
Dungeon Resonance

Fate Bloodheart opened his eyes and found himself trapped in a dungeon alongside a girl named Lilith Dreamweaver, all they had in their minds were questions, but sadly the dungeon isn't somewhere where you can stay still and think. Before Fate and Lilith can find answers to their situation they are thrust into battle against the monsters of the dungeon, and with this, they find their first purpose... conquer the dungeon or die.

Lv1_Author · Fantasy
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The Letter

-To: Fate Bloodheart and Lilith Dreamweaver

Welcome to my Experiment.

I have chosen you two children for this experiment based on your genius-level talent and your gifts. Fate Bloodhearts gift [Mana Resonance] which has untapped potential and Lilith Dreamweavers gift [Heart Bond] which permanently connects the two of you.

I may have kidnapped you two from your families...

But, congratulations! You now have a chance to make history as part of my experiment which I have codenamed: Genesis.

The purpose of Genesis is to study the behavior of two genius awakened. Both subjects are genius-level talents unaffected by outside knowledge while knowing the basics of mana theory.

P.S.: You two are currently trapped in a dungeon with 100 floors, and don't forget to look at the book on mana theory!!

-From: The Professor

"Well... shit," Fate Mumbled.


"OWW!!" Fate grabbed his head

"Watch your language Fate!" Lily yelled at him.

"What else am I supposed to say? We've been kidnapped and trapped in a dungeon as an experiment by some weirdo who can't even make a good code name!" Fate yelled back

Lily looked at him dryly. "Well, then we just have to clear the dungeon to escape don't we?"

Fate looked up at her with what could be called a crazy glint in his eyes. "Clear the dungeon... Lily, this is the best vacation ever!"

"...What a battle maniac..." She muttered with a smile

As far as Lily could remember, Fate had been studying sword theory and battle strategy as a kid so when he finally awakened at the age of sixteen he would be able to fight to his heart's content.

Lily on the other hand had been studying the structure of magic spells, so that when Fate became a swordsman she would be able to cover his back with her magic.

While Lily had been reminiscing about their childhood Fate had grabbed the book about basic mana theory off the table and was reading it.

While reading the book Fate was feeling parts of the fog in his memory clear up. His memories about basic mana theory unlocked themselves, but his other memories like his knowledge about how to form Mana Circles or Stars stayed behind the fog.

Since reading the book was unlocking memories he already had, it didn't take long for Fate to finish it and hand it to Lily.

Lily all the while Fate was reading the book was focusing on her gift [Heart Bond], which allowed her to bond herself to one person with a permanent connection that currently only allowed her to feel the feelings of the person bonded to her.

With it, Lily could feel Fate's excitement about the idea of fighting the monsters in the dungeon and eventually conquering it.

Similar to Fate's experience reading the book, Lily's memories appeared out of the gray fog allowing her access to her knowledge of basic mana theory.

When she finished reading the book she made eye contact with Fate.

"Any ideas?" Fate asked

Lily nodded. "We need to make a method of advancing our mana cores... If we still knew the Circle or Star method we could have used those, but it seems this 'Professor' locked those memories away.

Fate nodded. "As far as I remember, the purpose of the Circle and Star methods is to expand the amount of mana that can be contained in the mana core... So we need to come up with ideas to do something similar."

"It will also have to be repeatable, as with the basic theory. Every method can be used up to ten times... with the Circle method this would lead to mages at the 10th Circle while the star method would lead to 10-Star martial artists." Lilith added

Fate stood still for a moment before a weird look came across his face.

"What is it?" Lily asked.

"Well... this might sound weird, but what if we just... wrap a layer of mana around our core and condense it until it crystallizes?" Fate asked

Lily looked at Fate weirdly. "Would something that simple even work?"

Fate shrugged. "We won't know until we try, and it seems like this 'Professor' guy gave us enough resources to advance to the first stage of whatever method we came up with." Fate pointed at a stack of items in a corner of the room.

Lily didn't know if she wanted to laugh or cry at Fates simple, but somehow ridiculous method.