
Dungeon Resonance

Fate Bloodheart opened his eyes and found himself trapped in a dungeon alongside a girl named Lilith Dreamweaver, all they had in their minds were questions, but sadly the dungeon isn't somewhere where you can stay still and think. Before Fate and Lilith can find answers to their situation they are thrust into battle against the monsters of the dungeon, and with this, they find their first purpose... conquer the dungeon or die.

Lv1_Author · Fantasy
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Where Am I?

Fate opened his eyes to an unfamiliar ceiling, and realizing he had no idea where he was he quickly sat up and instinctively opened his status window.


Name: [Fate Bloodheart]

Age: [16]

Mana Core: ---

Gift: [Mana Resonance]

Heart Bond: [Lilith Dreamweaver]

Mana Arts: ---

"Where am I?" Fate muttered to himself while trying to look through his memories, but all he could find was a gray fog.

"Ugh," Fate heard a sound from behind.

Fate turned around to see a young girl with black hair and violet-colored eyes staring back at him.

Though he couldn't remember everything about the girl in front of him he could remember her name: Lilith Dreamweaver his best friend...

"Fate?" She asked, her mind still groggy from just waking up.

"Yeah, it's me Lilith... do you remember anything, like how we got here?" Fate asked

Lilith closed her eyes to think while having a worried look on her face before she opened her eyes and shook her head.

"No, I don't remember anything, I'm sorry..." She apologized.

"Sigh... there's no need to apologize, Lilith, I don't know anything either."

Lilith nodded her head before pouting. "Fate, how many times do I have to tell you to call me Lily?"

Fate chuckled. "Sorry Lily, my memories are a bit foggy so I forgot."

Lily smiled before she and Fate started looking around the room they were in.

The room itself was big enough to be a hotel bedroom, but there was no furniture in it except for a small table and two chairs surrounding it. There was only one door and no windows.

On top of the table sat one book alongside a white envelope.

Fate and Lily looked at one another before heading towards the table sitting down and opening the white envelope. Inside they found only a single piece of paper with a couple of words written on it.

-To: Fate Bloodheart and Lilith Dreamweaver

Welcome to my Experiment

-From: The Professor