
Dungeon Tale

A young man dies, a new core arises. Kyle Branson after a long night of drinking his sorrows away, wakes up in a strange place instead of his bedroom. In a strange body that is not human he tries to make sense of his existence, but also enjoying the trip. With his new powers he posseses he can get almost everything he wants and if can't get it, he will take it. Money is good to have, power to.... but a man's got to do what a man's got to do.

SilentTreatment · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
22 Chs


'So this a succubus huh?

It's apperance corresponds to the image I had thought a succubus would be , but it's abilities are a little different.'

Caid stared in amazement at the creature he had just bought , but his amazement couldn't compare to the other three guest's fear. They all were sharing a horrified look , as if they had seen a devil.

"What is your name succubus?"


Kyle spoke to the succubus telepathically , but all he got was silence.

"What is it? Why don't you answer me? Is something wrong?"

"I'm terribly sorry. I didn't know that master could use telepathy? The information I have gotten was faulty.

Please forgive me as I don't have a name."

' Information, faulty? What the hell is she talking about? '

"What do you mean by faulty information? Who gave you that information?"

"The information was given to me by the Nr 9 dungeon. He said you wouldn't be able to telepathically talk to me."

It was at that moment Kyle understood his blunder. The skill he was using was above his level, something that shouldn't be possible.

"I understand. Now that you know we'll be talking to each other telepathically from now on. "

"I understand."

The succubus answered while still bowing. Kyle lamenting his lack of body, being unable to even have a reaction from such a beautiful sight.

"Now let's move to business.

Do you see those three over there? I need to get some information from them as soon as possible. Can you do it?"

"I'll try my best."

The succubus moved to the wall were the three adventurers were hanging and reached a hand towards the mage who suddenly begun to shout.

"DON'T OPEN YOUR EYES, SHE'S A SUCCUBUS. If you see her eyes for even a second you'll be under her spell."

"I understand...

The two others immediately closed their eyes and gritted their teeth, waiting. On the other hand the succubus wasn't moved at all by the spirit of the adventures as she moved her hand downwards and swiftly stabbed the mage on his side with her long nails.


"Glam, Glam answer me!"

The mage screamed as red blood ran down her fingers and onto her white hand. Still even after this the mage didn't open his eyes. The succubus didn't remove her nails from his flesh, and just continued to keep them in, making the mage suffer continuously.

'Hey, what are you doing? Did I tell you to kill him or get information from him? '

Kyle was angry that the succubus was damaging his captives without his permission.

' I'm not killing him, but sedating him. My nails contain a venom that makes creatures do as I tell them. It's just that it takes a few minutes to take effect.'

'That so...

Kyle managed to calm down , but he could clearly see that the succubus was enjoying this. Her golden eyes shined sinisterly and she even was smiling, clearly enjoying the mage's suffering.


"Hah hah...

A few minutes had passed and heavy breathing could be heard. You would expect that the origin of the breathing would be the mage or one of his companions , but it was the succubus. She cleched her thighs hard while rubbing them together, clearly getting turned on.

'This is amusing, I got a sadistic succubus. She clearly is getting turned on by torturing that man. Well, is it weird that I'm also finding her a little hot right now?

How strange, it seems that I'm begging to change.'

It was some time Kyle had noticed his changes, but he hadn't thought much of that, but the more time passed the more he noticed.

"Hey is it done yet? I m beginning to loose my patience."

"Ahhh.. yes master. I'm almost...done with the human."

"Good, when that happens ask him why he is here and why are there five of them for starters. I need to know what their purpose is for coming here."


'This bitch is enjoying it to much. I'll need to discipline her later.'


Some more minutes passed and finally the succubus removed her hand from the mage's ribs who had fallen completely silent. He didn't even make a peep and just hung there as if he was sleeping.

' Is it over? Can you now continued with the questions?'

' Yes, right away. I just need to cast a spell in him first, it won't take long.'

The succubus then grabbed the mage by the hair bringing his head parallel to hers and then with the other hand opened his eyes. His eyes met the succubus's golden ones and immediately his retina expanded to it's limit. He had fallen under the succubus's hypnosis.

' It's done. He will answer any questions he is asked , even if he doesn't want to. '

'Good good, now ask him about what I told you.'

Kyle was pleased at the results. The 250 CP he had used to buy the succubus and the 20 CP delivery fee were definitely worth it as the mage begun to sign like a bird. From the mage Kyle learned a lot and managed to create a vision of the world he was in right now and couldn't help but be amazed.

' So that's how it was. I now understand what is really happening. So these people that have come to me are dungeon divers aka adventurers whose job is to enter dungeons to kill monsters , get stronger and get loot. The reason they have come here is different from usual as they would normally only kill the monsters and steal my CP, but this time they have come to destroy me.


"Hey succubus is what he said about the wave true?"

"Yes, the wave is only a few days away that is correct."

Another thing he learned was that during a certain day of the year there a very important thing happened. During this day, all the dungeons around the world would spill their monsters out of the dungeon to wreck havock across the land. It was a bloodbath for the humans and other surface dwellers who his on their cities and villages, but a great opportunity for the dungeons.

Normally the dungeons would only get CP in two ways. First was automatically as Kyle knew and the other was by killing a creature within the range of his dungeon. So if he killed a creature out of his dungeons range he wouldn't get any CP, but during the wave all was fair game aw the range didn't matter anymore, killing was the way to go.