I hate the sky. It’s just empty. I wonder why people liked to look at the sky. They say it’s relaxing,beautiful and blabla-. When I look at it, I get bored easily and it somehow irritates me sometimes. Why is it? Eugene sometimes thought that his life is empty. Other might look at his life and think otherwise. But somehow he feels that way and it concerns him. Thus a few events led him to a change of heart. But he wonders. Would his suicidal thoughts ever go away somehow?
The sky was dark…..
..Or so I think. I wasn't even paying attention to the sky.
The lighter fired up was brought close to my mouth. The cigarette was lit and I took a deep inhale.
I exhaled a good amount of smoke.
Hmm…Taste like shit.
I don't really like the taste of smoke. Mainly the reason I started smoking was because friend's influence.. and I thought it was cool.
Somehow it just became a habit. Though I wasn't really addicted to it and I could quit anytime I want.
Hahaha.. that's what every addicts say. But I'm being honest when I say that because I never really had the need to smoke and I don't really smoke that frequent.
As I continue to smoke, I actually stared up the sky this time to look at the view of the night.
The sky is dark, stars were glimmering here and there. As I lowered my view a bit, maze of buildings was seen. The city is quite lively considering the time right now.
If you ask me, I prefer the night city view than the sky. It just seems much more lively.
That's why I feel blessed to be able to live in the city.
The smoke started to taste weird and the length of the cigarette is miniscule now.
I throw the cigarette onto the ground and step on it with my sandal to light it out. Then I kicked the cigarette and it flew from the balcony.
The night breeze is getting chilly so I walked towards my room and took off my sandals before going in.
I closed the balconys' door and went inside. Then I went into my room.
My rooms' view was seen. The room was quite spacious. Directly to my left, there is a somewhat wide table with a monitor and gaming gear on it. Right below the table is the PC. Then to the left of the room is my bed.
It's not exactly the most luxury but I'm really content with my room.
On the PC screen is a tab of Discord and Spotify opened. I walked towards the PC and turned it off then shut down the PC.
I had just finished a long session of gaming before I went to smoke. So right now I really want to rest.
I jumped onto my bed.
Ahhh~ it's so comforting..
I took out my phone to set off alarms. Though, I doubt it's actually useful as it's already late and I would probably oversleep anyway.
But who cares, it's better to take a safe measure.
I closed my phone and put in beside the pillow and I start to close my eyes.
No thoughts came and I fell into sleep easily as I was already tired.
Ah, the sound of the alarm is heard.
Aghhh… I'm still very sleepy but I still worked up the courage to open my eyes and close the alarm.
It's currently 7.33 a.m. The alarm just now was the second one I set so I luckily didn't overslept.
But damn, it's still a hassle to wake up this early for school.
Yes, I'm a highschool student. Although I smoke, I'm still a student studying at Kita High School. Quite a prestigious school.
"Fuck me."
Though it's not a strange thing to me now, it's still hassling to have to wake up only after a 2 hour sleep.
I took a shower and brushed my teeth. Then I changed into my school uniform then before I went out my room, I took my school bag with me.
Outside my room is the apartment living room. The apartments' full room came into view. It's quite spacious and comfortable especially for someone living alone like me.
I went to the kitchen and start preparing breakfast. I just cooked a simple chicken slice sandwich and ate it up quickly.
Thus after finishing cleaning up, I went out of my apartment to start my journey to school.
I took the elevator. My apartment room is mot that high so it didn't take long to reach the ground floor.
The elevators' door opened and I walked out of it into the lobby. When I reached outside of the building, I looked at the sky and my eyes turned bland.
There it is.. The sky.. as dull as ever.