
Dual Destiny: I Am The Special One

Smart MC_ Check ✓ Op MC_ Check ✓ Interesting characters_ Check ✓ World building_ Check ✓ In 2030, a strange and powerful force called Chaos Energy swept across the Earth. This energy had a terrible effect, transforming humans and animals into monstrous, violent creatures called Mutants. However, at the same time, a brilliant light descended upon a select few humans. This light granted them extraordinary abilities, known as talents, making them far stronger and faster than ordinary people. These special individuals became known as the Chosen. The arrival of dark energy and the emergence of the Chosen ignited a massive war, a war that would forever change the fate of the planet. _____ Three hundred years later, the Earth was almost unrecognizable. The war had reshaped the planet, dividing it into two vast territories: one controlled by humans and the other overrun by Mutants. Humans, who once ruled the world alone, had been forced to adapt to sharing their planet with these powerful creatures. It had been a long and difficult adjustment, but they had learned to survive. Over the centuries, many more Chosen had been born among the humans. Similarly, exceptionally powerful Mutants emerged from the mutated hordes, creating a tense balance of power between the two sides. The war raged on, but neither side could gain a decisive advantage. _____ Kyoji Renn, a young man of twenty-six, was born into this divided world. He grew up hearing tales of the Chosen, revered as heroes and worshipped for their incredible powers. Yet, Kyoji was not one of them. When he turned sixteen, he underwent the Blessing, a sacred ritual where humans prayed to the mysterious gods (whose existence only became known during the chaos) for a chance to receive a talent. Unfortunately, Kyoji's Blessing failed. Though disappointed, Kyoji refused to give up on his dream of gaining power. He dedicated himself to research, seeking a way to unlock hidden potential without relying on the gods. He believed that somewhere within the human body, incredible power lay dormant, waiting to be awakened. Years later, Kyoji felt he was on the verge of a breakthrough. He had been conducting experiments on captured Mutants, hoping to unlock the secrets of their transformation. But tragedy struck. One of the creatures, far stronger than he anticipated, broke free from its confines. Kyoji, caught off guard, couldn't escape the creature's wrath and was killed. Or so he thought. When he opened his eyes, he found himself in an awe-inspiring hall, standing before nine majestic statues radiating an otherworldly aura. He realized with shock that he had been reborn, sent back to the day of his failed Blessing ceremony. Join Kyoji Renn on an epic journey as he seizes this second chance. Driven by the knowledge of future events and armed with an unyielding determination, Kyoji sets out to unravel the mysteries behind Earth's transformation, uncover the truth behind the gods, and fulfill his destiny in a world teetering on the brink of annihilation. ___________________ Release schedules. _Two chapters daily or three maybe, depends on how much time i have. _For every 100 powerstone_ 1 bonus chapter. _For every 100 Golden ticket_ 2 bonuse chapter. _For every super gift_ 3 bonus chapter.

I_Love_Ramen · Fantasy
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19 Chs

Chapter 6. Time.

[Congratulations, Candidate 127 – Kyoji Ren, you have received an F-tier talent.] The metallic voice echoed through the temple, leaving a trail of stunned silence in its wake.

Even Miss Anna, usually so composed, looked visibly taken aback.

If it weren't for the unmistakable dull grey emanating from the Chromatic Sphere, she would have questioned her own ears.

Everyone knew what the colors of the sphere signified when it came to talent tiers. Dull grey meant F-tier, the lowest of the low. Cloudy brown represented E-tier, muddy green was for D-tier, pale blue for C-tier, vibrant green for B-tier, shining gold for A-tier, and brilliant white for S-tier. Finally, the legendary SS-tier talent, it makes the sphere cycle through a mesmerizing rainbow of hues.

Despite their hopes, the evidence was right before them. The Chromatic Sphere had spoken, and Kyoji had received an F-tier talent. But how could this be? He had elicited a reaction from all nine statues of the gods – an almost unheard-of feat. Did this mean he possessed an incredibly rare and powerful F-tier talent? Or was this a sign that the gods deemed his devotion insufficient, punishing him with the lowest tier? These questions plagued the minds of everyone present.

Meanwhile, Kyoji stood motionless before the altar. While many assumed he was paralyzed by shock and disappointment, they were mistaken. Kyoji's gaze was fixed on a shimmering screen visible only to him.

[Congratulations, Kyoji, you have awakened a talent – Time (Evolvable(F))].

The words on the screen sent a wave of bewilderment through Kyoji. Awakened a talent? This wasn't the divine bestowal of power everyone expected. Had he, Kyoji, somehow awakened this talent within himself?

It suddenly dawned on him. In his previous life, the gods had deemed him unworthy of their gifts. Perhaps nothing had changed. Perhaps his journey back in time had triggered something within him, awakening a power that defied the gods. It would certainly explain why they had tried to crush him earlier.

Time manipulation, as his newfound talent suggested, was the ultimate taboo. Even though Kyoji had no idea how he had traveled a decade back in time, he knew he couldn't have done it on his own. Some higher power was at play – another deity beyond the nine, perhaps, or an entity entirely different.

As confusion swirled within him, a voice cut through his thoughts, yanking him back to reality.

"Congratulations, Candidate 127 – Kyoji Ren, for receiving a talent from the gods and becoming an official Chosen," the military officer announced formally.

"Thanks," Kyoji responded automatically.

Misinterpreting Kyoji's stoic expression as hidden disappointment, the officer let out a sigh.

"Listen, kid, don't let an F-tier talent get you down," he said, his voice booming through the temple, reaching not only Kyoji but every soul present.

"Talent doesn't define a Chosen. It's about what you do with it. History is full of individuals with F-tier talents who rose above their limitations and reached the pinnacle of power. Determination and the will to grow stronger – those are the qualities that truly matter."

The officer's words served as a powerful reminder to everyone present, those who had received their Blessings and those who were yet to face their fate. Talent was just a starting point. It was the journey that truly counted.

"I understand, sir," Kyoji replied, his voice maintaining its calm, neutral tone.

"Good. You have a long road ahead, kid. Don't let this early setback define your journey," the officer encouraged, his tone shifting to one of firm encouragement.

"Get out there and show 'em, boy!" he boomed, as if addressing a fresh recruit on a military base.

Kyoji understood the implied "them" – the mutants, humanity's sworn enemies.

"I will, sir," Kyoji affirmed.

"That's the spirit! I like your fire. You should consider joining the military after the academy," the officer suggested with a bright grin.

"I'll keep that in mind, sir," Kyoji replied. He couldn't quite muster a genuine smile in return, but he found himself warming up to the man's earnestness.

"Alright, that's enough chatter. Candidate 127, you are free to step down from the altar," Miss Anna interjected abruptly, her voice taking on a sharp edge.

Her earlier respect, born from the assumption that Kyoji hailed from a prestigious family, had vanished along with the revelation of his F-tier talent. It was a simple equation for her: status equaled worth.

She knew that elite families, like the esteemed Gilles clan, had strict rules regarding bloodline and talent. A minimum of a D-tier talent was required for entry into the main family line. Anything lower relegated one to the outer branches. As for those unfortunate enough to receive an F-tier talent? They bore the family name, but held no true standing or influence.

To Miss Anna, Kyoji's value had plummeted. With no potential for gain, she saw no reason to maintain even a facade of respect.

Kyoji, however, remained unfazed by her dismissive attitude. He had bigger concerns than the opinions of those who measured worth solely on social standing.

With a curt nod to the military officer, he descended the altar steps and rejoined the other candidates.

The officer's words resonated within him. The difference between an SS-tier fire talent and an F-tier one was undeniable in terms of raw power. However, true strength lay in application. An SS-tier talent wielded ineptly was no more useful than, or perhaps even less than, an F-tier one.

Kyoji's talent, however, held a unique advantage – it was Evolvable. This meant that with dedication and understanding, he could potentially push it beyond its current limitations, perhaps even reaching the coveted SS-tier. Of course, there was also the risk that it might stagnate, failing to evolve at all. It all hinged on his comprehension of its intricacies.

He knew this journey of understanding would be a solitary one. No external guidance could substitute for personal insight. He had to unravel the mysteries of [Time] himself.

As he reached his previous position, he spotted Tristan grinning mischievously. He could already predict the other boy's taunt.

"Hey, Stoneface," Tristan called out, "What'd you get? Something tells me it's related to your mommy and daddy issues!" His words sparked a wave of laughter from the surrounding candidates.

Kyoji's expression remained unchanged. "Not quite," he responded calmly. "Interested in knowing what my talent is called?"

The laughter died down instantly, replaced by a wave of curiosity that washed over the crowd. All eyes turned to Kyoji.

Tristan's face contorted in anticipation of a cutting retort.

"What is it?" someone asked, earning a venomous glare from Tristan.

"It's called 'Fat Pig Slayer,'" Kyoji stated flatly, a hint of amusement in his eyes.

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