
Duality Warrior In One Piece

You know the rules, a person dies, meets god/gods gets some powers and goes to a fictional world. MC will focus getting stronger while enjoying his life adventuring, so he won't join Luffy's crew and he won't go searching for the One piece like the rest of the pirates. P.S Read the aux chapters because i wrote some important details and heads ups about what to expect from my works.

Kurama24 · Anime & Comics
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Together Forever

(West Blue, year 1502)

In west blue, there lies an island with houses built surrounding an old tree that is said to be at least 1000 years old called the tree of knowledge. This island is known to many as Ohara, home to researchers that live and die to study and uncover knowledge. The main research is done in the center of the island inside the house built on the tree of knowledge.

On the farthest end of this island there are 2 children. One child appears to be an 8 year old boy with short brown hair with brown eyes, while the other is an 8 year old girl with shoulder length black hair and cerulean blue eyes. Said children can be seen eating sandwiches while sitting next to a castle made of sand.

"Jack, are you sure about this? Do you really think we should leave Ohara in the future?" Asked the little girl to the boy now known as Jack.

"I'm sure about it Robin. Why should we stay here on this island where your family hates you, and a bunch of people that ignore you? Not to mention I'm getting the same treatment just because I'm friends with you. So let's escape in the future to travel all the seas, that way we can find your mom and you get to experience adventure and live research instead of staying cooped up in a room reading boring papers. The only good person here is the old geezer clover." Replied Jack to the girl called Nico Robin.

"Mm, I trust your decision and uhm will we stay together during all our adventures or will you leave me?" Robin asked in a low voice with head lowered hiding her shy expression.

"You already know the answer to that Robin, did you forget what we promised each other 2 months ago on your birthday?"

"No I didn't, I still remember. We will be together, Always. Like a family" Robin recounted as a large smile was shown on her face as she remembered that promise. Out of everyone on the island, Jack who is an orphan was left in Ohara by Nico Olivia whom happens to be Robin's mom. Jack was rescued as a baby from an unknown group of people that were wearing all white and masks. Ever since then he made friends with most of the kids on the island but one day when they saw him approach Robin and befriend her, they all quickly isolated away from him as if he became infected with the plague and no longer approached him. Ever since then Jack and Robin became inseparable, they always played and ate together, even sharing secrets with each other.

A brief Intro about mc pre-awakening. Don't forget to vote on which fic I should write about. This OP fic is probably gonna be the main focus since I have the most knowledge about it compared to dc and jjk not to mention I've already planned who the crew is, there travels etc...

The double trouble fic is my 2nd focus since it's a dc slice of life so i can use it to unwind, and I might add another dc book but with double male mcs since i have nice ideas for it.

The dreaded one is on hold until I'm done with season 2 (I'm at the end of shibuya incident)

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