km from the village there was a dark cloud on the elements vision, that worried Kyle. He stopped flying and just landed on the ground making the rest of the way on foot.

In about three minutes he was at the edge of the forest and what he saw made him surprised. Countless skeletons, zombies and other undead were all around a big red tent erected just outside the village.

' What the hell is going on here? Why are all these monster here and why so soon? Don't tell me they came here before the wave?'

Kyle didn't understand why was this happening, but after taking a good look around he saw that beside the undead there were also many humans, live ones. Seeing them made Kyle understand.

'I'm so fucking stupid! The wave doesn't mean that the monsters can't move out of the dungeon before that , it just means that the dungeon doesn't gain any points. But, if a surprise attack is made on a unprotected village in order to capture it's residents....

The dungeon only has to wait until the wave hits to collect his points. Fucking ingenious!'